Скачать презентацию CONVERSATIONS РАЗГОВОР Greetings expressing thanks etc SIMPLE WORDS Скачать презентацию CONVERSATIONS РАЗГОВОР Greetings expressing thanks etc SIMPLE WORDS


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CONVERSATIONS/РАЗГОВОР Greetings/ expressing thanks/ etc. CONVERSATIONS/РАЗГОВОР Greetings/ expressing thanks/ etc.

SIMPLE WORDS AND PHRASES ПРОСТЫЕ СЛОВА И ВЫРАЖЕНИЯ yes да no нет maybe или SIMPLE WORDS AND PHRASES ПРОСТЫЕ СЛОВА И ВЫРАЖЕНИЯ yes да no нет maybe или perhaps может быть please пожалуйста thanks спасибо thank you спасибо thanks very much большое спасибо thank you very much большое спасибо

GETTING SOMEONE'S ATTENTION ANDAPOLOGIZING ПРИВЛЕЧЕНИЕ ВНИМАНИЯ И ИЗВИНЕНИЕ Excuse me Sorry Pardon простите (может GETTING SOMEONE'S ATTENTION ANDAPOLOGIZING ПРИВЛЕЧЕНИЕ ВНИМАНИЯ И ИЗВИНЕНИЕ Excuse me Sorry Pardon простите (может использоваться для привлечения внимания или при извинении) Извините простите no problem it's OK или that's OK don't worry about it ничего страшного все в порядке не стоит беспокойства

GREETINGS ПРИВЕТСТВИЕ Hi. Привет. Hello. Здравствуйте. Good Morning. Доброе утро. Good Afternoon. Добрый день. GREETINGS ПРИВЕТСТВИЕ Hi. Привет. Hello. Здравствуйте. Good Morning. Доброе утро. Good Afternoon. Добрый день. Good Evening. Добрый вечер. Good Night. Спокойной ночи. How are you? Как жизнь? How are you doing? Как Ваши дела? How is it going? (Informal) Как поживаете? (Неоф. ) Fine. How about you? Прекрасно. Как у вас дела? Okay. Thanks. Хорошо. Спасибо.

EXPRESSING THANKS ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ БЛАГОДАРНОСТИ Thank you. -Спасибо. Thanks a lot. Thank you very much. EXPRESSING THANKS ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ БЛАГОДАРНОСТИ Thank you. -Спасибо. Thanks a lot. Thank you very much. -Большое спасибо. It was very kind of you. -Это было очень любезно с вашей стороны. I appreciate it. -Я ценю это. Thanks for the food. Спасибо за еду. Thanks for your time. Спасибо за Ваше время. Thank you for the nice gift. Спасибо за хороший подарок. I appreciate your kindness/help. Я ценю Вашу доброту/помощь.

RESPONDING TO THANKS ОТВЕТ НА СПАСИБО You are welcome. Пожалуйста. Do not mention it. RESPONDING TO THANKS ОТВЕТ НА СПАСИБО You are welcome. Пожалуйста. Do not mention it. Не упоминайте про это. (It is) my pleasure. С удовольствием. It was nothing. Не за что. That is alright/OK. ХОРОШО. No problem. Без проблем. Any time. В любое время.

ПРОЩАНИЕ SAYING GOODBYE bye пока goodbye до свидания goodnight спокойной ночи see you! увидимся! ПРОЩАНИЕ SAYING GOODBYE bye пока goodbye до свидания goodnight спокойной ночи see you! увидимся! see you soon! до скорого! see you later! увидимся! have a nice day! хорошего дня! have a good weekend! хороших выходных!

MAKING YOURSELF UNDERSTOOD КАК ОБЪЯСНИТЬСЯ Do you speak English? Bы говорите по-английски? I don't MAKING YOURSELF UNDERSTOOD КАК ОБЪЯСНИТЬСЯ Do you speak English? Bы говорите по-английски? I don't speak English. I don't speak much English - я не очень хорошо говорю по-английски I only speak very little English - я только чуть-чуть говорю по-английски I speak a little English - я немного говорю по-английски Please speak slowly. - пожалуйста, говорите медленнее Please write it down. - пожалуйста, напишите это Could you please repeat that? I understand. I don't understand. - я не говорю по-английски - не могли бы вы повторить? - я понимаю - я не понимаю

OTHER BASIC PHRASES ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ОСНОВНЫЕ ВЫРАЖЕНИЯ I know я знаю I don't know я OTHER BASIC PHRASES ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ОСНОВНЫЕ ВЫРАЖЕНИЯ I know я знаю I don't know я не знаю Excuse me, where is restroom? извините, где находится туалет? excuse me, where is Men’s room? извините, где мужской туалет? excuse me, where is Ladies room? извините, где женский туалет?

THINGS YOU MIGHT SEE ОБОЗНАЧЕНИЯ, КОТОРЫЕ МОГУТ Entrance Вход Exit Выход Emergency exit Аварийный THINGS YOU MIGHT SEE ОБОЗНАЧЕНИЯ, КОТОРЫЕ МОГУТ Entrance Вход Exit Выход Emergency exit Аварийный выход Push Pull От себя На себя Restrooms Туалеты Lavatory Туалет Men Мужской Туалет Women Женский Туалет Vacant Свободно Occupied или Engaged Занято Out of order No smoking Private No entry Не работает Не курить Частная собственность Вход воспрещен ВСТРЕТИТЬСЯ

ADVANCED ENGLISH 101 ПРОДВИНУТЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ 101 abanden abandon abizmal abysmal abriviate abbreviate abscound abscond ADVANCED ENGLISH 101 ПРОДВИНУТЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ 101 abanden abandon abizmal abysmal abriviate abbreviate abscound abscond absorbant absorbent absorbtion absorption abstanence abstinence abundance abundent abundant acatemy academy acceptence acceptance acceptible acceptable acceptibly acceptably accessable accessible accidently accidentally accomidate accommodate accross accually actually acheeve achieve acknowledgement acknowledgment

ABANDON оставлять, покидать verb 1. leave, strand, ditch, leave behind, walk out on, forsake, ABANDON оставлять, покидать verb 1. leave, strand, ditch, leave behind, walk out on, forsake, jilt, run out on, throw over, turn your back on, desert, dump, leave high and dry. He claimed that his parents had abandoned him. 2. stop, drop, give up, halt, cease, cut out discontinue, leave off, desist from The authorities have abandoned any attempt to distribute food. stop continue 3. give up, resign from, yield, surrender, relinquish, renounce, waive, cede, forgo, abdicate ef forts to persuade him to abandon his claim to the presidency give up take, keep, hold, claim 4. evacuate (takes ship as object) quit, withdraw from, vacate, depart from The crew prepared to abandon ship. evacuate maintain, defend, uphold nounrecklessness, dash, wildness, wantonness, unrestraint, careless freedom He has splashed money around with gay abandon. recklessness control, restraint, moderation abandon yourself to something indulge in, give way to, yield to, wallow in, give free rein to, lose yourself in, give yourself up to We are scared to abandon ourselves to our feelings.

ABYSMAL ужасный a : having immense or fathomless extension downward, backward, or inward <an ABYSMAL ужасный a : having immense or fathomless extension downward, backward, or inward b : immeasurably great : PROFOUND c : immeasurably low or wretched

ABBREVIATE сокращать transitive verb : to make briefer; especially : to reduce to a ABBREVIATE сокращать transitive verb : to make briefer; especially : to reduce to a shorter form intended to stand for the whole

ABSCOND скрываться от правосудия Бежать verb (used without object)to depart in a sudden and ABSCOND скрываться от правосудия Бежать verb (used without object)to depart in a sudden and secret manner, especially to avoid capture and legal prosecution: The cashier absconded with the money.

ABSORBENT/ ABSORPTION поглотитель; поглощающий материал adj. Capable of absorbing: absorbent cotton. n. A substance ABSORBENT/ ABSORPTION поглотитель; поглощающий материал adj. Capable of absorbing: absorbent cotton. n. A substance that is capable of absorbing

ABSTINENCE воздержание n. The act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite or ABSTINENCE воздержание n. The act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite or desire, especially for alcoholic drink

ABUNDANCE/ ABUNDANT Изобилие n. 1. A great or plentiful amount. 2. Fullness to overflowing: ABUNDANCE/ ABUNDANT Изобилие n. 1. A great or plentiful amount. 2. Fullness to overflowing: "My thoughts. . . are from the abundance of my heart" (Thomas De Quincey). 3. Affluence; wealth. 4. Chemistry The amount of an isotope of an element that exists in nature, usually expressed as a percentage of the total amount of all isotopes of the element.

ACADEMY Академия n. pl. a·cad·e·mies 1. A school for special instruction. 2. A secondary ACADEMY Академия n. pl. a·cad·e·mies 1. A school for special instruction. 2. A secondary or college-preparatory school, especially a private one. 3. a. The academic community; academe: "When there's moral leadership from the White House and from the academy, people tend to adjust" (Jesse Jackson). b. Higher education in general. Used with the. c. A society of scholars, scientists, or artists.

ACCEPTANCE Принятие n. 1. The act or process of accepting. 2. The state of ACCEPTANCE Принятие n. 1. The act or process of accepting. 2. The state of being accepted or acceptable. 3. Favorable reception; approval. 4. Belief in something; agreement. 5. Abbr. acpt. a. A formal indication by a debtor of willingness to pay a time draft or bill of exchange. b. A written instrument so accepted. 6. Law Compliance by one party with the terms and conditions of another's offer so that a contract becomes legally binding between them

ACCEPTABLE/ACCEPTABLY (ADV. ) Приемлемый adj. 1. Worthy of being accepted. 2. Adequate to satisfy ACCEPTABLE/ACCEPTABLY (ADV. ) Приемлемый adj. 1. Worthy of being accepted. 2. Adequate to satisfy a need, requirement, or standard; satisfactory.

ACCESSIBLE Доступный adj. 1. Easily approached or entered. 2. Easily obtained: accessible money. 3. ACCESSIBLE Доступный adj. 1. Easily approached or entered. 2. Easily obtained: accessible money. 3. Easy to talk to or get along with: an accessible manager. 4. Easily swayed or influenced: accessible to flattery

ACCIDENTALLY Случайно, нечаянно without advance planning; ACCIDENTALLY Случайно, нечаянно without advance planning; "they met accidentally"

ACCOMODATE оказывать услугу, размещать, приспособлять v. ac·com·mo·dat·ed, ac·com·mo·dat·ing, ac·com·mo·d ates v. tr. 1. To ACCOMODATE оказывать услугу, размещать, приспособлять v. ac·com·mo·dat·ed, ac·com·mo·dat·ing, ac·com·mo·d ates v. tr. 1. To do a favor or service for; oblige. See Synonyms at oblige. 2. To provide for; supply with. 3. To hold comfortably without crowding. See Synonyms at contain. 4. To make suitable; adapt. See Synonyms at adapt. 5. To allow for; consider: an economic proposal that accommodates the interests of senior citizens. 6. To settle; reconcile. v. intr. 1. To adapt oneself; become adjusted: It is never easy to accommodate to social change. 2. Physiology To become adjusted, as the eye to focusing on objects at a distance.

ACROSS в ширину, сквозь, поперёк, через prep. 1. On, at, or from the other ACROSS в ширину, сквозь, поперёк, через prep. 1. On, at, or from the other side of: across the street. 2. So as to cross; through: drew lines across the paper. 3. From one side of to the other: a bridge across a river. 4. Into contact with: came across my old roommate. adv. 1. From one side to the other: The footbridge swayed when I ran across. 2. On or to the opposite side: We came across by ferry. 3. Crosswise; crossed. 4. In such a manner as to be comprehensible, acceptable, or successful: put our idea across; get a message across. adj. Being in a crossed position: seated with arms across.

ACTUALLY Фактически, на самом деле, в действительности adv 1. a. as an actual fact; ACTUALLY Фактически, на самом деле, в действительности adv 1. a. as an actual fact; really b. (as sentence modifier) actually, I haven't seen him 2. at present 3. Informal a parenthetic filler used to add slight emphasis I don't know, actually

ACHIEVE Достигать v. a·chieved, a·chiev·ing, a·chieves v. tr. 1. To perform or carry out ACHIEVE Достигать v. a·chieved, a·chiev·ing, a·chieves v. tr. 1. To perform or carry out with success; accomplish. See Synonyms at perform. 2. To attain with effort or despite difficulty. See Synonyms at reach. v. intr. To accomplish something successfully; perform at a standard or above standard level: skills needed to achieve in school.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Признание, квитанция n. 1. The act of admitting or owning to something. 2. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Признание, квитанция n. 1. The act of admitting or owning to something. 2. Recognition of another's existence, validity, authority, or right. 3. An answer or response in return for something done. 4. An expression of thanks or a token of appreciation. 5. A formal declaration made to authoritative witnesses to ensure legal validity