7 text 15 steps for Control work.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 22
Control work for the 3 term « 15 steps» 6 -7 grades
countable uncountable 7 modules in teaching English: possessive singular plural synonym/ant 7 modules in teaching English: Criteria of assessment by working on the text using case onym Criteria of assessment by working on the text using speaking /reading/writing/listening; 7 steps - (in pair); 6 steps - (individually); 2 steps - (group work); 7 steps – without a teacher; 8 steps – with a teacher Модуль 1: Все задания подобраны с учетом возрастных особенностей speaking/listening (сам. работа) listening (с учителем) reading (сам. работа) reading/speaking (сам. работа) Mark (оценка) Step #1 Describe the picture and headline the it → ( in pair) Step #2 Listen to the text and do the task: Guess, what is the difference between the picture and the text → (individually) Step #3 Read the text according to the picture, and do the task: 1. title; 2. plot; 3. conclusion → (individually) Step #4 Do the task: «True» or «False» by the text. → (in pair) Step #5 Answer the questions according to the text and define the type of question → (in pair) for mark Модуль 1: Использование ИКТ/ Модуль 2: Новые подходы: Диалоговое обучение Модуль 3: Новые подходы: Работа с текстом с использованием вопросов по Таксономии Блума 3 “ ” “satisfied” Модуль 4: Оцениван ие
Step #1 Describe the picture and headline it. (in pair)
1 What can you see in this picture? I can see a small boy and maybe his mother. 2 Can you guess what they are doing? Judging by the picture I can guess they are talking about something interesting 3 Try to describe a small To my mind, this is a boy of about 4 or 5 years old. boy He is dressed in bright shoes and striped socks, shorts with suspenders and shirt with short sleeves. He has blond short hair. He is drawing something on the blackboard with a piece of chalk and is looking at his mom explaining something. He has nice eyes and a round face. . 4 What about his mother? Probably, She is about 30 or 35 years old. She is dressed in dark-colored trousers, high heel shoes and a jacket with a picture and short sleeves. She has long hair gathered at the back of her head. I can also see the earrings on her ears, her beautiful big eyes. She is looking at her son with love and attention. She is leaning forward and keeping both hands on her knees.
5 6 7 8 Can you guess It seems to me, he is drawing a what this boy monkey because I see long legs is drawing? and long tail like the tail of the monkey. What else can I can also see the stand on the you see in this back of a blackboard. . picture? In conclusion I can add that this what can you boy likes drawing and tries to add? draw more and more… Can you give a I think, I can headline the title to this picture as a … picture?
Step #13/ Define the parts of speech 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noun pronoun adjectives adverb preposition conjunction articles phrasal verbs numerals idioms yellow pink green light-blue brown red orange violet black grey blue boss his small easily at the end an/the to rub out loved ten at last
Step #2/ Listen to the text and read the text by yourself: When Billy was very small, he loved pictures. His mother often drew some for him on old pieces of paper. She was very bad at + drawing (Gerund), but Billy enjoyed her pictures and always wanted more. Then, when he was a little older Billy's mother gave him some pencils and a drawing book, and he began +drawing pictures too, but they were never good. When Billy was five years old, his mother gave him a small blackboard, some pieces of chalk, and a duster. He liked those very much. One day he was trying to draw a picture of his father on the blackboard. He drew lines and rubbed them out, drew more and rubbed those out too for ten minutes, but when he looked at his picture he was not happy. 'Well, ' he said at last to his mother, I'll put a tail on it and make it a monkey. '
Step # 2 What is the difference between the picture and the text ? (individually) When Billy was very small, he loved pictures. His mother often drew some for him on old pieces of paper. She was very bad at drawing, but Billy enjoyed her pictures and always wanted more. Then, when he was a little older Billy's mother gave him some pencils and a drawing book, and he began drawing pictures too, but they were never good. When Billy was five years old, his mother gave him a small blackboard, some pieces of chalk, and a duster. He liked those very much. One day he was trying to draw a picture of his father on the blackboard. He drew lines and rubbed them out, drew more and rubbed those out too for ten minutes, but when he looked at his picture he was not happy. 'Well, ' he said at last to his mother, I'll put a tail on it and make it a monkey. ’
Step # 2 What is the difference ? (individually) My opinion …………. . • The 1 st version – I believe, the picture and the text are similar • The 2 nd version – I suppose the picture and the text are quite different • The 3 rd version – From my point of view the picture is a bit different in comparison with the text, because …………….
Step # 2 What is the difference ? (individually) My opinion …………. . The 1 st version – I assume, the picture and the text are similar The 2 nd version – I presume the picture and the text are quite different I have chosen the 3 rd version – I consider that the picture is a bit different in comparison with the text, because judging by the picture I can’t guess that Billy was trying to draw a picture of his father, I suppose he is drawing a monkey.
Summary: I think … I assume, I presume, I believe, I suppose, to my mind, In my opinion, From my point of view, I consider, As far as I understood, Judging by the picture, In conclusion, Finally/At last, to summarize, Therefore
Summary Parenthesis: 1 I assume Я думаю 2 I presume 3 I believe 4 I suppose Я полагаю 5 In my view С моей точки зрения 6 To my mind По-моему 7 In my opinion 8 9 From my point of view I consider С моей точки зрения Я считаю
Summary Conclusion: 1 In conclusion В заключение 2 Finally/at last И наконец 3 To summarize Таким образом 4 Therefore Следовательно 5
Step #3 Read the text by the picture, and do the task: 1. title; 2. plot; 3. conclusion → (individually) 1. Title: Title of the text……… 2. Plot: To my mind, …………. 3. Conclusion: Therefore…….
Step #3 Read the text by the picture, and do the task: 1. title; 2. plot; 3. conclusion → (individually) 1. Title: A future artist 2. Plot: I suppose this text is about a small boy called Billy who couldn't draw the picture but he was trying more and more. 3. Conclusion: At last, he drew a monkey instead of his father what is very amusing.
Step # 4 Do the task: «True» or «False» (in pair) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Step # 4 Do the task: «True» or «False» (in pair) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Step #5 Answer the questions by the text and define the type of question → (in pair) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Step #5 Answer the questions by the text and define the type of question → (in pair) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Step #6 Do cinquains by The text → (in pair) e. g. → street/ office Синквейн (от фр. cinquains) — происходит от французского слова - «пять» Стихотворение из 5 строк, возникшее в США в начале XX века «Синквейн» является видом японского стиха, в которых отражается смысл темы • • • 1 строка - 1 noun 2 строка - 2 adjectives 3 строка - 3 verbs 4 строка - 1 sentence 5 строка - 1 synonym
Step #6 Do cinquains by The text → (in pair) e. g. → street/ office Синквейн (от фр. cinquains) — происходит от французского слова - «пять» Стихотворение из 5 строк, возникшее в США в начале XX века «Синквейн» является видом японского стиха, в которых отражается смысл темы cinquain 1 variant 2 variant 1 noun street office 2 adjectives 3 verbs 1 sentence 1 synonym
Step #15 Write dictation/composition according to the text. →(individually) comma – , full stop –. exclamation mark – ! guestion mark – ? brackets – (…) converted brackets – ‘…’ capital letter - A