Contradictions in the social sphere during the period.pptx
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Contradictions in the social sphere during the period of stagnation BY VALERIA DYUGAEVA GROUP 2110
What is the period of stagnation? It is generally accepted that this stage in the development of the Soviet state began with the coming to power of a new general secretary. His name was Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich. He appeared on this post unexpectedly, because of the voluntary and compulsory retirement of the "reformer" N. S. Khrushchev in the early 60’s. of the last century. The period of stagnation is a period in the development of the Soviet Union, which is characterized by the relative stability of all spheres of life, the absence of serious political and economic shocks and the growth of the well-being of citizens. On average, the years of the stagnation period from 1964 to 1986 can be conditionally indicated.
Characteristics of the period Unlike the formidable Stalin, Leonid Ilich was distinguished by the softness of character and the lack of desire for extraordinary social transformations. During his reign, ordinary Soviet citizens were much less afraid of the authorities, often discussed the problems of socialist society in family conversations in their kitchens, and awaited changes. As a whole, stagnation is a special period in the history of the USSR. On the one hand, this era was characterized by stability and tranquility in social terms. On the other hand, Soviet people increasingly thought about the fact that the capitalist world also has its advantages, and dreamed of leaving abroad. A special myth was created that the Western man as a whole lives much better and more comfortable than a citizen of the USSR. As in any historical period, the Brezhnev era has its advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages Stable development of spheres of culture, art, education, science, mass building. It was in the Brezhnev era that many people were able to obtain long-awaited individual apartments. Active construction of new microdistricts, simultaneously with which kindergartens, polyclinics, schools, palaces of children's creativity were put in operation. The system of education was developing, universities were opened. Every young man who came from the remote area and possesses a minimum amount of money, could enter a prestigious university, if he had the ability and knowledge. Also, medical care was available to a wide range of people. Both education and medicine were really free.
Social guarantees The state provided social guarantees to its citizens. So, everyone could get a job to provide for themselves and their family. Strict censorship of the media made it possible to control the flow of information, so it was generally positive. The military might of the USSR made it possible to keep opponents of our state in check and not wait for an attack from outside.
Disadvantages Life in the period of stagnation was complicated by the fact that ordinary citizens lacked consumer goods - clothing and household items, as well as some foodstuffs were in short supply. This happened in the field of food because many villagers left for cities and didn’t want to work on collective farms. Since the repressive system of the USSR significantly reduced its pressure, the authorities could not prevent such relocation.
Queues in the shops for the most necessary. Deficiency was the norm of life of a simple Soviet consumer.
The military industry and military technologies were actively developing, but the spheres that led to the emergence of technical innovations in the West: video recorders, players and other goods, did not progress. This circumstance aroused an increased interest in the products of the capitalist world on the part of Soviet people.
Party leaders, not updated by new people, grew old. In fact, it began to represent a closed clan, where ordinary capable managers could not get into it, everything was decided by ties: they gave a high social status, and received special benefits and rights in Soviet society.
The ideas of socialism and communism gradually declined, most citizens lost faith in these ideals and were waiting for the renewal of the ideological component of life.
Contradictions in the social sphere Despite the fact that the further development of the economy caused fears, the ordinary life of citizens has improved significantly, welfare has increased. Many citizens of the USSR had the opportunity to improve their living conditions in one way or another, many became owners of good cars and other quality items. However, along with the growth of the well-off population, there has been an increase in the number of poor, but this has not yet reached catastrophic proportions, since food products have been relatively cheap. On average, an ordinary Soviet citizen began to live much better compared to previous periods. Equalization is a wage policy in which income does not depend on the results of labor. Neither to dismiss a bad employee, nor to adequately encourage a good one was impossible. A young specialist, regardless of his abilities, began his career with 120 rubles. per month.
Results and significance of the period of stagnation Unfortunately, despite the fact that during these years the country was very measured and stable, the economy experienced processes that struck the life of the USSR in the future. With the fall in the price of oil, all the stagnant phenomena were revealed and it became clear that during the period of stability the economy turned into a backward one and could no longer support the state only on its own. A difficult period of perestroika began.
Some interesting photos
Sources http: //fb. ru/article/229420/chto-takoe-zastoy-period-epoha-zastoyav-istorii-sovetskogo-soyuza http: //maxpark. com/community/4375/content/3099993 http: //historykratko. com/period-brezhnevskogo-zastoya http: //www. km. ru/referats/C 406 E 282 ECF 54 EE 5 AC 60 B 3 E 99 B 54 E 726 http: //historynotes. ru/period-zastoya/ http: //good. me/zolotoj-vek-plyusy-i-minusy-brezhnevskogozastoya http: //ukrreal. info/ru/u-sviti-tsikavogo/84194 -epokha-sotsializma-kakna-samom-dele-zhili-lyudi-v-period-zastoya-foto