Скачать презентацию Cost reduction efficiency Reduce waste and Скачать презентацию Cost reduction efficiency Reduce waste and


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Cost reduction & efficiency • Reduce waste and inefficiencies in your publications efforts • Cost reduction & efficiency • Reduce waste and inefficiencies in your publications efforts • Reduce your costs • Real world examples from UF: • UF reduced the number of printed publications from 300+ to 150 • Web played a significant role in the reduction

Why are we talking about this? • In this age of financial uncertainty, its Why are we talking about this? • In this age of financial uncertainty, its critical that we evaluate our costs on a regular basis • In this age of the Web, social networks, blogs, etc. , you’ve got to address costs and “original thinking” in everything you do • If you don’t, you could be in for a rough ride

Why are we talking about this? • U of Michigan Expects $2 Billion Loss Why are we talking about this? • U of Michigan Expects $2 Billion Loss by December 31 www. freep. com/article/20081218/NEWS 06/812180496 • U of Louisiana system Must Cut $33. 4 Million www. theadvertiser. com/article/20081217/NEWS 01/81217039 • Arizona: State Universities’ Building Projects in Limbo www. azstarnet. com/metro/272247 • Junior College Squeeze www. newsweek. com/id/175061 • Utah: College Faculty, Staff Can Count on Layoffs www. sltrib. com/education/ci_11256190 • Disappearing Faculty Jobs. www. insidehighered. com/news/2008/12/18/jobs

Let me give you a good example…or two • Copyzilla – 50 copies of Let me give you a good example…or two • Copyzilla – 50 copies of a 150 -page double-sided annual report, all color … photocopied & bound! The cost of creating a document like this, bound and in color, exceeded $5, 000. – Good alternative: a skilled designer could have reduced the size of this report by half without eliminating data. This would have also allowed it to be printed on an offset press, which would have been less expensive, saved paper and resulted in a higher quality document. Even including possible design charges, the cost would have been closer to $3, 000.

Copyzilla • Better alternative: in publications where printed file copies are required, it is Copyzilla • Better alternative: in publications where printed file copies are required, it is becoming perfectly acceptable to print a short executive summary – typically 6 to 8 pages -- and place the remainder of the document online. In this example, the cost would have been around $250 instead of more than $5, 000. • Best alternative: place the entire document online, and send links by email to the recipients explaining UF’s commitment to the environment by converting to electronic delivery.

The Solid Gold Blue Color Bar • A small blue bar was placed on The Solid Gold Blue Color Bar • A small blue bar was placed on each page of a 100 -page document. That small blue bar changed the price-perpage from 2. 6 to 39 -cents per copy. $39 with the bar - $2. 60 without. • Good alternative: design the cover in color to create a quality impression, and copy the remainder of the pages in black & white. • Best alternative: place the document online, where color is free!

A 16 to 1 Ratio • UF published brochures for all 16 colleges – A 16 to 1 Ratio • UF published brochures for all 16 colleges – Major duplication of effort – Major duplication of material – UF eliminated all 16 and replaced with three focused publications • General Preview guide • Diversity guide • Parental workbook – Savings of approximately $100, 000

Now, how to do it at your institution? http: //ufcn. urel. ufl. edu/ink/index. shtml Now, how to do it at your institution? http: //ufcn. urel. ufl. edu/ink/index. shtml

Think Before You Ink! Campus-wide Communications Initiative • Address all issues (Print, Electronic, Copies, Think Before You Ink! Campus-wide Communications Initiative • Address all issues (Print, Electronic, Copies, Postage) • Reach faculty and staff – Change of behavior required – Good for business • Internal Communications Plan – Email outreach – Power. Point presentations – Online focus

Think Before You Ink! Campus-wide Communications Initiative • Cost reduction programs – Printer Certification Think Before You Ink! Campus-wide Communications Initiative • Cost reduction programs – Printer Certification – Print-to-Web publications – Photocopies and printouts – The Daily Mail

Now, how to do it at your institution? Now, how to do it at your institution?

Printer Certification Program • • • Reduce from 170 to 20+ print suppliers Reduced, Printer Certification Program • • • Reduce from 170 to 20+ print suppliers Reduced, Pre-negotiated pricing Priority service from selected vendors More convenient bidding processes Emphasis on third-party certification of sustainability practices

Print-to-Web or Electronic Conversion • Many publications can communicate effectively in an electronic format Print-to-Web or Electronic Conversion • Many publications can communicate effectively in an electronic format – Provide guidelines for determining which publications are the best candidates for conversion, as well as tools and support to facilitate the process – Guidelines created by UFCN – Web templates to speed process • Aggressive timeline – Conversions underway immediately – Momentum critical to success

Simple Copy Management Plan • The Wild Card – – Copy costs much greater Simple Copy Management Plan • The Wild Card – – Copy costs much greater than anticipated Controlled by faculty and staff outside UFCN Will require major change in office procedures Four major players = $1. 75 million • • Fed. Ex/Kinko’s ($591, 227) Target Copy ($751, 358) Renaissance Copy ($92, 132) Xerox Contract ($314, 412)

Managing Mail & Deliveries • $2, 555, 000 – Amount UF spent in postage Managing Mail & Deliveries • $2, 555, 000 – Amount UF spent in postage and deliveries on campus last fiscal year – $644, 000 – Bulk mail costs for publications and correspondence mailing during the last fiscal year • Remind faculty & staff to think about postage & delivery expenses before sending that package or letter -- $2, 555, 000 • Remind faculty & staff -- $2. 55 million

Online support for everyone on campus • • • Do your part as an Online support for everyone on campus • • • Do your part as an Administrator Do your part as a Faculty Member Do your part as a Staff Member Do your part as a Student http: //ufcn. urel. ufl. edu/ink/index. shtml

For Administrators For Administrators

For Faculty Members For Faculty Members

For Staff Members For Staff Members

For Students For Students

Never give up, never give in – UF has saved $1. 5 million in Never give up, never give in – UF has saved $1. 5 million in 12 months – Moved -- or eliminated -- 121 publications from print to electronic (301 to 185) – Consolidated print work with approximately 30 printers, down from 170 – Photocopies and Postage charges will be evaluated at the end of the fiscal year

Don’t forget your checklist! • • Do your homework – It will open eyes Don’t forget your checklist! • • Do your homework – It will open eyes Start with support of your leadership group Then, gain support of your com network Create a plan for each area – – Printer consolidation Print-to-electronic conversions Simple copy management plan Postage and delivery expenses

Don’t forget your checklist! • Develop “stretch” goals. If it’s too easy, people won’t Don’t forget your checklist! • Develop “stretch” goals. If it’s too easy, people won’t pay attention • Challenge yourself with the timeline. If it takes a year, it’s too long • Report your success regularly. It will help create disciples • Stress the impact on sustainability

The battle never ends • Despite your best efforts, people will slip – You’ve The battle never ends • Despite your best efforts, people will slip – You’ve got to constantly remind them • Use success stories. . . Including dollars saved! • Share those stories with your communications group, your deans, your directors, your department heads. – Sponsor and/or conduct seminars • At UF, we produce quarterly “Breakfast Buzz” updates and seminars around campus • We also utilize HEE, CASE and others

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