Скачать презентацию Create demand in the construction industry for green Скачать презентацию Create demand in the construction industry for green


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Create demand in the construction industry for green building Projects: Developement Of Green Building Create demand in the construction industry for green building Projects: Developement Of Green Building Create spin-off from Green Solution House to bornholmian production companies Maintain a strong educational system in the construction industry Camilla Sandfeld, projektchef Business Center Bornholm

Why create demand for energywise renovation • 40 % of our total energy consumption Why create demand for energywise renovation • 40 % of our total energy consumption in the west is used for heating houses • 98 % of all building activity is renovation

Renovation boom ahead Annual value of needed renovation in the building stock – single-family Renovation boom ahead Annual value of needed renovation in the building stock – single-family houses Based on information from Danish Statistics combined with a technical assessment on the lifetime of various building parts

The focus of house buyers on the energy consumption of a house when choosing The focus of house buyers on the energy consumption of a house when choosing a house 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes, I focus on low energy con-sumption Yes, I focus on high energy consumption The energy consumption does not effect my choice I haven’t thought about it Based on 2. 284 users of www. boligsiden. dk Other

The energy label of a house and the length of the time before sale The energy label of a house and the length of the time before sale 250 A - mærke B - mærke C - mærke D - mærke E - mærke F - mærke G - mærke 200 150 100 50 0 A - mærke B - mærke C - mærke D - mærke E - mærke F - mærke G - mærke Based on registrations from houseowners. Source: www. boligsiden. dk

The scale of energy labels on houses for sale on Bornholm 02/28/13 A 0, The scale of energy labels on houses for sale on Bornholm 02/28/13 A 0, 3 % B 0, 8 % C 8, 1 % D 23, 8 % E 24, 3 % F 20, 6 % G 22, 1 % Source 602 house for sale 02/28/13 – Source: www. boligsiden. dk

 Giant potential • • • For the building industry For building product business Giant potential • • • For the building industry For building product business For the municipality For banks For realtors On a bornholmian home marked

House owner House owner

Håndværker Rådgiver/ arkitekt BRK Ejendomme som rollemodel BRK miljø og plan Forsynings selskaber Viden Håndværker Rådgiver/ arkitekt BRK Ejendomme som rollemodel BRK miljø og plan Forsynings selskaber Viden BRK Byggesagsbe handling Byggemarked Køkkenmand Bank og Kredit House owner Borgerrettede akti. Ejendoms mægler

Håndværker Rådgiver/ arkitekt BRK Ejendomme som rollemodel BRK miljø og plan Forsynings selskaber BRK Håndværker Rådgiver/ arkitekt BRK Ejendomme som rollemodel BRK miljø og plan Forsynings selskaber BRK Byggesagsbe handling Byggemarked Køkkenmand Viden Demand Bank og Kredit House owner Borgerrettede akti. Ejendoms mægler

Håndværker Rådgiver/ arkitekt BRK Ejendomme som rollemodel BRK miljø og plan Forsynings selskaber BRK Håndværker Rådgiver/ arkitekt BRK Ejendomme som rollemodel BRK miljø og plan Forsynings selskaber BRK Byggesagsbe handling Byggemarked Køkkenmand Viden Demand Bank og Kredit House owner Borgerrettede akti. Ejendoms mægler

Håndværker Rådgiver/ arkitekt BRK Ejendomme som rollemodel BRK miljø og plan Forsynings selskaber BRK Håndværker Rådgiver/ arkitekt BRK Ejendomme som rollemodel BRK miljø og plan Forsynings selskaber BRK Byggesagsbe handling Byggemarked Køkkenmand Viden Demand Bank og Kredit House owner Borgerrettede akti. Ejendoms mægler

Awareness Impartial energy advise Safe and qualified deals and execution Awareness Impartial energy advise Safe and qualified deals and execution

10. 000 house ownerd get a visit thru 2013 and 2014. A cooperation between 10. 000 house ownerd get a visit thru 2013 and 2014. A cooperation between the energy supply companies Awareness

Web, adds articles, radio and TV-spots Awareness Web, adds articles, radio and TV-spots Awareness

Exhibitions on Bornholm and in the rest of Denmark Awareness Exhibitions on Bornholm and in the rest of Denmark Awareness

Finansing of 400 impartial energy advise visits Impartial energy advise § 300 for free Finansing of 400 impartial energy advise visits Impartial energy advise § 300 for free (value dkkr 1. 500) § 100 at dkkr 1. 250 (value dkkr 5. 000) § Creating ownership for a longlasting model of funding for impartial energy advisers

Safety and quality for the house owner Safe and qualified deals and execution • Safety and quality for the house owner Safe and qualified deals and execution • 146 out of the islands construction workers have taken the Green Building Education • 43 of the islands construction industry owners are certified energy advisers

Safety and quality for the house owner Safe and qualified deals and execution • Safety and quality for the house owner Safe and qualified deals and execution • ”The Green List” with 25 companies, der have both have employed energy advisers and Green Construction workers www. groenliste. dk • Further inspiration on www. groentbyggeri. dk

Tryghed for kunden ift. viden og kvalifikationer Safe and qualified deals and execution • Tryghed for kunden ift. viden og kvalifikationer Safe and qualified deals and execution • ”Den grønne liste” med 25 virksomheder både er energivejledere og har grønne håndværkere ansat www. groenliste. dk • Masser inspiration fra andre at hente på www. groentbyggeri. dk

Safety and quality for the house owner Safe and qualified deals and execution • Safety and quality for the house owner Safe and qualified deals and execution • ”The Green List” with 25 companies, der have both employed both energy advisers and Green Construction workers www. groenliste. dk • Further inspiration on www. groentbyggeri. dk

Tryghed for kunden ift. viden og kvalifikationer Safe and qualified deals and execution • Tryghed for kunden ift. viden og kvalifikationer Safe and qualified deals and execution • ”Den grønne liste” med 25 virksomheder både er energivejledere og har grønne håndværkere ansat www. groenliste. dk • Masser inspiration fra andre at hente på www. groentbyggeri. dk

Tryghed for kunden ift. viden og kvalifikationer Safe and qualified deals and execution • Tryghed for kunden ift. viden og kvalifikationer Safe and qualified deals and execution • ”Den grønne liste” med 25 virksomheder både er energivejledere og har grønne håndværkere ansat www. groenliste. dk • Masser inspiration fra andre at hente på www. groentbyggeri. dk

Tryghed for kunden ift. viden og kvalifikationer Safe and qualified deals and execution • Tryghed for kunden ift. viden og kvalifikationer Safe and qualified deals and execution • ”Den grønne liste” med 25 virksomheder både er energivejledere og har grønne håndværkere ansat www. groenliste. dk • Masser inspiration fra andre at hente på www. groentbyggeri. dk

Tryghed for kunden ift. viden og kvalifikationer Safe and qualified deals and execution • Tryghed for kunden ift. viden og kvalifikationer Safe and qualified deals and execution • ”Den grønne liste” med 25 virksomheder både er energivejledere og har grønne håndværkere ansat www. groenliste. dk • Masser inspiration fra andre at hente på www. groentbyggeri. dk

Awareness Impartial energy advise Safe and qualified deals and execution Awareness Impartial energy advise Safe and qualified deals and execution

Awareness Impartial energy advise Safe and qualified deals and execution Awareness Impartial energy advise Safe and qualified deals and execution

Awareness Specific energy loan on special terms Impartial energy advise Safe and qualified deals Awareness Specific energy loan on special terms Impartial energy advise Safe and qualified deals and execution

A bank loan for outskirt areas • • • 3, 5 % p. a. A bank loan for outskirt areas • • • 3, 5 % p. a. Up to Dkkr 200. 000 Without economic security in the house Only with documentation of bills Only if you become a full-customer in the bank

A bank loan for outskirt areas with falling house prizes • • • 3, A bank loan for outskirt areas with falling house prizes • • • 3, 5 % p. a. Up to Dkkr 200. 000 Without economic security in the house Only with documentation of bills Only if you become a full-customer in the bank

A new and great marked to attract new customers to smaller banks: Muligheder • A new and great marked to attract new customers to smaller banks: Muligheder • Customers that the bank wants entering the door • Customers with stabil loan expenses in stead of unpredictable rising expenses for energy • Customers with loans that almost pay themselves back • Customers with healthy houses • – and families • Customers with more salable houses

Points to be made: • More funding for developement and recruitment in the workforce Points to be made: • More funding for developement and recruitment in the workforce post-educational system • More funding for awareness raising • More focus on refurbishing the envelope of a house – not just developement of technical/installational solutions • Focous on financing of energy renovation in outskirt areas

For further information Camilla Sandfeld, Project Chief cs@bornholm. biz - tel: +45 30 70 For further information Camilla Sandfeld, Project Chief cs@bornholm. biz - tel: +45 30 70 20 34