- Количество слайдов: 24
COST ACTION 724 Developing the Scientific Basis for Monitoring, Modelling and Predicting Space Weather Yurdanur Tulunay 1, Jean Lilensten 2 and the COST 724 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 1(IHY European Section SC Contact Person) METU/ODTÜ, Dept of Aerospace Eng. , 06531, Ankara, Türkiye 2 (COST 724 Chairperson) Laboratoire de Planétologie de Grenoble, France 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 1
European COoperation in the field of CO Scientific and Technical research http: //www. cost. esf. org/ 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 2
Mission: «Strengthen Europe in scientific and technical research for peaceful purposes through the support of cooperation and interaction between European researchers» http: //www. cost. esf. org/ 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 3
What is COST? n European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical research ¨ n Participation ¨ ¨ ¨ n 1971 - Ministerial Conference, Brussels: launching of COST, a Framework for coordinating nationally funded research in Europe 34 COST Member States and 1 cooperating state International organisations and research institutions from non-COST countries The European Commission through the Framework Programme COST Actions ¨ Networked research projects http: //www. cost. esf. org/ 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 4
COST characteristics n Co-ordination through networking n Wide range of disciplines n Pan-European n n “Non-competitive” “Interdisciplinary Exploratoria” (pre-normative, public utility) n Bottom-up and flexible “a la carte” participation Enabling agent: focus on younger researchers n Open to wider cooperation n http: //www. cost. esf. org/ 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 5
9 Scientific and Technical Domains The CSO has decided to restructure the scientific and technical Domains in COST in November 2005. Presently the nomination procedure for the Domain committee members is under way. This new committee structure will be in place 1 June 2006. 1. Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences (BMBS) 2. Food and Agriculture (FA) 3. Forests, their Products and Services (FPS) 4. Materials, Physical & Nanosciences (MPNS) 5. Chemistry and Molecular Sciences & Technologies (CMST) 6. Earth System Science & Environmental Management (ESSEM) 7. Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) 8. Transport & Urban Development (TUD) 9. Individuals, Society, Culture & Health (ISCH) http: //www. cost. esf. org/ 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 6
What is a COST Action? Council COST Secretariat COMMITTEE OF SENIOR OFFICIALS (CSO) COST National Coordinators COST OFFICE COST Domain Committees (9 as from 1 June 2006) …. . COST Actions (~200) e. g. COST 724 ESSEM …… ……. MC Action WGs WORKING GROUPS (NETWORKS) …… ~30. 000 researchers http: //www. cost. esf. org/ Scientific Domain 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne MC = Management Committee 7
COST Actions – what is supported? Nationally funded projects networked around a joint work programme supporting: n n n Science management meetings (MC and WG) Scientific workshops and seminars Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) Training Schools and Research Conferences Dissemination http: //www. cost. esf. org/ 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 8
COST Governance http: //www. cost. esf. org/ 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 9
http: //cost 724. obs. ujf-grenoble. fr/ 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 10
COST Action on Space Weather: Action 724 Inaugural Meeting : 24 th of Nov. 2003 Chair : Jean Lilensten Vice – chair Duration : Anna Belehaki : 4 years 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 11
COST 724 Members The COST 724 action presently has 28 participating countries and 6 participating institutions. COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE STATUS Armenia Ashot A. Chilingarian associate institute Austria Arnold Hanslmeier Rumi Nakamura Belgium Daniel Heynderickx Stefaan Poedts René Warnant Bulgaria Ivan Kutiev Tsevetan. P. Dachev Canada David Boteler Czech Republic Pavel Hejda Frantisek Spurny Denmark Jurgen Watermann 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne WG 2 co-leader WG 3 co-leader associate institute WG 3 leader 12
COST 724 Members COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE STATUS Finland Rami Vainio Risto Pirjola WG 2 leader France Thierry Dudok de Wit Monique Pick Germany Frank Jansen Norbert Jakowski Greece Anna Belehaki Polyxeni Nicolopoulou Hungary Viktor Wesztergom Karoly Kecskeméty Ireland Susan Mc. Kenna-Lawlor Peter Gallagher Israel Lev I. Dorman, Colin Price 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne vice-chairwoman associate country 13
COST 724 Members COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE STATUS Italy Maurizio Candidi Mauro Messerotti WG 4 co-leader WG 1 leader Norway Patrick Guio Poland Iwona Stanislawska Hania Rothkaehl Romania Magdalena Stavinschi Cristiana Dumitrache Russia S. V. Avakyan Anatoli Petrukovich Mikhail Panasyuk Serbia Maja Mitic Davorka Grubor Slovakia Karel Kudela Fridrich Valach 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne associate institute 14
COST 724 Members COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE Slovenia Vida Zigman Spain Blai Sanahuja Consuelo Cid Sweden Henrik Lundstedt Switzerland Werner Schmutz Erwin. O. Flueckiger Turkey Yurdanur Tulunay Ersin Tulunay Ukraine Valery Korepanov United Kingdom Alan. D. Aylward Alan Thomson 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne STATUS WG 1 co-leader associate institute 15
Objectives of COST 724 (1): · To coordinate research into improving modeling and prediction of space weather, · To promote where necessary the deployment of new instrumentation to satisfy data requirements, and the development of new models, · To educate potential users of space weather data, 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 16
Objectives of COST 724 (2): · To gather feedback from users which may be used to improve services, · To develop a forum for exchanging “best practice” among users and providers of space weather services, · To set standards on data exchange. 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 17
COST 724: Working Groups (1) n WG 1: Monitoring and predicting solar activity for Space Weather Leader Co-leader Web site n : Mauro Messerotti (messerotti@ts. astro. it) : Werner Schmutz (w. schmutz@pmodwrc. ch) : http: //ca 724 wg 1. ts. astro. it/ WG 2: The radiation environment of the Earth Leader Co-leader Web site : Rami Vainio (rami. vainio@helsinki. fi) : Daniel Heynderickx (D. Heynderickx@oma. be) : http: //theory. physics. helsinki. fi/~space/cost 724/ 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 18
COST 724: Working Groups (2) n WG 3: Interaction of solar wind disturbances with the Earth Leader Co-leader Web site n : Jurgen Watermann (jfw@dmi. dk) : Stefaan Poedts (stefaan. poedts@wis. kuleuven. ac. be) : http: //www. dmi. dk/projects/COST 724_WG 3/home. htm WG 4: Space Weather Observations and Services Leader Co-leader Web site : Jean Lilensten (jean. lilensten@obs. ujf-grenoble. fr ) : Maurizio Candidi (Maurizio. Candidi@ifsi. rm. cnr. it) : http: //gauss. oma. be/COST 724/WG 4/ 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 19
COST Action on Space Weather: Action 724 WG 1; WG 2; WG 3 n research modeling and forecasting n to promote where necessary deployment of new instrumentation to satisfy data requirements, and development of new models n set up data bases of measured effects match outputs to user requirements WG 4 n to develop coordination, promote services, advertise SW, education, outreach. . . n 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 20
COST Action on Space Weather: Action 724 The main outcomes of the action after 3 ½ years - 2 special issues of Annales Geophysicae - 2 books devoted to space weather - About 300 scientific papers - Lots of outreach activities (books, CDs, classroom experiences…) 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 21
COST Action on Space Weather: Action 724 - An international space weather school (with UNESCO, NSF, ICTP ) 15 short term scientific missions 8 international meetings At the origin of the annual European Space Weather Week (ESWW 4 in Brussels from 12 th – 16 th Nov. , 2007) 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 22
COST Action on Space Weather: Action 724 At the origin of the European Space Weather Web Portal, multilanguage www. spaceweather. eu - 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 23
COST Action on Space Weather : Action 724 This ambition has been reached only on the basis of partnerships, especially ESA COST 724 is an official member of the European IHY board 19 -20 Feb. 2007 IHY Kick-off Meeting, Vienne 24