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CORE RESOURCES BOSTON UNIVERSITY CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE INSTITUTE (http: //ctsi. bu. edu/index. php/research-resources/cores/) ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTATION CORE Director: Lynn Deng, Ph. D, lynndeng@bu. edu The Analytical Instrumentation Core has a variety of commonly used instrumentation to support basic and translational research, including a gel image analyzer, nanodrop spectrophotometer, etc. ANIMAL RESEARCH RESOURCE CENTER Director: Katya Ravid, DSc/Ph. D, kravid@bu. edu The BUMC Animal Research Resource Center (ARRC) consists of four units: Animal Metabolic Phenotyping Core, Micro-Ultrasound Imaging Core, Whole Mouse Imaging Core and Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell and Cryopreservation Core. The Center has state-of-the-art instrumentation for metabolic phenotyping and whole body imaging including an Echo. MRI 900, Visualsonics Vevo 770, and a Xenogen IVIS Spectrum, an optical in vivo imaging system. CELLULAR IMAGING CORE Directors: Orian Shirihai, Ph. D and Michael Kirber, Ph. D, shirihai@bu. edu; mkirber@bu. edu The Cellular Imaging Core is equipped with advanced optical microscopes for digital imaging of live cells and tissues, including a Zeiss LSM 710 -Live Duo, Nikon Deconvolution. Wide-Field Epifluorescence System, Olympus DSU and others, allowing digital imaging of live cells and tissues CONFOCAL FACILITY Director: Vickery Trinkaus-Randall, Ph. D, vickery@bu. edu The Confocal Facility is equipped with a Zeiss LSM 100 M with associated flow through apparatus, a Zeiss LSM 200 M with environmental chamber for long -term imaging of live cells, tissues, and a Zeiss LSM 700 for similar purposes that has solid state lasers. There is also an Epi-Fluorescence microscope system available. BIOMEDICAL IMAGING CENTER Director: Ronald Killiany, Ph. D, killiany@bu. edu The Biomedical Imaging Center is equipped with an advanced 3 T MRI scanner and compatible eye tracker instruments for functional, structural and spectroscopic studies in humans and animals. EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY SERVICE CORE Director: Chris Andry, Ph. D, pathlab@bu. edu The Experimental Pathology Lab Service Core provides services for tissue fixation, slide preparation, and histology interpretation. The Lab has a laser capture microdissection microscope, digital image analyzer, and a transmission electron microscope with digital photomicroscopy capability. BIOSPECIMEN ARCHIVE RESEARCH CORE Direct: Robert Pistey, MD, pathlab@bu. edu The BUMC Biospecimen Archive Research Core banks tissue specimens obtained with IRB approval. It is fully HIPAA compliant and can provide coded or uncoded specimens to investigators who have individual IRB approval. Samples are stored in low temperature freezers with liquid nitrogen backup, alarms, and state-of-the-art sample and data security. FLOW CYTOMETRY CORE Directors: David Sherr, Ph. D, and Gerald Denis, Ph. D. flowcore@bu. edu The Flow Cytometry Core provides cell cycle analysis and cell sorting, and is equipped with 3 FACScan analyzers, 1 FACSCalibur analyzer, an LSRII analyzer, and a Mo. Flo cell sorter. Three computer workstations running state-of-the-art data analysis software available. Assisted and unassisted use is available. BU CTSI CLINICAL ASSAY CORE Director: Tai Chen, Ph. D, taichen@bu. edu The CTSI Assay Core performs esoteric biomarker assays using RIA, ELISA, and HPLC technologies. The Core is equipped with a ELISA plate washer and reader system, Agilent HPLC 1200 and radio-isotope counters, etc. HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING CORE Director: Sarah Haigh Molina, Ph. D, semolina@bu. edu The High Throughput Screening Core provides functionbased and target-based screening for small molecule modulators or biomarkers. The major facilities include Tecan Spectrafluor Plus, Personal pipettor, and ELX 50 Auto Strip Washer. ILLUMINA SEQUENCING CORE Director: , James Galagan, Ph. D, jgalag@bu. edu The Illumina Sequencing Core has a Genome Analyzer Lix for deep sequencing of DNA and RNA. IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY CORE Director: Xuemei Zhong, Ph. D, Xuemei. zhong 03@gmail. com The IHC Core has a Shandon Hypercenter XP tissue processor and embedding equipment, Inteli. Path automated slide stainer, microtome, and decloaking chamber for performing immuno-histochemistry analyses and methods development. MICROARRAY RESOURCE CORE Director: Yuriy Alekseyev, Ph. D and Marc Lenburg, Ph. D, yurik@bu. edu; mlenburg@bu. edu The Microarray Resource Core is equipped with an Affymetrix Gene Chip System for m. RNA and mi. RNA expression profiling, and exon, genotyping, resequencing and tiling arrays. Bioinformatics consultation is available. MOLECULAR GENETICS CORE Director: Lindsay Farrer, Ph. D, farrer@bu. edu The Molecular Genetics Core provides multiple high throughput services for clinical and basic research including (1) tissue specimen processing and storage; (2) DNA extraction, amplification, and Sanger sequencing; (3) assaybased genotyping; and (4) creation, maintenance and storage of lymphoblastoid cell lines. The Core uses robotics, a Real Time PCR system, and bar-code labeling to promote high throughput. PROTEOMICS CORE Director: Martin Steffen, MD, Ph. D, protein@bu. edu The Proteomics Core utilizes a Thermo. Finnigan LTQ Proteome. X ion trap mass spectrometer to identify proteins and peptides in biological samples. TRANSGENIC CORE Director: Katya Ravid, DSc/Ph. D, kravid@bu. edu The. Transgenic Center is fully equipped to assist investigators with the generation of transgenic and knockout mice. Facilities include equipment for microinjection, micromanipulators, cell culture and storage, and cryopreservation.