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COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 Cephs. In. Action A network for improvement of cephalopod welfare and husbandry in research, aquaculture and fisheries Dr. Alison COLE, Ph. D Proposer: Dr. Giovanna PONTE, Ph. D
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action Introduction January 2013 - Directive 2010/63/EU scientific projects involving cephalopods under European jurisdiction are regulated under animal care 12 1 14 http: //www. 123 rf. com/ Smith et al. 2013 Last five years; source Wo. S
Introduction COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action January 2013 - Directive 2010/63/EU scientific projects involving cephalopods under European jurisdiction are regulated under animal care Knowledge on the welfare require attention – National Code of Practice & General Guidelines (in progress) need implementation – Identified gaps in knowledge regarding supply of animals, transport, housing and handling, breeding, anaesthesia, analgesia, criteria for recognizing pain, suffering and distress, human end-points and euthanasia
Global Objectives 1. COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action Implement existing general guidelines and experimental practices and accumulate data to improve and refine codes of practice for the use of Cephalopods to advance Cephalopod welfare in research TASK 1: Improve general guidelines and experimental practices TASK 2: Develop species-specific guidelines TASK 3: Establish new technologies and experimental approaches to promote 3 R principle in cephalopod research – – Coordination of on-going national research projects and new proposals (Co. RP) Collect and review existing knowledge; identify and address gaps Implement, improve, and standardise procedures Develop innovative non-invasive approaches for welfare assessment 2. Provide proper training on newly established cephalopod husbandry guidelines and experimental practices and non-invasive techniques TASK 4 : Develop multi-level training schools
Deliverables COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action 1. Published species specific guidelines 2. Comprehensive literature reviews on cephalopod biology, animal welfare and needed research 3. New data regarding the use of anaesthesia and analgesics, stress indicators, and disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention
Deliverables COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action 4. A dedicated website, with an interactive database including procedures, protocols, and multi-media tools 5. Accredited cephalopod workers and veterinarians 6. Curriculum for an on-going Training school accreditation program 7. (e-)BOOK: “Cephalopod welfare in research, training, education and aquaculture”
Why COST? COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action These issues are complex and beyond the scope of individual research efforts • Coordination and integration of national research projects to reduce defragmentation • Collaboration to solve these challenging issues & develop a comprehensive knowledge of cephalopod welfare • Specialized training and sharing of specialized facilities • Interaction among researchers with expertise on welfare in different taxa to advance animal welfare & 3 R use • Concerted efforts to promote cephalopod welfare & conservation in research, aquaculture, and fisheries
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action HOW Networking will contribute to overcome the challenges of cephalopod welfare: COST Action Meetings – Management Committee Meetings – Working Group Meetings – Workshops (2) • synthesize the available knowledge on cephalopods welfare • assess cephalopod welfare, husbandry, culturing and experimental and training guidelines – Conferences (1) Dissemination, Publications – Website with forum and interactive database – Open Source scientific reviews and publications
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action HOW Networking will contribute to overcome the challenges of cephalopod welfare: COST Action Short-term scientific missions (STSM) – To strengthen and foster collaborations towards scientific aims identified in the WGs. Joint Research Proposals Training Schools (TS) – best practice in husbandry, maintenance and care of cephalopods – best practices in experimental procedures with and without anaesthesia – implementation of the Cephalopod Welfare Index & of other non-invasive techniques
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action Management Structure MC CG MC Chair MC Vice-Chair STSMs manager WGs leaders WG 1 WG 2 Cephalopod Welfare Stress and Disease WG 3 WG 4 Neurophys, Welfare Index Anaesth, Human Modelling End-points WG 5 Dissemination and Education
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action WG 1. Cephalopod welfare STSM Co. RP principal objectives: • review optimal and species-specific rearing conditions, including environmental and nutritional factors • Evaluate environmental needs of different cephalopod species (e. g. tank size and space requirements, water quality, light conditions) • Establish criteria for limiting stress and increase welfare of the animals • Determine best laboratory practice and implement the 3 R principle to cephalopods for experimental, training and display purposes.
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action WG 2. Stress and diseases STSM Co. RP Principle objectives: • Determine methods for the assessment of health and wellbeing of cephalopods kept under laboratory conditions – Consensus to allow uniform scoring of behavioural and physiological parameters for recognition of stress severity – Distinction between ‘states’ that originate from natural processes (e. g. senescence) from those that may indicate poor welfare and health conditions during handling and husbandry. • Classify, diagnose and prevent diseases in cephalopods – Studies will be facilitated to increase knowledge and explore possible prevention. – Treatments will be explored for limiting the effects of ulcerations and lesions. • Exploration of Non-invasive methods to assess the health conditions in live individuals
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action WG 3. Development of a Welfare Index principal objectives: • characterization of welfare indicators – Integration of data from other WGs • overall assessment of welfare by semantic modeling to develop a Cephalopod Welfare Index – CWIM will be constructed and developed using an internet based user interface allowing contributions from all participants – based on model developed for Atlantic salmon (Stien et al. 2013)
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action WG 4. Neurophysiology, Anesthesia and Humane end-points STSM Co. RP principal objectives: • Evaluate the existant protocols in neurophysiology and behavioral pharmacology to verify applicability and standardise methodology • Promote research on the effects of common anesthetic agents and explore alternatives • Explore non-invasive methods for assessing physiological and behavioural parameters • Evaluate humane end-points, euthanasia practices and criteria for death confirmation
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action WG 5. Education and training STSM Co. RP principal objectives: • Generation and mantantence of website and interactive database • Organization of Training Schools – Development of educational material including audiovisual alternatives • Supervise the documents and output resulting from the activities of other WGs.
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action WG 5. Training Schools • Best practice in husbandry, maintenance and care of cephalopods: FELASA - Category A • best practices in experimental procedures with and without anesthesia : FELASA Category B/C • implementation of the Cephalopod Welfare Index : Specialization course
Milestones COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action milestone month 1 First meeting of the Action 1 2 MC approval of the detailed work program of the Action: including collaborative research exchanges, short term scientific meetings, applications for research funding 4 3 Launch of the Website 4 4 Training School : best practice in husbandry, maintenance and care of cephalopod 8 5 Workshop : analyze and synthesize the available knowledge 12 on cephalopods welfare
Milestones COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action milestone month 6 Training School : best practices in experimental procedures 18 with and without anesthesia 7 Establishment of online database of Alternatives for Cephalopod Use in Research and Training 24 8 Training School : implementation of the Cephalopod Welfare Index 28 9 Workshop : assess cephalopod training guidelines 36 10 Final Conference 48
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action Overview: Year 1 Coordination Kick-off meeting Website Reporting Year 2 MC meetings WG meetings Year 3 Training School STSMs Final Conference Workshop* Year 4
Economic dimension COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action 9 COST Member States 1 Cooperating State + Israel (Cooperating State)
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action Involvement of Stakeholders Animal Welfare associations (i. e. Felasa) - WG 1 (general guidelines), WG 2 (species-specific procedures) provide feedback on guideline production - WG 5 (dissemination and education) develop and organize accredited programs for cephalopod workers Private companies providing non-invasive research equipment (i. e. Visual. Sonics) - WG 1, WG 2, WG 3, WG 4 (Neurophysiology, Anesthesia, Humane end-points) implementation of non-invasive techniques for cephalopod welfare assessment (via STSMs) - MC (management committee) joint research proposals for funding - WG 5 technical workshops on non-invasive technologies
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action Involvement of Stakeholders Fishermen associations, Fisheries and Aquaculture industry, Aquaria - WG 5 educational programs and handbook for fishermen and aquaculturists - WG 1, WG 2 data collection on additional cephalopod species implementation of non-invasive techniques for cephalopod welfare assessment - WG 3 (development of a CWI) data collection on behavioral and physiological signs of stress and CWI implementation
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action IMPACT of COST Action Advance standardisation and regulation of Cephalopod welfare in research Research: allow European researchers to comply with the Directive, promote European collaboration, attract international interest Fisheries: improve breeding conditions of cephalopods and provide guidance on welfare-based capture and transport methods Society: increase awareness, promote cephalopod conservation, contribute to European society ethics and animal care, aid Policy makers Industry: establishment of collaborations for use of new technologies (i. e. ultrasound system)
COST PROPOSAL oc-2012 -2 -13105 - Ceph. In. Action Thank You