Cosmic War Terrorism and Anti Terrorism 2016 -05 -15
When is a confrontation likely to be seen by as a “cosmic war”? § The struggle is perceived as a defense of basic identity and dignity. § Loosing the struggle would be unthinkable § The struggle is blocked and cannot be won in real time or in real terms. § Examples: Radical Islam‘s struggle with Western secularism (Charlie Hebdo), Mike Bray and the abortion clinic bombings, Timothy Mc. Veigh bobmbing, Yoe Lerner attack, etc.
Why the war? § Empowering the marginal man. § Empowering the male in times of shifting roles (questionable). § Women only playe more prominent roles in non-religious groups. § There are some exceptions. § Some are also forced into submission. § Fighting for the rule of God.
Other indirect causes § Identity crisis. § Empowering religion? § The revenge of God?
Stages of Symbolic Empowerment § The world gone awry. § The foreclosure of ordinary opinions. § Satanization and cosmic war. § Symbolic act of power.
Healing religion with politics? § the practicability of the concept, § creating a “moral plane” of mutual respect between the state an religious leaders, § becoming critical of militant concepts of complete secularism or civic religiosity, § collaboration with religious leaders and educators, § respecting the rule of law rather than overreacting.