- Количество слайдов: 21
Coping with and Managing Stress- Objectives: ¬Define stress ¬Describe what happens in your body when stress occurs (the physiological response) ¬Describe the effects of stress on the immune system
Objectives continued: ¬Describe how stress affects the nutritional status. ¬Describe how to manage stress ¬Describe behaviors or habits that unnecessarily rob you of time. ¬Describe at least two time management tools
Definition of stress: ¬It is a mismatch between the demands in our lives and the resources we have to deal with those demands. ¬This mismatch is often caused by changes, either large or small. ¬Stress is not an event (not a person, place or thing) it is your reaction to that event.
Stress can be good: ¬It is a force that can generate and initiate action, therefore it is a motivating force. ¬Eustress ¬Gives humans an ability to respond to challenges or dangers. ¬It is vital for self-protection
The stress response is characterized by: ¬Muscle tension ¬Acute anxiety ¬Increased heart rate ¬Hypertension ¬Shallow breathing ¬Giddiness ¬joy
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS): ¬ A series of changes that the body undergoes whether a stress is perceived as positive or negative. ¬ First phase is Alarm, homeostasis is disrupted, known also as the “Fight or Flight” response syndrome. Adrenaline and other chemicals are pumped into the blood stream. ¬.
GAS continued: ¬The emotional response stimulates a physical reaction associated with stress, such as: muscles and stomach tightening, the heart rate increasing, the mouth becoming dry, palms wet
GAS continued ¬ The second stage is “Resistance” the body responds with increased strength, endurance, sensory capacity. ¬ “Exhaustion” is the third phase, this occurs when the stress becomes chronic or pervasive. ¬ If the person has not effectively managed stress then it affects the heart, stomach, blood pressure, muscles and joints. ¬ Know the picture of stress on your body.
Stress and the immune system: ¬A defense system against illness and disease inside and outside the body. ¬Chronic stress suppresses the body’s ability to initiate an effective immune response ¬Suppression is due to increase secretion of corticosteroids which weaken the immune system.
Stress and the immune system, continued: ¬ Research has shown that the immune system was severely compromised with social disruption: ¬ leaving home for the first time ¬ Feeling down for prolonged periods ¬ Lack of self-confidence ¬ Feelings of hopelessness and loneliness ¬ Can make us more susceptible to colds to cancer ¬ 2/3 of all diseases have been linked to stress.
Illnesses/diseases associated with stress: ¬Migraines ¬Ulcers ¬Asthma ¬Cold/flu ¬Depression ¬Heart disease
Stress and nutritional status stress and how you eat: ¬Eating too much, too little, wrong kinds of foods. ¬Over using caffeine, tobacco, drugs and/or alcohol. ¬During stressful times, one needs more protein and vitamins
Managing stress: ¬ Relaxation techniques ¬ Deep breathing ¬ Progressive muscle relaxation ¬ Meditation ¬ Visualization ¬ Music ¬ Humor ¬ Massage ¬ Exercise
Most of us know to eat right and do healthy activities to manage stress…. ¬Most of us have problems being motivated to do these things. ¬You could compare the process of change to build a house. ¬If you build your house on a shaky foundation, it will crumble. ¬Think of the foundation as the way you think, self-love and self awareness are the building blocks to your foundation.
Everything you need to better ourselves-the desire, drive, discipline…. we already have, ¬But, it is buried under fear and low selfesteem. ¬That is why changing is so difficult ¬Poor self-esteem puts you at odds with your well-being.
Behaviors that can rob you of your time: ¬ Workholism ¬ Time juggling-over scheduling ¬ Procrastination-consistently putting off things that can be done immediately ¬ Perfectionism-going beyond trying to do your best and, the inability to achieve unrealistic goals which then contribute to feelings of dissatisfaction and failure. ¬ “yesism” –the inability to say “no” extremely nice people who fear rejection.
Suggestions: ¬ Write down realistic goals and priorities. ¬ Assess current activities to determine whether they are essential, important or trivial ¬ Develop a timeline ¬ Allocate a certain number of time each day of the week for a project like a term paper. ¬ Know where and when you can best complete a task
Suggestions, continued: ¬ Know the circumstances under which you function the best, library, at home, with friends, alone, etc. ¬ Do you concentrate best in the morning, afternoon or at night ? ¬ When prioritizing, try categorizing: 1. Need to be done now 2. Wait a brief time 3. Not essential * Ask for help, say “no”, play each day!
Overcoming test-taking anxiety: ¬Plan to start studying a week before the test ¬Build your test taking self-esteem: on a 3 x 5 card write down 3 reasons why you will do well on the test, aim high and look at it often. Write + affirmations on the test ¬Get adequate sleep ¬Eat a balanced diet ¬During the test, if you get anxious, read affirmations.
Relaxation techniques for stress management: ¬ Breathing ¬ Yoga: 20 million American practice this ¬ Qi Gong (pronounced chee-kong) practiced in china for 2000 years, it is one of the most fastest growing popular mind-body exercises. Taps into meridians, energy pathways. When your “chi” becomes stagnant, you feel sluggish and disease may occur.
Summary: ¬ Stress is part of our lives. ¬ The GAS involves physiological responses to real and imagined stresses. ¬ Stress that accumulates can compromise the immune system. ¬ College can be very stressful. ¬ There are healthy ways to manage stress and unhealthy ways which add more stress to the mind-body-spirit.