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Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. SOFTWAR E PRODUCTIVITY CONSORTIUM IEEE Std Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. SOFTWAR E PRODUCTIVITY CONSORTIUM IEEE Std 1220 -1998 Revised International Advantage and Process Improvement Too! Terry Doran IEEE 1220 Revision Working Group Chair Software Technology Conference 20 April 2004

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 2 Topics • Standards Harmonization • Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 2 Topics • Standards Harmonization • IEEE Std 1220 -1998 Revision • Draft changes • Application scenario • Future plans Terry Doran - 2

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 3 Standards Harmonization Road Map An Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 3 Standards Harmonization Road Map An Harmonization road map ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 Systems Engineering ISO/IEC 15288 Software Engineering ISO/IEC 12207 Assessment ISO/IEC 15504 IEEE EIA IEEE 1220 EIA 632 Joint Standards Body Harmonization SC 7 Internal Harmonization … Adapted from: SC 7 WG 7 N 0560 Systems Engineering Study Group Report 11 JAN 02 Terry Doran - 3

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 4 SC 7 Internal Harmonization • Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 4 SC 7 Internal Harmonization • SC 7 has already taken major steps to harmonize its standards: — 15939, Measurement Process, was written to fit into 12207 — The Amendment to 12207 harmonizes its process framework with the purposes and outcomes of the 15504 process assessment standard • Just issued: — ISO/IEC 900003 - A revision of ISO 9000 -3 that harmonizes 12207 and other standards with ISO 9001: 2000 • In process: — Harmonization of 15288 and 12207 so that systems and software efforts will draw from a compatible set of processes Terry Doran - 4

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 5 IEEE 1220 Revision Project Overview Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 5 IEEE 1220 Revision Project Overview • Project — Revision of IEEE 1220 -1998 Standard for Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process • Purpose — Harmonize IEEE 1220 with ISO/IEC 15288 Systems engineering — System life cycle processes • Intent — Minimize initial changes to the existing IEEE 1220 — No change in scope or purpose of IEEE 1220 • Working Group — WG for Harmonization of Systems Engineering Standards (aka IEEE 1220 Revision WG) Terry Doran - 5 TSD-v 1. 0 -1 FEB 03

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 6 IEEE 1220 Revision – A Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 6 IEEE 1220 Revision – A Joint Effort Two-stage harmonization process • 2003 -2004: Harmonization Phase A (Alignment) Current Plan — Focuses on avoidance of overt contradiction — SC 7 participates in IEEE 1220 Revision WG – Joint requirements, etc. — IEEE CS executes the revision. The result is fast-tracked. – Fast-track comments are deferred to Phase B • Harmonization Phase B — SC 7 15288 Harmonization WG results input — Revision performed via Joint Coordination Process Terry Doran - 6

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 7 Project Events and Schedule 2 Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 7 Project Events and Schedule 2 0 02 JAN: SC 7 Systems Engineering Study Group (SE SG) Report OCT: IEEE approved PAR NOV: Initial IEEE 1220 Revision WG Plan & SC 7 Considerations FEB: Revision WG at INCOSE IW 2003 for requirements definition workshop 2 0 0 3 MAY: SC 7 & IEEE at SC 7 (Montreal) —IEEE 1220 Revision WG report —WG 7 ad hoc meeting & report 2004 JAN: Revision WG at INCOSE IW 2004 for working draft review ========= JAN-MAR: IEEE 1220 working draft reviews FEB-AUG: Initial ballot cycle JUN: Revision WG at INCOSE IS 2003 for requirements refinement & document design AUG-SEP: Recirculation cycles OCT: SC 7 & IEEE at SC 7 (Recife) —IEEE 1220 Revision WG report —WG 7 ad hoc discussion DEC: Final Terry Doran - 7

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 8 System Life-Cycle Processes - 15288 Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 8 System Life-Cycle Processes - 15288 5. 2 Agreement Processes Acquisition Enterprise Environment Management 5. 3 Enterprise Processes Project Planning Project Processes Verification Special Process Tailoring Requirements Analysis Transition Quality Management Project Assessment Risk Management Stakeholder Requirements Definition System Life Cycle Processes Management Investment Management Resource Management 5. 4 5. 5 Technical Processes Supply Project Control Configuration Management Architectural Design Validation Operation Decision. Making Information Management Implementation Maintenance Integration Disposal Each process has purpose, outcomes, and activities. Terry Doran - 8

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 9 Example Stages - 15288 Stage Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 9 Example Stages - 15288 Stage Description Concept Analyze needs, identify concepts and develop solutions Development Engineer a product that is a producible item Production Manufacture the item(s) Utilization Operate and use the item(s) Support Maintain and support the item(s) Retirement Retire, dispose and archive A stage includes purpose and outcomes and is fulfilled by life-cycle processes and activities. Terry Doran - 9

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 10 Systems Engineering Process - 1220 Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 10 Systems Engineering Process - 1220 Clause 4 - General Requirements 1. Apply the SEP 2. Policies and procedures 3. Plans and schedules 4. Strategies 5. Models and prototyping 6. Integrated database 7. Integrated data package Clause 6 – The SEP 1. Requirements Analysis 2. Requirements Validation 3. Functional Analysis 4. Functional Verification 8. Specification tree 9. Drawing tree 10. System breakdown structure 11. Integrate inputs 12. Technical reviews 13. Quality management 14. Product and process improvement 5. Synthesis 6. Design Verification 7. Systems Analysis 8. Control Terry Doran - 10

 Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 11 Typical System Life Cycle Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 11 Typical System Life Cycle - 1220 Stage Required Work Products and Tasks Concept, plans, interfaces, risks, quality factors, specs, baselines, reviews System Definition Preliminary Design Subsystem definition, plans, interfaces, risks, quality factors, specs, baselines, reviews Detailed Design Component definition, plans, interfaces, risks, quality factors, specs, baselines, reviews Subsystem Definition Fabrication Assembly Integration and Test Production – Customer Support System integration and test; Analyze fix and retest; Plans, specs, baselines, reviews and audits Correct deficiencies; Ensure proper waste handling; Apply SEP on fielded products Terry Doran - 11

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 12 IEEE 1220 – ISO/IEC 15288 Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 12 IEEE 1220 – ISO/IEC 15288 Issues 1. Nomenclature for system architecture elements 2. Process – Activity – Task structure 3. Differences in names and content of life-cycle stages and processes 4. General definitions and terminology 5. Significant differences in prescription of documentation and reviews 6. Many 15288 processes are not in the scope of 1220 Terry Doran - 12

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 13 IEEE 1220 Revision Draft Solutions Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 13 IEEE 1220 Revision Draft Solutions • Issues 1 - 4 — Add annex to IEEE 1220 to address structural and conceptual differences between the two standards • Issue 4 — Minor changes to IEEE 1220 definitions — Addition of select ISO/IEC 15288 definitions • Issue 5 — Soften the normative requirements for specific documents • Issue 6 — No need to broaden scope of IEEE 1220 processes to match ISO/IEC 15288 Terry Doran - 13

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 14 Annex C – Nomenclature Comparison Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 14 Annex C – Nomenclature Comparison 15228 System-of-Interest System Element 15288 has no equivalent element 15288 Enabling Systems 15288 has no equivalent element Terry Doran - 14

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 15 Annex C – Stage Activity Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 15 Annex C – Stage Activity Comparison Life Cycle Stage Overlay with Process/Activity Mapping Terry Doran - 15

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 16 A System Standards Application Scenario Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 16 A System Standards Application Scenario Systems L Life ISO 15288 EIA 632 High-level Practices IEEE 1220 Level of Detail Process Description Detailed Practices Being Conceptualized Under Development Transition to Operations Being Operated Maintained, or Enhanced Being Replaced Or Dismantled Adapted from: SC 7 WG 7 N 0560 Systems Engineering Study Group Report 11 JAN 02 Terry Doran - 16

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 17 Standard Processes Organizational Standard Set Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 17 Standard Processes Organizational Standard Set of Processes Life-Cycle Model Descriptions Standard Process Architecture -------- --------- ------ Standard Process Elements ----------- Process Database Project Process Terry Doran - 17

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 18 Standard Processes - Multiple Models Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 18 Standard Processes - Multiple Models Organizational Standard Process (OSP) Framework database provides integrated or stand-alone mappings SW PM SE QA Tailoring Project’s Defined Process (PDP 1) . . . Frameworks (FW) ISO 9001 CMMISM ISO/IEC 15288 IEEE 1220 ISO/IEC 12207 Mapping FW 1 to FW 2 Mapping FW 1 to OSP Mapping FW 1 to PDP 1 others . . . compliance reports, gap identification reports Terry Doran - 18

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 19 Mapping: 1220 to 15288 IEEE Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 19 Mapping: 1220 to 15288 IEEE 1220 – Clause 4 ISO/IEC 15288 – Clause 5 IEEE 1220 – Clause 6 General Requirements System Life Cycle Processes Systems Eng. Process 1. Apply the SEP 2. Policies & procedures 3. Plans & schedules 4. Strategies 5. Models & prototypes 6. Integrated database 7. Integrated data pkg. 8. Specification tree 9. Drawing tree 10. System breakdown … 11. Integrate inputs 12. Technical reviews 5. 4, 5. 5 5. 3. 2, 5. 3. 4 5. 4. 2 5. 3. 2, 5. 3. 4, 5. 4. 2 5. 5. 3 -. 4 5. 5. 7, 5. 5. 9 5. 4. 8, 5. 5. 4 5. 5. 2 -. 4 5. 3 Enterprise Processes 5. 5. 4 Project Processes 5. 5. 4. 3 -. 4 13. Quality management 5. 3. 6 14. Product and process 5. 3. 4, 5. 3. 6 5. 5. 4, 5. 5. 7 5. 5. 2, 5. 5. 4, 5. 5. 7 5. 5. 4 5. 3. 5, 5. 4. 2 -. 3 5. 5 Technical Processes 5. 4. 5 -. 6, 5. 5. 2 -. 4 5. 4. 3 -. 4, 5. 4. 6 -. 8, 5. 5. 4 1. Requirements Analysis 2. Requirements Validation 3. Functional Analysis 4. Functional Verification 5. Synthesis 6. Design Verification 7. Systems Analysis 8. Control improvement Terry Doran - 19 Working Draft summary shows relationships from 1220 -1998 non-required source and 15288 target activities

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 20 CMMI Process Areas Category Process Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 20 CMMI Process Areas Category Process Management Project Management Engineering Support SE/SW Process Areas Organizational Process Focus (OPF) Organizational Process Definition (OPD) Organizational Training (OT) Organizational Process Performance (OPP) Organizational Innovation and Deployment (OID) Project Planning (PP) Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) Integrated Project Management (IPM) Risk Management (RSKM) Quantitative Project Management (QPM) Requirements Management (REQM) Requirements Development (RD) Technical Solution (TS) Product Integration (PI) Verification (VER) Validation (VAL) Configuration Management (CM) Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) Measurement and Analysis (MA) Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR) Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) Terry Doran - 20

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 21 Mapping: 1220 to CMMI IEEE Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 21 Mapping: 1220 to CMMI IEEE 1220 4 - General Requirements 1. Apply the SEP 2. Policies & procedures 3. Plans & schedules 4. Strategies PP, RD, TS, VER, OPD, REQM, PMC ENG & PM GPs: esp. 2. 2, PP, GPs: RSKM, 2. 8 CM, VER, PI PP, OPD, OID, ISM 5. Models & prototypes RD 6. Integrated database REQM 7. Integrated data pkg. TS 8. Specification tree RD, TS 9. Drawing tree IEEE 1220 CMMI TS 10. System breakdown … PP, REQM 11. Integrate inputs REQM, IT, TS 12. Technical reviews VER, REQM 13. Quality management OPP, QPM 14. Product and process PPQA, PMC, OPF improvement Working Draft 6 - The SEP Process Management RD, RSKM, REQM OPF, OPD, OT, OPP, OID RD, REQM RD, RSKM Project Management PP, PMC, SAM, IPM, ISM, RSKM, QPM RD, VER, REQM TS, RD, REQM, RSKM, SAM TS, VER, CM Engineering REQM, RD, TS, PI, VER, VAL Support TS, DAR, RSKM PMC, CM, RSKM, MA 1. Requirements Analysis 2. Requirements Validation 3. Functional Analysis 4. Functional Verification 5. Synthesis 6. Design Verification 7. Systems Analysis 8. Control CM, PPQA, MA, CAR, DAR Terry Doran - 21

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 22 2004 Revision Draft Ballot Timeline Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 22 2004 Revision Draft Ballot Timeline • Ballot Group formation and administration: 60 days — FEB - APR • Initial ballot issue and return: 60 days — APR - JUN (30 day comment return) • Prep comments for ballot resolution committee: 14 days — JUN - JUL • Resolve comments and update ballot draft: 30 -45 days — JUL - AUG • Recirculation cycles – 30 days — As needed (10 day comment return) • IEEE Standards Association Standards Board meetings — For SEP or DEC approval Terry Doran - 22

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 23 IEEE 1220 – ISO/IEC 15288 Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 23 IEEE 1220 – ISO/IEC 15288 Long-term IEEE Std 1220 -1998 ISO/IEC 15288: 2002 IEEE WG* & SC 7 1220 -15288 Revision Plan and Issue Resolution Phase A 1220 -15288 Alignment IEEE-SC 7 Phase B 1220 -15288/12207 Harmonization Remaining Requirements 2003 -2004 Issues & Requirements 2002 -2004 IEEE Std 1220 - 2005 (Aligned) 2005/6 … Comments for Phase B JTC 1 Phase B Issues & Requirements Fast-track 2005 * IEEE 1220 Revision WG includes IEEE CS, SC 7 and INCOSE members ISO/IEC 1220: 2005 (Aligned) IEEE ISO/IEC 1220 (Harmonized) ISO/IEC 15288/12207 (Harmonized) SC 7 15288 – 12207 Harmonization Project 2003 -2007 Terry Doran - 23

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 24 Summary • International standards harmonization Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 24 Summary • International standards harmonization benefits acquisition, program and project managers who deal with complex systems and multi-national teams — International recognition and acceptance — Common understanding — Shortened cycle time • Harmonized standards collections ease process definition for multiple model users Facilitates systems and software process integration and use among collaborating multi-national teams Terry Doran - 24

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 25 Questions Terry Doran - 25 Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 25 Questions Terry Doran - 25

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 26 For More Information Contact • Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 26 For More Information Contact • Terry Doran Software Productivity Consortium 2214 Rock Hill Road Herndon, VA 20170 -4277 USA Tel: 1 703 -742 -7190 Email: doran@software. org • Software Productivity Consortium: www. software. org • IEEE: http: //standards. computer. org/sesc/ • ISO: http: //www. iso. ch/iso/en/ISOOnline. openerpage • SC 7: http: //www. jtc 1 -sc 7. org/ • INCOSE: http: //www. incose. org/ • EIA/GEIA: http: //www. geia. org/sstc/G 47/ Terry Doran - 26

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 27 References For IEEE Standards: http: Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 27 References For IEEE Standards: http: //computer. org/cspress/CATALOG/st 01110. htm Or related information: http: //standards. computer. org/sesc/ 1) IEEE Standard 1220 -1998, IEEE Standard for Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. New York, New York. 1998 For ISO and ISO/IEC Standards: http: //www. iso. ch/iso/en/ISOOnline. openerpage 2) ISO 9000 -3: 1997, Quality management and quality assurance standards -Part 3: Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001: 1994 to the development, supply, installation and maintenance of computer software 3) ISO/IEC 90003: 2004, Software engineering -- Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001: 2000 to computer software 4) ISO 9001: 2000, Quality management systems — Requirements 5) ISO/IEC 12207: 1995, Information technology — Software life cycle processes 6) ISO/IEC 12207: 1995/Amd 1: 2002, Amendment 1 Terry Doran - 27

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 28 References - 2 7) ISO/IEC Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 28 References - 2 7) ISO/IEC 15288: 2002, Systems engineering — System life cycle processes 8) ISO/IEC TR 15504 -1… 9: 1998, Information technology — Software process assessment – Parts 1 -9 9) ISO/IEC 15939: 2002, Software engineering — Software measurement process For ISO/IEC documents and in-process standards and technical reports(TRs): http: //www. jtc 1 -sc 7. org/ (Note these items will include their current project state, e. g. , FCD-Final Committee Draft, FDIS-Final Draft International Standard, DTR-Draft TR) 9) ISO/IEC FDIS 15504 -1… 5, Software engineering — Process assessment — Parts 1 -5 10) ISO/IEC TR 19760, Systems engineering — A guide for the application of ISO/IEC 15288 System life cycle processes Terry Doran - 28

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 29 References - 3 11) ISO/IEC Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 29 References - 3 11) ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 7/WG 7 N 0560, Working Group Report: Systems Engineering Study Group Report, 2002 -01 -11 For EIA standards: http: //www. geia. org/sstc/prod 01. htm or http: //www. geia. org/sstc/G 47/ 12) ANSI/EIA-632 -1998, Processes for Engineering a System, Electronics Industries Alliance, Arlington, Virginia. 1999 For CMMI: http: //www. sei. cmu. edu/cmmi 13) CMMIsm for Systems Engineering/Software Engineering Version 1. 1 (CMMISM SE/SW V 1. 1), Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 2002 Terry Doran - 29

Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 30 Abbreviations ANSI – American National Copyright © 2004, Software Productivity Consortium NFP, Inc. 30 Abbreviations ANSI – American National Standards Institute EIA – Electronics Industries Alliance IEC IEEE CS INCOSE ISO JTC 1 SC SC 7 SE SE SG SEP SG WG WG 7 – International Electrotechnical Commission – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – IEEE Computer Society – International Council on Systems Engineering – International Organization for Standardization – ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1: Information Technology – subcommittee – ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 7: Software and Systems Engineering – systems engineering – ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 7 WG 7’s Systems Engineering Study Group – systems engineering process – study group – working group – ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 7 WG 7: Life Cycle Processes Terry Doran - 30