- Количество слайдов: 13
Course Enrolment Briefings Registry Oct 2011
Course Enrolment Flow Step 1 – Pre-Enrolment Target Students: current students (Beginning of March / Beginning of October) 24 - 30 October 2011 Release of Class Schedules to Students (Beginning of August / Beginning of December) Step 2 - Course Enrolment Target Students: new / resuming students and current students (One Week Before Class Commencement) 27 - 30 December 2011 Class Commencement Step 3 - Course Add/Drop Target Students: new / resuming students and current students (One Week After Class Commencement) 11 - 13 January 2012
Course Types n Compulsory/Major Courses 必修科目 (C) n General Education Courses 通識教育科目 (GE) n Required Elective Courses 選修科目 (R) n Minor Courses 副修科目 (M) n Distribution/Diversity Elective Courses 分類選修科目 (DE) n Free Elective Courses 自由選修科目 (E) n Physical Education, Music/Art Appreciation Courses 體育、音樂或藝術欣賞科目 (I)
How to read the Study Plan/Enrolment Plan?
Study Plan / Enrolment Plan n FBA (http: //www. umac. mo/fba/bachelor/enrollment_grad_check. html) n FED (http: //www. umac. mo/fed/program. html) n FSH (http: //www. umac. mo/fsh/02 degrees. html) n FST (http: //www. fst. umac. mo/general/degrees. html) n ICMS (http: //www. umac. mo/icms/04_program_offered/bsc_program/bs c_cms_e. html)
Distribution/Diversity Courses
Distribution/Diversity Courses n You may enrol in 4 courses from 4 different disciplines to fulfill the DE requirement. e. g. An Accounting student can enrol in 4 courses from different areas, like Finance / Communication / Education / Computer Sciences, etc. to fulfill the DE requirement. n Course Discipline to be posted at the REG’s Webpage (http: //www. umac. mo/reg/cstudents_enrolment. php)
Other Information n The offering courses will be posted at the REG’s webpage. (http: //www. umac. mo/reg/cstudents_enrolment. php) n You are suggested to read your study plan / enrolment plan before performing the preenrolment.
Course Enrolment Regulations n Enrolment priority for (C, GE, R/M, DE and E) courses Year Level: UF 4 → UF 3 → UF 2 → UF 1 Course Type: C → GE → R/M → DE → E Randomly assigned if all the above criteria are the same n Enrolment priority for (I) courses à Randomly assigned by the system. à Students not enrolling in any of the (I) courses in the past will have higher priority. à Year level of students will not be considered.
Pre-Enrolment 預選科目 n You are required to perform Pre-Enrolment. n You will lose the priority to enrol in the courses if you fail to perform Pre-Enrolment. n Apart from the Compulsory/Major (C) courses, you are suggested to provide all the 3 options for each of the elective courses (GE, R, DE, E). n Pre-Enrolment is NOT on first-come-first-served basis, you can perform it any time within the scheduled period (24 -30 Oct).
Course Enrolment 選科 n Course Enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis and at real-time mode. n You may check your appointment time for Course Enrolment at ISW (http: //isw. umac. mo/) one week before the scheduled period (27 -30 Dec). n The timetables for all the offering classes will be posted at the REG’s webpage. (http: //www. umac. mo/reg/cstudents_enrolment. php)
Course Add / Drop 增修/退修科目 n Course Add/Drop is NOT on first-come-first-served basis but instead a batch process. n You may add or drop the courses during the scheduled period (11 -13 Jan) and results will be released at the ISW. n Requests for adding or dropping courses other than during the add/drop period will not be accepted.
Q&A Thank you!