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Country Report The 33 rd. ARCASIA Council Meeting October 28 -November 2, 2012 Bali, Country Report The 33 rd. ARCASIA Council Meeting October 28 -November 2, 2012 Bali, Indonesia “Architects leading the Culture of Green Architecture” Korea Institute of Registered Architects (KIRA)

Contents 1. History 2. Office Bearers & Committees 3. Membership Strength 4. Budget 5. Contents 1. History 2. Office Bearers & Committees 3. Membership Strength 4. Budget 5. HQ & Chapters 6. General Assembly 7. Legal Status of the Institute 8. Registration Authority of Architects 9. International Affiliations of the Institute 10. Major Activities during Last Year 11. Publications & Exhibitions 12. Key Issues Faced by the Profession and Architects 13. Plans for the Future

1. History of the Institute 1945 Founded Joseon Institute of Architects 1965 Established Korea 1. History of the Institute 1945 Founded Joseon Institute of Architects 1965 Established Korea Institute of Registered Architects (KIRA) November, 1985 Joined ARCASIA November, 1988 Hosted the 3 rd Asian Congress of Architects October 20, 1994 Changed the name of sub-branch office to regional chapter office September, 1999 Hosted the 10 th ARCASIA Forum June, 2000 Admitted to be the UIA Member Section as an ad hoc body (FIKA) May, 2006 Became a member of APEC Register Architects Central Council December 8, 2006 Completion of a new building (KIRA Headquarter, Total Area of 124, 538 ft 2 with five stories below and seven above the ground) October 27− November 1, 2008 Hosted the 13 th Asian Congress of Architects

2. Office Bearers & Committees Office Bearers • • President : Ar. Kang, Sung 2. Office Bearers & Committees Office Bearers • • President : Ar. Kang, Sung Ik 5 Vice-Presidents 14 Directors 2 Audits Main Committees • • • Central Ethics Committee Policy Committee Administration Committee Finance and Economy Committee Legislation Committee International Relations Committee APEC Architect Monitoring Committee Culture and Public Relations Committee Planning Committee

3. Membership Strength Current status of members As of August, 2012 Categories No. of 3. Membership Strength Current status of members As of August, 2012 Categories No. of members No. of firms Regular Member 8, 538 7, 903 Associate Member 13 - Honorary Member 14 - Special Member 70 - Participating Member - - Student Member - - Total Membership Fees Admission fee: 3, 000 KRW (approximately 2, 694 USD ) Monthly dues of 30, 000 KRW (approximately 27 USD ) 7, 903

4. Budget Fiscal year 2012 : 4, 857, 000 KRW (4. 37 Million USD 4. Budget Fiscal year 2012 : 4, 857, 000 KRW (4. 37 Million USD ) 5. HQ & Chapters HQ office in Seoul / 16 Chapters in cities and provinces 6. General Assembly The 46 th General Assembly (February 28, 2012, KIRA Convention Hall) - Approval of Budget of the year of 2012 and the settlements of the year 2011 - Approval of the establishment of Korea Architects Registration Board (KARB).

7. Legal Status of the Institute Established on October 23, 1965, in accordance with 7. Legal Status of the Institute Established on October 23, 1965, in accordance with the Certified Architects Act KIRA consists of registered architects as members. 8. Registration Authority of Architects Official registration at the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs (MLTM) is essential prior to commencement of practice. 9. International Affiliations of the Institutes International Affiliations 1985~ Joined ARCASIA 2000~ Admitted to be the UIA Member Section as an ad hoc body (FIKA) 1997~ Korea China Japan Registered Architects Organizations Meeting (KIRA, NABAR of PRC, JFABEA of Japan) • Agreements for Cooperation with other Institutes of Architects JFABEA (1985), UMA (1995), JIA (2003), ACE (2008), AIA (2008), ALACE (2010), ASA (2010) FCARM (2011)

10. Major Activities in Last Year (Oct. 2011 -Nov. 2012) 10. 1 Korea Architects 10. Major Activities in Last Year (Oct. 2011 -Nov. 2012) 10. 1 Korea Architects Registration Board (KARB) May 31, 2012 ∙ Korea Architects Registration Board (KARB) was established on May 31, 2012. ∙ Based on Architects Act, Article 38, Clause 3, Item 2, KARB systematically manages the candidates’ professional development, registration and renewal of licensed architects, and continuing education of registered architects, all of which is commissioned to KIRA (Korea Institute of Registered Architects).

10. Major Activities in Last Year (Oct. 2011 -Nov. 2012) 10. 2 Qualifying Examination 10. Major Activities in Last Year (Oct. 2011 -Nov. 2012) 10. 2 Qualifying Examination for Architect’s License KIRA was entrusted with the duty of management and implementation of the Qualifying Examination for Architect’s License and Preliminary Examination for Architect’s License by the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. a) Preliminary Examination Annual exam, May 13, 2012 Subjects: Planning, Structure, Construction, Law & Regulations b) Qualifying Examination Annual exam, 5 cities throughout the nation , Sep. 16, 2012 Subjects: Site Design, Architecture Design 1, Architecture Design 2

10. Major Activities in Last Year (Oct. 2011 -Nov. 2012) 10. 3 Sustainable Architecture 10. Major Activities in Last Year (Oct. 2011 -Nov. 2012) 10. 3 Sustainable Architecture Academy KIRA has successfully managed the Sustainable Architecture Academy since 2009 to foster many design professionals on green architecture. Number of graduates: 549 persons (as of 2012, regular course) 256 persons (as of 2012, special course) 10. 4 APEC Architect Project KIRA, entrusted by MLTM, organized Architect Monitoring Committee and launched APEC Architect Project in Korea since January, 2006. A total of 133 APEC Architects are being registered as of September, 2012. 10. 5 The 4 th Seoul International Architecture Film Festival Period : November 8 -14, 2010 Venue : Art House Momo, Ehwa Womans University, Seoul

11. Publications & Exhibitions 11. 1 Publication: KIRA’s Periodicals KIRA has been publishing monthly 11. Publications & Exhibitions 11. 1 Publication: KIRA’s Periodicals KIRA has been publishing monthly magazine Architect since 1966 and 10, 500 copies are distributed to KIRA members and governmental organizations. KIRA also publishes a newspaper, Architectural Culture News, in every another weeks from the year of 2006 (11, 000 circulations). 11. 2 Publication: Korean Architecture 2011 Introduce all projects which applied for Korean Architecture Award 2011 in over 400 pages of hard covered book (published in April, 2012)

11. Publications & Exhibitions 11. 3 Exhibition: 2012 Korea Architecture Fair and Festival (KAFF) 11. Publications & Exhibitions 11. 3 Exhibition: 2012 Korea Architecture Fair and Festival (KAFF) Period : October 23 -26, 2012 Venue : COEX, Seoul Theme: Green Network Host : KIRA 11. 4 Exhibition : 2012 Korean Architecture Award Period : October 23 -26, 2012 Venue : COEX, Seoul - Established in 1994 - Hosted by the MLTM, Seoul Economy Daily and KIRA - Goals : to find good architecture and encourage architects, clients and contractors for better architectural environments - The highest architectural award program in Korea with presidential awards in 4 different categories

12. Key Issues Faced by the Profession and Architects 12. 1 Amendment of the 12. Key Issues Faced by the Profession and Architects 12. 1 Amendment of the Certified Architects Act Proclamation of the amendment : May 30, 2011 Enforcement : May 31, 2012 ∙ Enhancement of Architect Qualification Examination ∙ Introduction of Architect Qualification Registration System & Enhancement of professional development ∙ Foundation of punishment process for architects ∙ Expansion of requirements for preliminary examination 12. 2 Green Building Creation Support Act Legislation : February 22, 2012 Enforcement : February 23, 2013 ∙ Minister of Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs shall establish a basic plan for green building every five year in order to promote the creation of green building. ∙ Minister of Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs shall establish the energy and greenhouse gas emission information system for buildings.

13. Plans for the Future 13. 1 Establishment of KIRA Education Board (EB) At 13. Plans for the Future 13. 1 Establishment of KIRA Education Board (EB) At the 46 th General Assembly, a proposal of establishing the Architects Education Institute was approved. Its preparing committee has promoted the plan since March , 2012. 13. 2 Architects Pension Project The 46 th General Assembly approved a draft plan for Architects Pension Project which is to secure retired architects and to enhance their welfare.

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