Country studying -1 (Preparation for ENT ) 50

- Количество слайдов: 101
Country studying -1 (Preparation for ENT ) 50 questions
1.What is the national sport in America?
2.The safest topic for conversation in England is…
3. Christopher Columbus landed in America in ...
Christopher Columbus (1451 - 20 May 1506) was an explorer and trader who crossed the Atlantic Ocean and reached the Americas on October 12, 1492 under the flag of Castile. History places a great significance on his landing in America in 1492, with the entire period of the history of the Americas before this date usually known as Pre-Columbian, and the anniversary of this event, Columbus Day, celebrated in many countries in the Americas. 1492
4.What is “Disneyland”?
Disneyland is an American theme park in Anaheim, California, owned and operated by the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts division of The Walt Disney Company. It was dedicated with a press preview on July 17, 1955, and opened to the general public the following day. Disneyland holds the distinction of being the only theme park to be designed, built, opened, and operated by Walt Disney. Currently the park has been visited by more than 515 million guests since it opened, including presidents, royalty and other heads of state. In 1998, the theme park was re-branded Disneyland Park to distinguish it from the larger Disneyland Resort complex. In 2007, over 14,800,000 people visited the park making it the second most visited park in the world, behind the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World.
5.What is the national emblem of England?
6.Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth’s II …
7.In which city is Hollywood?
ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ СПРАВКА: Лос-Анджелес расположен на западном побережье страны, у подножья гор Сан-Габриэль на побережье Тихого окена. Мягкий климат – лето, практически, круглый год, благодаря защищенности с востока горными массивами. Пейзаж города и окрестностей – разнообразен: холмы и озера, долины и небольшие реки, пышная растительность и пустынные равнины. Los Angeles
8.The colours of the American flag are …
red, white, dark-blue
9.The famous pop-group “The Beatles” came from…
10. Australia is a(n)…
Island continent
11.What is the name of the town where William Shakespeare was born?
12.Where does the President of the USA live and work?
in the White House
13.The word “Albion”, the poetic name of Great Britain, means …
14.A famous American artist is:
Normal Rockwell
15.Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?
in the New York Harbor
16.What is a billion in the USA?
1 000 000 000
17.In American English, freshman means …
18.From the earliest times the… of London depended upon its water-born trade
19.A “jack” is an old name for …
a sailor
20.The Whispering Gallery is remarkable for its ...
21.In the House of Commons the Members sit …
on two sides of the hall
22.Great Britain (включает) England, Scotland and Wales
23.The Scottish lake in which there is supposed to be a monster is …
Loch Ness
24.The oldest part of London is called …
The City
25.What is the name of the oldest and best known public school for boys in Great Britain?
26.What is the capital of Georgia?
27.What is the largest city in Australia?
28.The Capital of Australia is …
29.Nelson’s Column is situated in … in London
Trafalgar Square
30.The capital of New Zealand is …
31.When did the Great Fire of London take place?
32.Who are Prince William and Prince Henry’s parents?
Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer are
33.London stands on the …
34.The Mississippi River is the … waterway in the USA.
35.The Capital of Canada is …
36.Washington, D.C is a…
37.Sherwood Forest is famous for the legendary …
Robin Hood
38.Which ocean separates Europe from the States?
The Atlantic Ocean
39.“Ulster” is another name for …
Northern Ireland
40.“An American tragedy” was written by …
Theodore Dreiser
41.How many states are there in America?
42.What is a national symbol of America?
The bald eagle
43.Who was the 1st president of the USA?
George Washington
44.The national emblem of Scotland is …
The Thistle
45.In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
46.How was the phonogram made?
From a combination of a telephone and telegraph part
47.In which year did the invention of phonograph occur?
48.How did Edison test his new invention?
He read a children’s rhyme
49.The first colonists in America started the tradition of …
Thanksgiving Day
50.Who was the 1st man on the Moon?
Neil Armstrong