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Conversations that matter Staying connected • M. Fagbemi - NCDB • S. Morrow – New York Deaf-Blind Collaborative • T. Luiselli – NEC • J. Petroff PHD - New Jersey Consortium on Deaf–Blindness info@nationaldb. org The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U. S. Department of Education #H 326 T 130013. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of The Research Institute, nor the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Jo Ann Mc. Cann.
Growing together by sharing DB Summit 2016 • Multi – state collaborative efforts • Products disseminated • Products under construction Looking over the horizon • Brief updates • Brainstorming • Polling
Transition Initiative New York Deaf-Blind Collaborative
NYDBC Transition Long-Term Outcomes (1)Achievement of valued life outcomes in work, community, home, and postsecondary education for young adults who are deaf-blind. (2)Systems involved in the transition process are addressing the unique needs of families and young adults who are deaf-blind through the use of EBP’s.
ITTI Struggles • Parental & professional lack of understanding of the need for early transition planning • Difficult to “find time” with multiple players across disciplines • Sporadic participation • Team members well-intentioned and good in the moment, over time participation wains • Lack of key player to act as coordinator of ITTI activities on-site • NYDBC takes on role, not leading to enhanced local capacity
Transition: Activities by Level of TA • General/Universal • Sharing resources, connecting families to organizations • Participating and/or presenting at various statewide events for networking purposes • Targeted/Specialized • Webinars on transition planning, training to state agencies, statewide conference presentations • Consultant to act as liaison to transition teams, coordinating webinars • Intensive/Sustained • Interdisciplinary Transition Team Initiative (ITTI), transition planning meeting facilitation • Shift away from intensive team approach to systemic focus
Targeted TA Activities • Webinar series on transition planning • Training to state agency staff • NYCB, ACCES-VR • Statewide presentations • DCDT, Transition Youth Institute, NYSAER, YAI • Division on Career Development and Transition • Transition Age Youth Institute • Statewide Transition Conference 2016
ITTI Resource Kit • Transition Planning Timeline • Major Target Areas of Transition Planning • Examples of Transition Services & Activities • Student Profile
NCDB – Transition Conversation Webinar October 26, 2016 New England Consortium for Deafblind Technical Assistance and Training Tracy Evans Luiselli, Ed. D.
Components • Modeled after NYDBC ITTI • Collaboration with NCDB and HKNC • Targeted – 8 teams; 3 teams discontinued; 5 in progress • Monthly Team Meetings (review of webinar/topics/discussion, review of Action Plan items, completion of planning activities) • Parent Participation • Lead Team Member • Person Centered Planning Process • NCDB OPI Document and CEDDAR Transition – Essential Components (Targeted Outcomes) http: //ceedar. education. ufl. edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/transition-planning. pdf
Targeted Outcomes: CEDDAR Assessment Tool Essential Practices (4 pt. Likert Scale) Composite Score – 96/120 1. 1: Involving students in transition IEP 3 2 2 3 4 (14) 1. 2: Teaching transition planning skills (PCP) 3 3 2 2 2 (12) 3. 2: Encouraging parent involvement 4 4 4 (20) 3. 4: Promoting positive parental expectations for employment & education 4 4 4 (20) 5. 1: Connecting students and families to outside agencies 4 4 3 (19) 5. 3: Implementing cross-disciplinary planning (intra and interagency collaboration) 2 2 3 3 1 (11)
Future TTI Targeted Outcomes: Strengthen Focus on IEP and Instruction • LEAD TTI Coordinator – 4 States • Increase Emphasis on IEP and Transition Plan • Link to Existing SEA Transition Initiatives • Offer PDPs/CEUs • Improve TEAM Meeting Structure, Norms and Practice • Employment for Summer 2017 Future – Stronger Focus on Instructional Practices: 1. 4: Appropriate/measurable transition goals in IEP 2. 1: Instruction to support independent living skills 2. 2: Instruction in community participation skills
Connect NEC TTI Teams with WIOA (Perkins Pre-Employment Program) • Phase 1: Assessment (Spring 2016) • Phase 2: Summer Job Exploration (2016) • Phase 3: Implementation in School/Community (2016 -2017) Completion of Portfolios, Resumes, IEP & Transition Plan Lacey Saint Jose
Go Together
Brainstorming Together We are inextricably linked by the census : • Large percentage of youth ages 14 – 22 make up the child count (40%) § Approximately 60% are being served in a regular education classroom at least part of the day § Part B exit data suggests nearly half graduated with a regular diploma (39%) or certificate (10%) § One in 8 ( 12. 5%) were identified as having dropped out prior to aging out
Brainstorming Together: Young Adult Outcomes • Why does the National Data as well as anecdotal evidence continue to suggest that the transition planning and associated educational programming for youth who are deaf-blind are not yielding the anticipated or desired post-school outcomes expected (e. g. paid competitive employment; independent living; and post-secondary education)?
Brainstorming Together: National Infrastructure and Partnerships • What National initiatives / infrastructure and partnerships can be established that would influence this continued pattern?
Brainstorming Together: School to Successful Adult Life • It appears planning is not enough, and although there is evidence that having job experience while in high school may be correlated with higher levels of post-school employment, this does not seem to be enough. What needs to be happen to forge the bridge from school to a successful adult life, that we haven’t accomplished or attempted?
Brainstorming Together: Future Roles • What is and what should be in the future, the role of the Deafblind Projects, NCDB, and HKNC, in regards to fostering the transition from school to adult life for youth who are deafblind?