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Convention of the Metre and RMOs Dr. Ilya Kuselman The National Physical Laboratory of Israel (INPL) Givat Ram, Jerusalem, e-mail: ilya. kuselman@moital. gov. il http: //inpl. moital. gov. il Vice-Chair of the Co-operation on International Traceability in Analytical Chemistry (CITAC), http: //www. citac. cc Chair of the Israeli Metrological Society (IMS) http: //www. science. co. il/ims/
Traceability VIM: it is the property of the result of a measurement or the value of a standard whereby it can be related to stated references, usually national or international standards, through an unbroken chain of comparisons all having stated uncertainties. Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 2
The reference of length in Egypt 3000 BC Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05
Stated references in the Torah Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 4
Convention of the Metre - 1875 elcome to the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). BIPM contact details: BIPM Pavillon de Breteuil 92312 Sèvres Cedex France Tel: +33 1 45 07 70 70 Fax: +33 1 45 34 20 21 The task of the BIPM is to ensure world-wide uniformity of measurements and their traceability to the International System of Units (SI). It does this with the authority of the Convention of the Metre, a diplomatic treaty between fifty-one nations, and it operates through a series of Consultative Committees, whose members are the national metrology laboratories of the Member States of the Convention, and through its own laboratory work. www. bipm. fr Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 5
Consultative Committees (CC) 1. The CC for Electricity and Magnetism, set up in 1927 2. The CC for Photometry and Radiometry, set up in 1933 3. The CC for Thermometry, set up in 1937 4. The CC for Length, set up in 1952 5. The CC for Time and Frequency, set up in 1956 6. The CC for Ionizing Radiation, set up in 1958 7. The CC for Unites, set up in 1964 8. The CC for Mass and Related Quantities, set up in 1980 9. The CC for Amount of Substance, set up in 1993 Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 6
Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) The MRA of National Measurement Standards and of Calibration and Measurement Certificates Issued by NMIs: § to establish the degree of equivalence of national measurement standards maintained by NMIs; § to provide mutual recognition of calibration and measurement certificates issued by NMIs; § thereby to provide governments and other parties with a secure technical foundation for wider agreements related to international trade, commerce and regulatory affairs. Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 7
Key comparisons Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 8
INPL – BIPM key comparisons 2005 ü CCTF–K 2001. UTC – Key Comparison on the Calculation of the Reference Time Scale ü CCQM–K 19 - p. H Measurement of Borate Buffer Solutions ü CCQM-K 36 a and CCQM-K 36 b – Measurements of Electrolytic Conductivity ü CCQM-P 61 - Volatile Organic Compounds in Organic Solvents ü CCQM-P 44 and CCQM-P 70 - Trace Elements in Sewage Sludge Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 9
RMOs ü Inter-American Metrology System (SIM) ü Southern African Development Community (SADC) Cooperation in Measurement Traceability (SADCMET) ü Asia-Pacific Metrology Program (APMP) ü Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions (COOMET) ü European Collaboration on Measurement Standards (EUROMET) ü Middle East and Northern Africa Regional Metrology Cooperation (MENAMET) Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 10
RMOs’ map Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 11
Asia-Pacific Metrology Program http: //www. apmpweb. org APMP - 22 participating member countries; Canada, Egypt, South Africa, Russia and Syria are Associate Members. Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 12
Inter-American Metrology System http: //www. sim-metrologia. org. br SIM - 34 participating member countries Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 13
SADC Cooper. in Measur. Traceability http: //www. sadc-sqam. org SADCMET 17 participating member countries Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 14
Euro-Asian Cooperation of NMIs http: //www. coomet. org Cuba Bulgaria DPR of Korea Kazakhstan Kyrgyzia Germany Belarusia - 14 participating member countries R omania Lithuania Moldavia Rus sia Slovakia Ukraine Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 Uzbekistan 15
European Collab. on Meas. Standards http: //www. euromet. org 31 participating member countries and 6 corresponding applicants Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 16
MENAMET At the invitation of some NMIs in the Middle East and Northern Africa, SA and USA became founder members of the Metrology Cooperation - see http: //www. csir. co. za and www. nist. gov. The MOU establishing MENAMET was signed on 27 May 1999 in Istanbul (Turkey). The current members of MENAMET are: Israel, Kenya, Turkey, South Africa and USA (South Africa and USA are the Associate Members). Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 17
INPL as EUROMET corresponding NMI ü EUROMET Project 812 (L-K 4. 2005) - Calibration of Diameter Standards; ü EUROMET Project 763 - Mono-elemental Calibration Solutions of Cu, Pb, Ca and Zn; ü EUROMET Project 828 (TF. TI-K 1) - Comparison of Time Interval (Cable Delay) Measurements; ü EUROMET Project 786 – Calibration of Set of Mass Standards (100 mg, 20 g, 500 g, 10 kg); Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 18
INPL as EUROMET corr. NMI cont. ü EUROMET Proposed Project – Pressure Calibration (0 – 70 bars; gas); ü EUROMET Proposed Project – Pressure Calibration (50 -350 bars; oil); ü EUROMET Proposed Project – Calibration of Gauge Blocks (NPL and Mediterranean NMIs); ü EUROMET Proposed Project – Calibration of a 1 kg Stainless Steel Mass Standard (NPL and Mediterranean NMIs). Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05 19
Conclusions 1. To establish the degree of equivalence of national measurement standards maintained by NMIs they should participate in key comparisons organized by BIPM (Consultative Committees) and by RMOs. 2. INPL is taking part in both BIPM and RMO (EUROMET) key comparisons. Dr. Ilya Kuselman - M. D. - 30. 06. 05