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Corporate Research Forum HR Specialists – Function & Fit Wednesday 16 th June 2010 Corporate Research Forum HR Specialists – Function & Fit Wednesday 16 th June 2010

Agenda 09. 30 Introduction 10. 00 HR specialists – report summary 10. 30 Role, Agenda 09. 30 Introduction 10. 00 HR specialists – report summary 10. 30 Role, structure and working relationships 11. 10 TEA & COFFEE BREAK 11. 30 Working in groups 12. 15 Plenary discussion 12. 50 LUNCH 13. 30 Capabilities, development & career paths 14. 10 Working in groups 14. 50 Plenary discussion 15. 20 Summary 15. 30 CLOSE Event Partner 2

Report summary Andrew Lambert ANDREW LAMBERT 3 Report summary Andrew Lambert ANDREW LAMBERT 3

The context • ‘Transforming HR’ • Wide adoption of ‘ 3 legged’ structure – The context • ‘Transforming HR’ • Wide adoption of ‘ 3 legged’ structure – but patchy and piecemeal – capability gaps – some entrenched thinking, behaviour – managers and employees not engaged at outset • Many variations – no one size fits all • Terminology questioned – what constitutes a Co. E? – are ‘expertise’ and ‘excellent’ descriptions valid? 4

Don’t just create new silos CEO HRD/CHRO HR Specialists – Centres of expertise – Don’t just create new silos CEO HRD/CHRO HR Specialists – Centres of expertise – Consultancy Corporate HR – Policy, Strategy – Risk management ‘Local’ HRDs (or BPs) on mgt teams HR Services – Administration – Advice – Data management – HR technology 5

What’s the purpose? ‘Customer’-driven? Governance Consistent policy & practice Consultancy Services Types of ‘expert’ What’s the purpose? ‘Customer’-driven? Governance Consistent policy & practice Consultancy Services Types of ‘expert’ ‘Thought leadership’ Deep technicians Skilled orchestrators Skilled do-ers • Solutions to meet strategic and business needs? • Central provider or light touch overseer? 6

Avoiding ‘turf’ conflicts • Don’t just implant structures…. – Address how they will work Avoiding ‘turf’ conflicts • Don’t just implant structures…. – Address how they will work – Focus on trust, mutual interest, relationships • Who does what – Specialists and BPs – Specialists and services – In-house or consultants/contractors/outsourcers • Centre and the ‘parts’ – BUs and functions – HR helping or adding to the tensions? – Specialist reporting lines – direct and dotted 7

Workload & capacity mgm’t • Responsibilities for planning • Who pays for what? • Workload & capacity mgm’t • Responsibilities for planning • Who pays for what? • Business case and project development • Scenario planning – Allowing for the unexpected • Information flows and transparency – Two-way street between centre and parts • Using external resources – Capacity and quality – Who’s in charge? – effective hiring and oversight – Project management 8

Development • Shortage of skilled experts – Reward: Remco advice, not ruled by C&B Development • Shortage of skilled experts – Reward: Remco advice, not ruled by C&B firms – OE: top-notch organisational designers, change and culture facilitators, leadership developers – Analytics: decision scientists • Make or buy? • Development framework – What’s shared, what’s special – “Cobbler’s children” syndrome – Linking business and development goals – OD for everyone 9

Career movement HR specialists Other employers HR BPs HR Services Consultancy Line management 10 Career movement HR specialists Other employers HR BPs HR Services Consultancy Line management 10

What’s are Co. Es worth? • High-level yardsticks - impact on… – Business performance What’s are Co. Es worth? • High-level yardsticks - impact on… – Business performance – Organisational capability – Leadership quality – Innovation and sustainability • How do you tell? – Subjective or objective measures? – Understanding cause and effect – Goals and success measures co-created with the business? 11

In summary… • Concept is sound in theory • It’s been a struggle in In summary… • Concept is sound in theory • It’s been a struggle in practice • Takes time to bed in changes • And even longer to develop excellence • Manage expectations • Design your product & service with ‘clients’ • Watch your language • Be technology-savvy • Long-term evolution–towards less is more 12

Five issues to debate 1 Most appropriate measurement to indicate vaue added of specialists Five issues to debate 1 Most appropriate measurement to indicate vaue added of specialists 2 Guidelines for working with consultants etc 3 How to ensure good working relationships with HR BPs, services and the line 4 What should specialists do more and less of? 5 How to ensure that only the best projects are chosen, and avoid initiativitis? 13

Five issues to debate 1 How ‘expert’ should your HR specialists be? 2 What Five issues to debate 1 How ‘expert’ should your HR specialists be? 2 What would you advise your HR specialists to include in their career plans? 3 What elements should be included in a development framework for HR specialists? 4 What should be done about the shortage of expert specialists? And who should do what? 5 How would you argue for investment in HR specialists, eg development, technology? 14

Roles, structure and working relationships Panel session 15 Roles, structure and working relationships Panel session 15

Group discussion - process • 45 minutes discussion at tables • 5 questions shared Group discussion - process • 45 minutes discussion at tables • 5 questions shared out between tables • Choose a ‘rapporteur’ at each table • Record answers & contributions on sheets provided • Include - examples of good practice, things you’d do differently, what helps and hinders • 35 minutes plenary before lunch 16

Five issues to debate 1 Most appropriate measurement to indicate vaue added of specialists Five issues to debate 1 Most appropriate measurement to indicate vaue added of specialists 2 Guidelines for working with consultants etc 3 How to ensure good working relationships with HR BPs, services and the line 4 What should specialists do more and less of? 5 How to ensure that only the best projects are chosen, and avoid initiativitis? 17

Capabilities, development and career paths Panel session 18 Capabilities, development and career paths Panel session 18

Group discussion - process • 40 minutes discussion at tables • 5 questions shared Group discussion - process • 40 minutes discussion at tables • 5 questions shared out between tables • Choose a ‘rapporteur’ at each table • Record answers & contributions on sheets provided • Include - examples of good practice, things you’d do differently, what helps and hinders • 30 minutes plenary 19

Five issues to debate 1 How ‘expert’ should your HR specialists be? 2 What Five issues to debate 1 How ‘expert’ should your HR specialists be? 2 What would you advise your HR specialists to include in their career plans? 3 What elements should be included in a development framework for HR specialists? 4 What should be done about the shortage of expert specialists? And who should do what? 5 How would you argue for investment in HR specialists, eg development, technology? 20

Summary 21 Summary 21

CRF’s forthcoming events DATE EVENT 1 July Workshop (Trinity House) Spreading Good Practice – CRF’s forthcoming events DATE EVENT 1 July Workshop (Trinity House) Spreading Good Practice – A Structured Exchange 8 Sept. Workshop (Trinity House) Managing the People Dimension of Risk 13 & 14 International Conference (Budapest) Oct. Performance Through People – Capability & Context