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Core. GRID: European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale Core. GRID: European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies Thierry PRIOL Scientific Coordinator INRIA/ERCIM http: //www. coregrid. net Thierry. Priol@inria. fr

IST-FP 6 commitment to Grid research First actions launched in IST-FP 5 Grid research IST-FP 6 commitment to Grid research First actions launched in IST-FP 5 Grid research is a key strategic objective From FP 5 to FP 6 Grid research funding more than doubles 125 M€ * 58 M€ FP 6 FP 5 2000 -2002 -2006 * Grid Infrastructures funding not included European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 2

Grid Research and Deployment in FP 6 Application-oriented Strategic Objectives e. g. e. Business, Grid Research and Deployment in FP 6 Application-oriented Strategic Objectives e. g. e. Business, e. Gov, e. Work, e. Health, risks management, environment, transport Grids for Complex Problem Solving – Architecture, design and development of the next generation Grid – Enabling application technologies DG IST - F 2 R&D Research Infrastructure e. Infrastructures – Deployment of specific high performance Grids – Deployment of high-capacity and high-speed communications network - GEANT Research & Development DG IST - F 3 Deployment 125 M€ (IST) 200 M€ RI Technology-oriented strategic objectives, e. g. semantic web, embedded systems software and services R&D European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 3

GRIDCC DILIGENT IPv 6 TF SC IPv 6 Task Force support …t MUPPET ech GRIDCC DILIGENT IPv 6 TF SC IPv 6 Task Force support …t MUPPET ech n olo gy val ida Flexible Quality of Service Assurance in New user communities using Grids – Digital Libraries r Use m olve v http: //www. cordis. lu/ist/rn/ Optical solutions for Grid infrastruct. ent… Real time Grid for remote control of instruments Unit F 3 - e. Infrastructure Grid projects tion EUQo. S EE SA e ID G I R tur c E E E-G tru EUROLABS s D E fra S e In Specific Support Actions LOBSTER Traffic monitoring Experimental testbeds European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 4

e. Infrastructure Grid infrastructures EGEE project led by CERN • Mission critical for very e. Infrastructure Grid infrastructures EGEE project led by CERN • Mission critical for very demanding research communities (e. g. High Energy Physics, biomedics) / operational support to users • Structuring effect / largest international Grid infrastructure • Capacity of over 20. 000 CPU's, federating 70 centers/20 countries • Research in security, AAA and middleware aspects • SEE-GRID, led by GRNet, expands EGEE to South Eastern Europe Pan-European Grid infrastructure EGEE + SEE-GRID European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 5

e. Infrastructure Grid infrastructures DEISA, led by CNRS • Distributed tera-scale supercomputing facility • e. Infrastructure Grid infrastructures DEISA, led by CNRS • Distributed tera-scale supercomputing facility • Serving user communities such as material sciences, plasma physics, cosmology, life science, etc… • Six major supercomputing centers / 40 teraflops • Gigabit interconnection Grid of supercomputers DEISA • Focus on Global File System European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 6

Unit F 2 - Grid Research Grid projects http: //www. cordis. lu/ist/grids Started: SUMMER Unit F 2 - Grid Research Grid projects http: //www. cordis. lu/ist/grids Started: SUMMER 2004 GRIDCOORD Building the ERA in Grid research K-WF Grid inteli. GRID Knowledge based workflow & collaboration Grid-based generic enabling application technologies to facilitate solution of industrial problems Onto. Grid SIMDAT Uni. Grid. S Extended OGSA Implementation based on UNICORE EU-driven Grid services architecture for busines. S and industry Next. GRID HPC 4 U Fault tolerance, dependability for Grid Semantic Grid based virtual organisations Mobile Grid architecture and services for dynamic virtual organisations Akogrimo European-wide virtual laboratory for longer term Grid research-creating the foundation for next generation Grids Core. GRID Specific support action Integrated project Network of excellence Knowledge Services for the semantic Grid Datamining tools & services Provenance Trust and provenance for Grids Specific targeted research project European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 7

Integrated Project Main Research and Development Areas: Ø Grid architecture Ø Foundations & core Integrated Project Main Research and Development Areas: Ø Grid architecture Ø Foundations & core services Ø Dynamic federation and VO Ø Grid business models Ø Reference implementations Ø Standards and applications Conceptualisation Analysis Design Feedback for next iteration Evaluation Implementation Main Application Areas: Ø Data mining legal sector Ø Broadcasting and entertainment Ø Financial modelling Ø Digital media Ø Supply chain management Next Generation Grid services architecture for business and industry Research org. : EPCC FZJ KTH QUB CNR-ISTI IT Innov. USTUTT NTUA Uv. A Technology providers: Grid Systems HP Intel Microsoft Nec Service providers: Fujitsu BT T-Systems Datamat Application developers / users: SAP First derivatives Kino European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 8

Integrated Project Two testbeds Ø E-Learning Ø Hospital Ø Generalisation to Ø other applications Integrated Project Two testbeds Ø E-Learning Ø Hospital Ø Generalisation to Ø other applications Technology Vision Domain and Application Specific Services Complex Grid Services AKo. Gri. Mo Focus Core Grid Services Network Middleware Ø NGG based on next generation IPv 6 networks and supporting security, Qo. S, accounting /billing, user & context awareness. Ø Use of mobile comm’s The Next beyond 3 G. Generation ”GRIDNET” Ø Dynamic Virtual Organisations based on trust management Mobile Internet Mobile Grid architectures and services for dynamic virtual organisations Telcom operators Grid Providers & Industry Universities - Telefonica I&D (SP) - Telnor (N) - Tel Inst (P) - HLRS (D) - CCLRC (UK) - Uni Hohenheim (D) - Datamat (I) - Uni BW München (D) - CRMPA (I) - NTUA (Gr) UPC(SP) IT Industry (tools & services) - BOC (UK) - Schlumberger. SEMA European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 9

Integrated Project SIMDAT Four sectors of international economic importance: Seven Grid-technology development areas: Ø Integrated Project SIMDAT Four sectors of international economic importance: Seven Grid-technology development areas: Ø Grid infrastructure Ø Distributed Data Access Ø VO Administration Ø Workflows Ø Ontologies Ø Analysis Services Ø Knowledge Services Ø Automotive Ø Pharmaceutical Ø Aerospace Ø Meteorology The solution of industrially relevant complex problems using data-centric Grid technology Grid Technologists Capability Providers End Users European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 10

Creation of a European Research Area for Grid Research Grid. Coord Objectives and Benefits Creation of a European Research Area for Grid Research Grid. Coord Objectives and Benefits – Overcome fragmentation and dispersion across EU to reinforce impact of national and Community research – Strengthen Europe’s position on Grid Research and its exploitation Requirements endorsed by 10 Member States – July 2003 – Inventory and analysis of national and EU initiatives – Establishment of a regular forum on European Grid Research – Better co-ordination of fragmented national and EU efforts – Further investigation on the development and delivery of industrial-strength Grid MW – Actions towards the use of Grid in business and industry European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 11

Core. GRID objectives To build a European-wide research laboratory – To avoid fragmentation of Core. GRID objectives To build a European-wide research laboratory – To avoid fragmentation of Grid research activities in Europe – Create the European “Grid Lighthouse” and be seen as such worldwide – To achieve integration and sustainability To build solid foundations for GRID and Peer-to-Peer (P 2 P) technologies – Both on a methodological basis and a technological basis. – Support medium and long term research activities Achieve and promote scientific and technological excellence within & beyond the Grid research community Gather and disseminate European research A think-tank for spin-off projects – EC funded, bilateral projects, international cooperations, …

A clear evidence of fragmentation Grid National initiatives: • Belgium Be-GRID • Bulgarian BG-Grid A clear evidence of fragmentation Grid National initiatives: • Belgium Be-GRID • Bulgarian BG-Grid • Cyprus Cy. Grid • Czech Metacenter • French ACI GRID • German D-GRID • Greek Hellas-GRID • Hungarian Grid • Italian GRID. IT • Polish SGIGrid • Scandinavian NORDUGRID • Spanish IRISGrid • Swiss. GRID • The Netherlands DAS • UK e-Science NORDUGRID E-SCIENCE DAS SGIGRID BE-GRID D-GRID METACENTER H-GRID ACI GRID SWISSGRID. IT IRISGRID BG-GRID HELLAS-GRID CYGRID European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 13

Network priorities Excellence – Core. GRID brings together a European critical mass of well-known Network priorities Excellence – Core. GRID brings together a European critical mass of well-known experts in GRID and P 2 P research allowing to compete with research and development in US and Japan – An ambitious joint program of activities to deal with well identified challenges Long-term integration & structuring – Set-up a sustainable European research laboratory with an associated management • With several Institutes • With research groups assigned to Institutes

Core. GRID membership 42 partners 18 Countries (1 from S. America) 118 Researchers 163 Core. GRID membership 42 partners 18 Countries (1 from S. America) 118 Researchers 163 Ph. D Students Budget: 8. 2 M€ for 4 years IC RAL-CCLRC U. Belfast U. Cambridge U. Cardiff U. Manchester U. Newcastle U. Wesminster Delft U. Vrije U. Chile CETIC UCL INRIA CNRS ERCIM U. Coimbra VTT KTH SICS Fh. G FZ-Julich HLRS U. Munster PSC U. CYFRONET Dortmund U. Passau Masaryk U. ZIB EPFL SZTAKI UASF CLPP-BAS UPC CNR-ISTI INFN U. Calabria U. Lecce U. Pisa ICS-FORTH European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies U. Cyprus 15

A set of well identified research challenges Knowledge & Data Management – Handling information/data A set of well identified research challenges Knowledge & Data Management – Handling information/data that are required/produced by a wide range of diverse processing power Programming Model – Making the programming of Grid infrastructures as simple and transparent as possible System Architecture – Designing the next generation Grid middleware Grid Information and Monitoring Services – Scalable information service to implement a service view of the Grid Resource Management & Scheduling – Scheduling jobs/applications/tasks/computation within a Grid environment Problem Solving Environments, tools and GRID systems – Integrating various middleware, tools and applications for problem solving

Joint Program of Activities Joint Programme of Activities Sergei Gorlatch Integrated Activities Pierre Guisset Joint Program of Activities Joint Programme of Activities Sergei Gorlatch Integrated Activities Pierre Guisset Jointly Executed Research Spreading of Excellence Domenico Talia Knowledge & Data Management Public Website Technical report Coordinated approach to prepare project proposals Marco Danelutto Programming Model Workshops & conferences Internal Collaboration and Dissemination Artur Andrzejak System Architecture Industrial Advisory Board GRID User community Grid Information and Monitoring Service Newsletter Coordinated Programming of Partners’ activities Annual Integration Workshop Common Understanding Trust & Security Grid Testbed Mobility of researchers Ludek Matyska Ramin Yahyapour Vladimir Getov Industry Resource Management And Scheduling Conferences Brochures Training & Education PSE, tools and GRID systems European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 17

Collaboration with other EU Grid projects Wolfgang Ziegler Collaboration Gateway Exploitation of synergies / Collaboration with other EU Grid projects Wolfgang Ziegler Collaboration Gateway Exploitation of synergies / technical concertation Joint fora for exchange and dissemination Co-ordination of standardisation efforts Repository of reference Implementations and Grid middleware Collaboration on research Inventories and roadmaps Indicators and impact assessment Imposed by unit F 2 Subject to discussion in March 2004 Subject of a two days meeting in September (16 -17) Training activities European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 18

A No. E managed by ERCIM is a consortium of leading research institutions from A No. E managed by ERCIM is a consortium of leading research institutions from 18 European countries committed to information technology and applied mathematics. European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 19

Organizational map Scientific Advisory Board Members General Assembly Chair: D. Laforenza (CNR-ISTI) Industrial Advisory Organizational map Scientific Advisory Board Members General Assembly Chair: D. Laforenza (CNR-ISTI) Industrial Advisory Board Specific Task Forces Integration Monitoring Committee Chair: R. Perrott (U. Belfast) Scientific Co-ordinator Administrative & Financial Co-ordinator T. Priol (INRIA) B. Le Dantec (ERCIM) Executive Committee Spreading Excellence Integrated Activities P. Guisset (CETIC) S. Gorlatch (U. Munster) Knowledge & Data Management D. Talia (U. Calabria) A. Andrzejak (ZIB) R. Yahyapour (U. Dortmund) Programming Model Grid Information & Monitoring PSE, tools and GRID systems M. Danelutto (U. Pisa) Core. GRID Institutes System Architecture L. Matyska (U. Masaryk) V. Getov (U. Wesminster) Scheduling Collaboration Gateway W. Ziegler (Fh. G) European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 20

http: //www. ercim. org/publication/Ercim_News/enw 59/ Conclusion EU is strongly investing in Grid Research Core. http: //www. ercim. org/publication/Ercim_News/enw 59/ Conclusion EU is strongly investing in Grid Research Core. GRID started in September 1 st, 2004 – A very active project although it is in its early stage – Involvement of the main European Key players in Grid computing (both institutions and researchers) – The only one Network of Excellence in Grid funded by the EU – International collaborations • Still to be implemented • High priorities for collaboration with Asia and North America • Should be linked with one of six areas of the joint executed research programme • Additional funding is required both from the EU and foreign countries European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies 21