- Количество слайдов: 55
Continuous Quality Improvement in an Academic Setting
Overview 1. 2. 3. 4. Dr. W. Edwards Deming Processes & System Customers & Suppliers Quality Control
Born October 14, 1900 Sioux City, Iowa Died December 20, 1993 Washington DC Statistician Fields Alma mater: (aged 93) University of Wyoming BSc, University of Colorado MS, Yale Ph. D William Edwards Deming (October 20, 1900 – December 20, 1993) was an American statistician, professor, author, lecturer and consultant. He is perhaps best known for his work in Japan. There, from 1950 onward, he taught top management how to improve design (and thus service), product quality, testing, and sales (the last through global markets)[1] through various methods, including the application of statistical methods.
Output Based Charts are Often Worthless Focusing on the Objective is useless until you understand the process that Creates the object
To improve an outcome you must first understand the processes and the system that developed it. Input Change Output
To improve an outcome you must first understand the processes and the system that developed it. Input Change Output Process: A series of related tasks progressing towards a specific goal.
To improve an outcome you must first understand the processes and the system that developed it. Process of Input Process of Change Process of Output Process: A series of related tasks progressing towards a specific goal.
To improve an outcome you must first understand the processes and the system that developed it. Process of Input Process of Change System: A series of interrelated processes. Process of Output
To improve an outcome you must first understand the processes and the system that developed it. Suppliers Customers
Process of Input Process of Change Process of Output 1000 lbs Of 20/80 Mix Clear Glass Marble Company Beads R Us 285 Lbs. 70/30 Output 745 Lbs. Discarded Beads
Process of Input Control Bead Size? ? Process of Change Process of Output 1000 lbs Of 20/80 Mix Clear Glass Marble Company Beads R Us 285 Lbs. 70/30 Output 745 Lbs. Discarded Beads
Process of Input Control Bead Size? ? Process of Change Process of Output 1000 lbs Of 20/80 Mix Clear Glass Marble Company Beads R Us Pre. Process? 285 Lbs. 70/30 Output 745 Lbs. Discarded Beads
Process of Input Control Bead Size? ? 1000 lbs Of 20/80 Mix Process of Change Process of Output Better Paddle? Clear Glass Marble Company Beads R Us Pre. Process? 285 Lbs. 70/30 Output 745 Lbs. Discarded Beads
Process of Input Control Bead Size? ? 1000 lbs Of 20/80 Mix Process of Change Process of Output Better Paddle? Clear Glass Marble Company Beads R Us Pre. Process? 285 Lbs. Sell 70/30 Red Beads? Output 745 Lbs. Discarded Beads
Process of Input Control Bead Size? ? 1000 lbs Of 20/80 Mix Process of Change Process of Output Better Paddle? Clear Glass Marble Company Beads R Us Pre. Process? Negotiate With Buyer? 285 Lbs. Sell 70/30 Red Beads? Output 745 Lbs. Discarded Beads
Input Port Arthur Business College Teaching Output
Input = Students
Students go through the Process of Teaching
Out come Graduates
Output = Graduates
Process Main Campus Students Input
Process Online Students Input Main Campus Students
Process Online Students Main Campus Students Input Hybrid Students
Process Online Students Main Campus Students High School Campus Students Hybrid Students Input
Process Online Students High School Campus Students Main Campus Students Prison Campuses Hybrid Students Input
Process Input Teaching
Process Input Teaching Academic Technical
Input Teaching Online Main Campus
Teaching Input Online Nederland High Campus Main Campus
Teaching Input Online Nederland High Campus Main Campus Prison
Input Teaching Pre-Process Nederland High Campus Input Online Output Input Main Campus Prison Input Prison
Input Teaching Raw Input Online Main Campus Pre-Process Input Prison
Input Teaching Raw Input Online Main Campus Pre-Process Input Prison
Input Teaching Admissions and Financial Aid Raw Input Pre-Process Input Student Services
Input Teaching Admissions and Financial Aid Raw Input Physical Plant Pre-Process Input Student Services
Input Teaching Admissions and Financial Aid Raw Input Pre-Process Input L i b r a r y Physical Plant Student Services
Input Teaching Admissions and Financial Aid Raw Input Pre-Process Input L i b r a r y Physical Plant H u m a n R e s o u r c e s Student Services
Input Teaching Admissions and Financial Aid Raw Input Pre-Process Input L i b r a r y Physical Plant H u m a n R e s o u r c e s Student Services B u s i n e s s & F i n a n c e
Input Raw Input Pre-Process Input Teaching
Output Upward Mobility Nursing Associate Of Arts Associate Of Applied Science Certificate Programs
System: A group of related processes
Suppliers Customers
Suppliers Customers Families, Individuals High Schools, Families Industry GED Programs Colleges Individuals Universities
Suppliers Customers Individuals Families, Families High Schools, Industry GED Programs Individuals Colleges Universities United States Government Texas State Government Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
? % 35% 65%
? % Control Bead Size? ? 35% 65%
? % Control Bead Size? ? 35% Pre. Process? 65%
Better Paddle? ? % Control Bead Size? ? 35% Pre. Process? 65%
Better Paddle? ? % Control Bead Size? ? 35% Pre. Process? 65% Sell Red Beads?
Better Paddle? ? % Control Bead Size? ? Negotiate With Buyer? 35% Pre. Process? 65% Sell Red Beads?
Continuous Quality Improvement in an Academic Setting