- Количество слайдов: 22
CPU Scoresheet Instructions (May 06 upgrade) You will need a copy of the scoresheet program for each lifting session. Before you start practicing, save a copy of the program to a safe location!! Note: Some of the pictures may have come from a different version of the program and may not look exactly the same as the version you are working with. If you have problems or something isn’t working, please let me know so I can fix it. Joe Marksteiner Work: 513 -552 -2122 - joe. marksteiner@ae. ge. com Home: 513 -755 -6878 - Stein. Mark@aol. com Cell: 513 -477 -0775 1
Before Loading the PL Program 1. Open Excel 2. Change the security level in Excel 1. Click on Tools in the top of the screen 2. In the drop down Tools menu select Macro 3. In the Macro dropdown menu select Security 4. When the Security window pops up, choose Medium 5. If you have more than one lifting session, you will need a copy of the program for each session. 2
Program Setup Page (start here) Select Lb or Kg depending on the platform weight set – it will hi-light the area for you to provide the data. Select Lb or Kg depending on the Weighin scale – it will automatically be transferred to the Weigh-in and Lifting sheets. Select the flights for each wt class. At weigh-n lifters will automatically be assigned to the designated flight. When you type in a meet name it is automatically loaded into the print header for the results pages, the placing page and into the title line on the Awards page. Select the type of meet from the pull down menu. Div-Wt. Cls-Total - Example Men’s Open lifters will compete against each other based on Weight class and total. Div-Wilks – Example Men M 4 lifters will compete against each other based on their Total x Wilks. Coeff Div-Wilks-Age – lifters will compete against each other based on Total x Wilks Coef x Age Coeff. Age coefficients are not shown on the lifting page – to see them Un. Hide the DATA sheet A caution note will pop up when you click the Reset button – select OK or Cancel. 3
Weigh-in Sheet The Weigh-in sheet is provided to make entering data easier and reduce the chances of overwriting or deleting something important on the Lifting sheet. If you have the Names of the lifters and their intended weight class you can type those in and assign Lot #’s before weigh-in. The program will accommodate 8 flights (A-H). If you assigned flights by gender and weight class on the Setup page, the correct flight will automatically be entered for the lifter. Or the pull down list in the Flight cell to assign those values. Name and Age are self-explanatory. Use the pull down list for Div – the list will show the division you entered on the Setup. Then type in rack height for Squat (RH Sq), Squat 1, RH Bp, Bench 1 and Deadlift 1. The Placing Code should also be assigned automatically based on your inputs on the Setup sheet – if not or you want to change them you can select one from the drop down menu. Select PL for powerlifting, BP for Bench only, or Both if a lifter is competing in both categories (this column only appears for Pl plus BP and Ironman plus BP contests. When you’re done click the box at the top to move the weigh-in data to the Lifting sheet (this is a one time event). If you need to make changes/corrections after this, do it on the Lifting sheet (see page 10). 4
Spreadsheet Instructions The screen is divided into 2 basic areas – the Current Attempt Area at the top which shows the information for the lift being performed on the platform. Most of your actions during the meet will be in this area. The only thing you do in this area is mouse click – Don’t try to type anything here! The Scoresheet Area is used to record division, weight class, Wilks coefficient, lot number etc at weigh-in and next attempts during the meet. A timer (I use the Xnote Stopwatch program available on the web) can be added to the sheet in any open area. Don’t delete any columns or cells or type in the gray areas of the screen – it will probably disable the macros. This section may be blank in the version of the program you are using. I tailor that section for each meet like Men’s, Master’s or High School Nationals. If you are familiar with Excel you can use the lifter’s division, and weight class (next to the name blocks) as lookup arguments for your own record information. You can also use the zoom control as necessary for the best display. 5
Basic Controls Name pulldown – this list displays the names of the lifters in the flight at the top of the lifting order - you can select any lifter in the current flight from this list. The lifter’s name will be highlighted in yellow in the scoresheet area. Attempt pulldown – select the current attempt from this list. When you select Squat 1, Bench 1 or Deadlift 1, the program sorts the opening attempts in all the flights. When you select 2 nd, 3 rd or 4 th attempts it only sorts the flight at the top of the lifting order. The column header for this lift will be highlighted in yellow in the scoresheet area. Note that 4 th attempt column is usually hidden, but selecting it here will unhide the column on this sheet and the Results sheets. Good and No. Lift buttons – tell the program if the lift selected with the Name and Attempt puldowns was passed by the refs or turned down. They change the color of the weight on the bar (just to the left at E 3 and E 4) – Green for Good and Red for No-Lift. These buttons also update the Best Lift value that goes into the lifter’s total. The Next Lifter button advances to the next lifter in the flight (if you are at the end of he current flight it doesn’t do anything). 6
Basic Controls The Changing Flights pulldown (black background block at cell B 8) moves the selected flight to the top of the lifting order. Then select the Squat 1, Bench 1 & Deadlift 1 in C 3 to sort the opening attempts correctly for the new flight and put the first lifter in the name block at C 1. 7
1. 2. 3. When the Weigh-In data was transferred to the lifting sheet the program set 1. flight A at the top of the lifting order 2. Selected Squat 1, Bench 1, or Deadlift 1 in block B 3 as required 4. 3. Set the correct lifting order and 4. Put the name of the first lifter in the name block. 8
1. If you need to make changes to weigh-in data, or add/remove a lifter you must unprotect the sheet first (the program automatically protects itself to minimize the chance of overwriting or deleting important information or disabling the macros). 2. To change a lifter’s information (body weight, age, div etc) unprotect the sheet (see the picture above), make the changes and sort (using the Squat 1, Bench 1, or Dead Lift 1 blocks) if necessary to move him or her to the correct flight and position in the lifting order 3. To delete a lifter, unprotect the sheet, select the row to delete and right click, choose Delete from the dropdown list. 4. To add a lifter, unprotect the sheet and type the name in at the bottom of the name column – the program will copy the formulas and formats to the new row. After you enter all the data (including the flight) Select the appropriate attempt (Squat 1, Bench 1, or Dead Lift 1) from the pull down menu to sort the lifter into the correct flight and position. The scoresheet will automatically reprotect itself when you run the next macro. 9
After all the weigh-in information is loaded – and the sheet is sorted for the first flight you can click the Print Current Sheet button and print out a scoresheet for the Jury table and a one for manual backup at the score table. The Results sheet is formatted for easier printing. The Meet name form the Setup sheet should already be in the header. You can hide/unhide columns but don’t delete any. (Go to the Results sheet and set the margins, etc. – you may need legal paper to display all the information you want. ) Once you get it configured properly you can get a printout of the current sheet any time you want by clicking the Print Current Sheet button on the Lifting sheet. Don’t use this feature if you don’t have a printer connected to your computer. 10
Return to the Lifting sheet and Let the lifting begin! If the 1 st lifter is successful on his attempt, click on the green Good rectangle at H 3, if not click on the red No Lift rectangle at H 4. If you make a mistake and click the wrong one, just click on the correct one. A Good lift will change the color of the Weight blocks to green and a No Lift will change the color to red. It also updates the information in the scoresheet area. Click the Next Lifter button or select from the pulldown list in the name block B 2 -E 2. They will be in the same order as the names in the name column. The program will display the new lifter’s information. When the new lifter is selected, the scoresheet will also show the status of the previous lift Green = Good and Red Strikethrough = No Lift. Continue through the Squat 1 attempts choosing the lifter then selecting Good or No-Lift. If there is a loading or spotter error and the lifter is granted another lift at the end of the round, just type in the correct weight and the cell should turn white indicating that this lift has not been taken. Come back to him/her at the end of the round using the pulldown list in the name block. You must use the Good or No lift macros to ensure the Best Lift value is updated and the subtotal/total are correct. 11
Lifters will be turning in their 2 nd attempts and they can be entered in the Squat 2 column When you enter the next attempt, the scoresheet will automatically resort itself so the next round attempts are in the correct lifting order. It will not change the order for the lifters waiting to lift in the current round. After all the 1 st squats are complete, Select Squat 2 from the dropdown at B 3. The program will sort the 2 nd attempts for the flight at the top of the order and put the 1 st lifter in the name block at B 2. Assign Good or No-Lift to the 2 nd attempts the same way as first attempts. Do 3 rd attempts the same way. There is a hidden 4 th attempt column if you need it (column N). To Unhide the 4 th attempt columns select Squat 4, Bench 4 or Deadlift 4 from the pulldown at B 3. This unhides the 4 th attempt column on the Lifting sheet and the Results sheet. If lifters from the next flight have changes for opening squat attempts, simply enter them in the correct location and the program will update the lifting order. 12
1. 2. 4. At the end of Squats for the first flight: 1. Select the next flight to lift from the pulldown at B 8 – Thjs moves the new flight to the top of the lifting order 2. Select Squat 1 from the dropdown at block C 3 This will sort the 1 st attempts for the new flight and put the first lifter in the name block at B 2. 3. The next flight is now ready to go – choose Good or No-lift 4. Select the next lifter and enter next attempts the same way as before. 5. Follow the above steps for the remaining flights of Squats. 3. 13
If there are changes to opening bench attempts just enter them and the program will sort them correctly – you don’t need to change the flight, the attempts or the lifter to update the next flight’s bench order. 1. When you are done with Squats start with A flight Bench 1 – Select Flt A at the top of the flight column (B 8). 2. Select Bench 1 from the pull-down below the name block 3. Use the Good or No-Lift buttons as appropriate 4. Select Next Lifter or use the pulldown list in the name block. 5. Proceed through Bench the same way you went through Squats. If you are running a PL plus BP meet or an Ironman plus BP meet, the Bench. Results sheet will automatically record the BP results and places when bench presses are completed (it’s activated when you select Deadlift 1) 14
4 th attempts for Bench are in Column T if needed. The Best lift column for each lift does not include 4 th attempts. It also rounds down world records to the closest multiple of 2. 5 for Kilos or 5 for Lbs. 1. Proceed through Bench press the same way you went through Squats using the pulldowns to select the flight, the attempt and the lifter. 2. Select Good or No-Lift for each attempt. After each successful bench, the lifters Sub Total will update. 3. Enter next attempts in the appropriate location. 15
Bench Results You can print out Bench Press results as soon as Bench is over on a separate sheet. The data is transferred when you select Deadlift 1. Simply go to the Bench. Results sheet. The information for all the BP lifters is on the sheet and is sorted by gender Weight class and Best Bench. 16
If there are changes to opening Deadlift attempts just enter them and the scoresheet automatically updates the lifting order. 1. When you are done with Bench start with A flight Deadlift 1 (selecting Deadlift 1 automatically records BP data on the Bench. Results page) 2. Select Flt A at the top of the flight column (B 8). 3. Select Deadlift 1 from the pull-down below the name block 4. The first lifter should be in the name block at B 2. 5. The data for the first lifter in A flight Deadlift will appear in the current attempt area. 17
1. Proceed through Deadlift the same way you went through Squats and Bench using the pulldowns to select the flight, the lifter and the attempt. 2. Select Good or No-Lift for each attempt. After each successful Deadlift the lifters Total, Wilks Total, Age Coef x Wilks, and PL-Div-Wt. Cl are computed automatically and updated. 3. During Deadlift the lifter’s current Total is displayed where rack height had been. When people change 3 rd attempts on deadlift just enter the new attempts in the correct location and the program will automatically re-compute the lifting order. 4. At the end of Deadlift, click on the Sort Results rectangle, the program will arrange the lifters by Gender, Weight Class and Total. 5. The Print Current Sheet button copies the data to the Results sheet that is formatted for easier printing and copying. 18
Results sheet The Results sheet is formatted for easier printing. All the data from the Lifting sheet is transferred to this sheet but may be in a hidden column. You can hide or unhide columns as necessary to show the information you want or to fit the paper in your printer. PL only results will usually fit on letter paper in landscape mode. You may need to use legal size paper if you have 4 th attempts or want to display more columns. Do a test print to make sure you margins, headers & footers etc are correct. Don’t delete any columns on this sheet if you are going to use the program again, otherwise the information from the lifting sheet won’t be in the right columns. You can use the Excel Auto Filter functions to display a particular weigh class or division. 19
Awards This page displays up to 10 lifters/places in the selected Divisions/weight classes at the end of the meet. Data for this page is taken from the Results and Bench. Results pages so those pages must have the current meet information. Select the award categories (Division, Weight Class and Full Meet/Bench Press etc) by clicking on the underlined text and selecting from the dropdown list – these are the only inputs you make on this sheet. For Best Lifter select All weight classes and All divisions. You can resize the page, columns or rows (don’t delete any) to fit your display and you can change the background or add your own meet graphic to the page (just unprotect the sheet). It’s OK to change the text font/size and cell colors too. 20
Clearing Data to Re-use the program Make sure you save your file or you will lose all your data. Go the Setup sheet and click on the box that says: Reset for New Meet and the program will clear all the data in the Weigh-In, Lifting, Bench. Results and Results sheets. 21
Some Notes on the Program • • • The program was written to accommodate up to 8 flights in a session. Someone familiar with Excel can easily hide/unhide columns and resize the display as necessary. They should also be familiar with print commands and formatting. When you click on Good or No Lift it may take several seconds for the macro to run and make all the changes to the spreadsheet – it takes longer if you have a slow processor. It’s a good idea to practice with the program before the meet to get used to the sequence of doing things (start with a blank Weigh-in sheet and simulate a whole meet including print out of the results). Save frequently during the competition!! I did not build in a timer – I found Xnote Stopwatch (http: //www. stopwatchtimer. com/) to work well for PL meets. It has an easy to use countdown timer and it can be resized and placed in any open area of the sheet. I recommend setting up hotkeys to run the clock (I use F 1=start/stop and F 2=Reset) it saves mouse clicks switching from the timer to the scoresheet. 22