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COUNTER: a practical approach to measuring online usage Peter Shepherd Project Director COUNTER ALA, Chicago, 27 June 2005
Background n Understanding usage n n n Usage statistics n n n Different approaches Role of usage statistics Should enlighten rather than obscure Should be practical Should be reliable Are only part of the story Should be used in context How can usage statistics help us measure… n n n Success? Value? Behaviour?
Why COUNTER? n n Goal: credible, compatible, consistent publisher/vendor-generated statistics for the global information community Libraries and consortia need online usage statistics n n To assess the value of different online products/services To support collection development To plan infrastructure Publishers need online usage statistics n n To experiment with new pricing models To assess the relative importance of the different channels by which information reaches the market To provide editorial support To plan infrastructure
COUNTER: strategy n Respond to the requirements of the international librarian, publisher and intermediary communities n n Limit scope of Release 1 to journals and databases Systematically extend scope of the Code of Practice n n n An open, inclusive and interactive process Representation of all three communities on COUNTER Horizontally, to cover other content types, such as e-books Vertically, to provide more detailed statistics on journals A cost effective-process for all parties involved
COUNTER Codes of Practice n n n n Definitions of terms used Specifications for Usage Reports Data processing guidelines Auditing Compliance Maintenance and development of the Code of Practice Governance of COUNTER
COUNTER: Status n Journals and databases n n n n Release 1 Code of Practice launched in January 2003 Release 2 was published in April 2005 60%+ of Science Citation Index articles now covered A widely adopted standard by publishers and librarians Librarians use in collection development decisions Publishers use in marketing to prove ‘value’ Now being used to develop other metrics and monitor trends Books and reference works n n n Draft Code of Practice published in February 2005 Relevant usage metrics less clear than for journals Different issues than for journals n n Direct comparisons between books less relevant Understanding how different categories of book are used is more relevant
Core COUNTER metrics n Requests for specified content units n Journals: full-text articles n n n Article-level reporting? Books: whole title; sections within title (Chapter, entry) Searches Sessions Turnaways n Simultaneous user licences
Release 1 Usage Reports n Journal Report 1 n n Journal Report 2 n n Total searches and sessions by month and database Database Report 2 n n Turnaways by month and journal Database Report 1 n n Full text article requests by month and journal Turnaways by month and database Database Report 3 n Searches and sessions by month and service
Data processing guidelines n Only valid requests counted n n n Return Code 200 (OK) Return Code 304 (Not modified) Filter out multiple successive clicks on same link by same user n n 10 seconds for html 30 seconds for PDF
Who counts full text requests? n Q: Who counts full text requests? n n n Publisher? Aggregator? E-journal gateway? Link resolver? A: The party that delivers the full text to the user.
Delivery of usage reports n n n CSV, Excel or a file that can be imported into Excel (XML is also an option) On a password controlled website E-mail alert of availability of updated reports Provide reports monthly New reports available within 2 weeks of end of reporting period Current and previous calendar year’s data available
Release 2: Journals and databases n n Published April 2005; implemented 1 January 2006 Features n Improved usability of the reports n n Journal Report 1 extended n n n ‘Publisher’ and ‘Platform’ columns Html and PDF totals reported separately Level 2 reports now optional extras n n n More detailed specifications, including display rules Too detailed Too much data Specifications for consortium-level reports
Consortium reporting requirements n Only two reports apply n n n Vendor must provide (in separate files) n n n Journal Report 1: Number of successful full text article requests by month and journal Database Report 1: Total searches and sessions by month and database Aggregated reports for entire consortium Individual reports for each member institute Aggregated reports include totals for the whole consortium
Audit n n Required within 18 months of compliance with Release 2; annually thereafter Independent auditor Online audit Audit will check each report for n n Layout (correct rows, columns, headings) Format (CSV or Excel) Delivery (E-mail alert, access on password-controlled website) Accuracy (Tolerance is -8% to +2%)
Release 2: Journal Report 1
Draft Code of Practice for books n n Covers online books, encyclopaedias, reference works Developed by a task force of publishers and librarians with expertise in online books Comments on draft will be accepted through December 2005 Final version will be published in early 2006
Draft Code of Practice for books n Book Report 1 n n Book Report 2 n n Turnaways by month and title Book Report 4 n n Number of successful section requests by month and title Book Report 3 n n Number of successful requests by month and title Total searches and sessions by month and title Book Report 5 n Total searches and sessions by month and service
Draft Code of Practice for books n Unit of access may include n n n Entire book Chapter, entry (‘Section’) Page Paragraph Access depends on interface and organization of content n n n Entire book may be one PDF Each chapter may have own PDF Reference works may be organized by topic or section
Looking ahead: other important metrics n Link activity n n n Year of publication n n Journal article, book, chapter, video, soundtrack…… Article level data? n n Use and value of backfiles Type of material n n Where users come from and go to Target and type of target Volume versus value; applications of the data COUNTER is moving towards E-resource Codes of Practice
COUNTER: an application n JISC (UK Joint Information Systems Committee) n n Funded by UK higher education funding councils Supports higher education in the use of information and communications technologies n n n Access to information and communication resources Advice on creation and preservation of digital archives Implications of using ICT Network services and support Research to develop innovative solutions National overview of online journal usage n n Develop a reliable, widely applicable methodology Use COUNTER Journal Report 1 ‘article full-text requests’
JISC Project n COUNTER data was analysed in relation to: n n Metrics derived from this analysis n n n n n usage range Price band Subject category Trend in number of full-text article requests Full text article requests per title Full text article requests per publisher package Full text article requests per FTE user Most requested titles Usage of subscribed vs. . unsubscribed titles Cost per full-text article request Cost per FTE user Summary report available at: www. ebase. uce. ac. uk/projects/NESLi 2. htm
Understanding usage n Usage statistics are an important tool n n If reliable If widely implemented by publishers If widely adopted by customers A useful check on other approaches n n Interviews Focus groups Case studies User surveys n n Publisher Library
What do usage statistics tell us about… n n n Success? Value? Behaviour?
Usage statistics: measuring success n Impact Factor? n n Widely used as a measure of ‘success’ for a journal But… n n Citation habits vary across different scientific fields Citation patterns depend on journal type Citation levels can be ‘managed’. Usage Factor? n n n An alternative measure Relevant in applied fields, where citation levels are lower But…. n n Requires open-ness from publishers about usage data Requires universal adoption of the same standards
Usage statistics: measuring value n JISC Project has identified some basic metrics derived from COUNTER data n n n n Trend in number of full-text article requests Full text article requests per title Full text article requests per publisher package Full text article requests per FTE user Usage of subscribed vs. unsubscribed titles Cost per full-text article request Differences between subject fields But…. n n Limited to data from COUNTER-compliant vendors Does not distinguish between different types of usage
Usage statistics: measuring behaviour n Usage of different components of the journal n n Variations between fields n n TOC, abstract, full-text, references Physics, medicine Variations between institutes n Academic n n Teaching, research, etc Between departments Industrial But…
Conclusions n Usage statistics are one indicator of usage, success and value, provided that…. n n They are reliable Universal standards are adopted Online products are structured to allow reporting of usage statistics at different levels But… n n n They should not be over-complicated or over-interpreted They should be used in context with market research Both publishers and librarians are going to have to organize themselves to generate and handle usage statistics
COUNTER Membership n Member Categories and Annual Fees (2005) n n n Publishers/intermediaries: $750 Library Consortia: $500 Libraries: $375 Industry organization: $375 Library affiliate: $150 (non-voting member) Benefits of full membership n n n Owner of COUNTER with voting rights at annual general meeting, etc. Regular bulletins on progress Opportunity to receive advice on implementation
For more information………. http: //www. projectcounter. org Thank you! Peter Shepherd (Project Director) pshepherd@project. Counter. org