Скачать презентацию Contact Center within your reach Improving your communication Скачать презентацию Contact Center within your reach Improving your communication


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Contact Center within your reach: Improving your communication with Voxtron's software suite Ralf Mühlenhöver Contact Center within your reach: Improving your communication with Voxtron's software suite Ralf Mühlenhöver – Voxtron/Ahlen-Germany George Suciu - Beia International Consult/Bucuresti-Romania Marius Matei - Beia International Consult/Bucuresti-Romania

Agenda Å Part 1. Beia Intl. Consult – Company – References Å Part 2. Agenda Å Part 1. Beia Intl. Consult – Company – References Å Part 2. Voxtron – Company – References Å Part 3. agen. Tel – Contact Center within your reach – – Architecture Axxium agen. Tel Case studies Å Part 4. Why is Beia + Voxtron your best choice? 2

Part 1. Beia Intl. Consult Get acquainted with the company Part 1. Beia Intl. Consult Get acquainted with the company

Beia Intl. Consult Å Topics: – Company – Organization today 4 Beia Intl. Consult Å Topics: – Company – Organization today 4

Beia Intl. Consult ØOur Mission is to support our client’s businesses through providing them Beia Intl. Consult ØOur Mission is to support our client’s businesses through providing them with the best communication solution at unbeatable prices ØAfter seventeen years in this field of business we have succeeded in gaining our client’s confidence and appreciation ØSatisfying of the most complex customer's and user's demands of the telecommunication services is our goal 5

Beia Intl. Consult Services : • Consultancy Services for Carrier grade Infrastructure • Communication Beia Intl. Consult Services : • Consultancy Services for Carrier grade Infrastructure • Communication Solutions : PABX, voice mail, IVR, softphone, call centre applications, Vo. IP services)-technical testing, testing market related features, implementation • Managed Services & System Integration : IP-Wireless-SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), GPRS/CDMA on-line communications with TCP/IP embedded, billing software, GPS applications, μ-controller programming, software development • R & D for complete IT Projects : Public Safety, Radio Networks, RFID, Satellite 6

Beia Intl. Consult Company Name Beia Consult International SRL General Manager Ing. Suciu George Beia Intl. Consult Company Name Beia Consult International SRL General Manager Ing. Suciu George • Business Field • Trading and distribution of telecommunications equipment • Consulting, installing, technical support provider Man Power Total: 38 employees ; 3 management personnel Headquarter 12 Poiana Narciselor st. sect. 1 Bucharest Tel / Fax Tel +4 -021 -3120334 Home Page www. beia. ro Certification ISO 9002/2000 Establishment year 1991 Fax +4 -021 -3121075 7

Some references … 1. STATE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION INSTITUTIONS Romanian Government, Romanian Chamber of Some references … 1. STATE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION INSTITUTIONS Romanian Government, Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of National Defense , Ministry of Transports, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Direction of Customs, Embassy of China, Embassy of Spain, Embassy of Portugal, Embassy of Algeria. 2. TELECOMMUNICATION AND TRANSPORT ROMTELECOM, Compaq, Softwin, New York Connect, Zipmail, Air France, National Railways Company, Mobil Technology Romania, Soft time, Austrian Airlines. 3. FINANCIAL AND ASSURANCE INSTITUTIONS Commercial Bank of Romania, Romanian International Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, BRD GROUP SOCIETE GENERALE, General direction of Public Finance, BRS, DAEG INVEST, ADAS (National insurance company), Romexterra Bank, ASTRA. 4. INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL COMPANIES AMRO Manufacturer, British American Tobacco, Radet, Luxten, Brau Union, Automobile Bavaria, Automobile Dacia, Bucuresti MALL, Danone, Lafarge-Romcim, Renault, Schlumberger, Sodexho, Rom Control Data, Volvo, Regato Pan, Romatsa, Euroconstruct, Provus, Publiferom, Procor, Eurolife, Conel-Termoelectrica Rovinari (national electrical energy provider), Eastern Technology, Freyrom, Carrefour, Iridex Group, SUT Carpati, Teleconstructia, Majestic Hotel, Hilton Bucharest. 5. CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES Titulescu University, Ecologic University, Romanian Academy of Aviation, Romanian Federation of Ahtletism. 8

Part 2. Voxtron Get acquainted with the company Part 2. Voxtron Get acquainted with the company

Voxtron Å Topics: – Company – Organization today – References 10 Voxtron Å Topics: – Company – Organization today – References 10

Company Å Manufacturer of Call/Contact Center Software Å Based on a very strong Interactive Company Å Manufacturer of Call/Contact Center Software Å Based on a very strong Interactive Voice Response (IVR) background Å Headquarters: Belgium Å Offices: Germany, Hong Kong Å Franchises: Italy, Dubai, Turkey, Indonesia, Thailand … and more to follow! Å Founded 1994 - over 50 people - 100, 000 licences sold and installed 11

Organization today Voxtron NV Voxtron Europe NV Voxtron Gmb. H Voxtron International Ltd Europe Organization today Voxtron NV Voxtron Europe NV Voxtron Gmb. H Voxtron International Ltd Europe without Germany, Austria, Switzerland The Voxtron Factory NV Germany, Austria Switzerland Asia Voxtron Italia Srl Voxtron Co Ltd (Thailand) Vokstron Voxtron Middle East FZE (UAE) Voxtron Indonesia PT Telekomunikasyon (Turkey) Software Development Sales & Service Franchisee 12

Company Å Goals – make the communication between companies and their customers both efficient Company Å Goals – make the communication between companies and their customers both efficient and agreeable – help its customers to create a professional image by providing a range of flexible products and functions that are easy to use Å Offering – Contact Center solutions – Self service applications (e. g. phone banking, meter reading, lottery, …) – Messaging (e. g. voice mail, fax mail, voice-to-e-mail, e-mail reading, …) 13

Some references … 14 Some references … 14

Our Contact Center Suite Å Å Å Å 5 yrs ago, a call center Our Contact Center Suite Å Å Å Å 5 yrs ago, a call center was only accepting incoming calls This has dramatically changed: customer react through multiple contacts with companies. Agents have to work on e-mails, faxes, phone calls. And there is more to come: SMS? Web chat? Video? Vo. IP makes it more easy to integrate everything in one platform. The border between “the company” and “the call center” is fading out. Solution: “agen. Tel”. This is a complete software that controls and optimises the communication flow within an organization. agen. Tel assigns skills to incoming calls, faxes, e-mails and routes them to appropriate agents. agen. Tel provides tools for measuring the efficiency within the organisation. agen. Tel’s IVR – allows creating self-service applications – plays waiting music, (marketing) messages, transfers incoming calls and faxes to agents, starts outgoing calls + faxes 15

Characteristics (1/3) Å The starting poing: Voxtron’s Office client – Serves as the “core Characteristics (1/3) Å The starting poing: Voxtron’s Office client – Serves as the “core license” of the callcenter – CTI • pop-up for calls • possibility to integrate with e. g. DB – Fax from the desktop (sending + receiving) – Active TAPI toolbar (= softphone) – Waiting monitor and agent monitor – Statistics and wallboards – (no routing of incoming calls, e-mails, faxes) – (no IVR needed) 16

Characteristics (2/3) Å Adding routing: – Supported types of communication: • • Inbound calls Characteristics (2/3) Å Adding routing: – Supported types of communication: • • Inbound calls Outbound calls (campaigns) Email (in and out) Fax (refer to office client) – Types of routing: • Skill based • Time based • Agent based – IVR gathers the call/fax skills and serves as waiting field for calls 17

Characteristics (3/3) 18 Characteristics (3/3) 18

Architecture 19 Architecture 19

Languages (1/2) Interfaces *: includes Agent Interface, Fax Center, Campaign Center, Outlook Integration 20 Languages (1/2) Interfaces *: includes Agent Interface, Fax Center, Campaign Center, Outlook Integration 20

Languages (2/2) Voice prompts 21 Languages (2/2) Voice prompts 21

Vo. IP Å IP (TCP/IP) is changing the way we communicate - Voxtron is Vo. IP Å IP (TCP/IP) is changing the way we communicate - Voxtron is preparing you for the future. Å Vo. IP middleware to connect to Cisco Call Manager, Avaya Communication Manager, Siemens Hi. Path, Asterisk, SIP/H. 323 carriers, etc. Å Voice AND Fax over IP! Å Easy scalability, high flexibility. Å Call Center „followed-by-sun“ are only possible with Vo. IP. Å Cost reduction, increase of employee satisfactoin (home office). Å agen. Tel 6: Ready for tomorrow! 22

High Availability: 99, 999% !! Å Å All „ 3 letter apps“ on 2 High Availability: 99, 999% !! Å Å All „ 3 letter apps“ on 2 servers: Standby-system for CTI, UMS, ACD, IVR. Keeps the administration simple and the availability high: 99, 99% (warm standby) or 99, 999% (hot standby) uptime for your essential enterprise communications! 23

One Tab Per Contact 24 One Tab Per Contact 24

Outbound Campaigns including predictive dialer Å Keep your agents busy in times of lower Outbound Campaigns including predictive dialer Å Keep your agents busy in times of lower incoming call load. Å Improve productivity. Å Limit inefficient activities (e. g. no need to search and dial a number anymore). Å Give your customer the feeling that you care. Å agen. Tel 6: a real Inbound/Outbound CC! 25

Outbound Campaigns Agent desktop campaign call 26 Outbound Campaigns Agent desktop campaign call 26

Fax in agen. Tel: WHY? Å Fax messaging is (unfortunately? ) not dead and Fax in agen. Tel: WHY? Å Fax messaging is (unfortunately? ) not dead and still needed in all organisations, sometimes even legally necessary Å Sending of faxes directly from desktop (e. g. from Word, PDF, etc. ) saves time and energy (ie money!) and increases the quality of the document. Less printers are needed, ie less admin and lower cost. Å Security! Confirmations (flights, hotels) or orders (finance, buying expensive things) need a „real“ signature. Å Privacy! Direct dispatch of incoming, and „secret“ sending of outgoing faxes, ie the person or the team that they are intended for gets them without risk. Å Central storage of fax numbers (Exchange, Domino, CRM, …) saves time. Å Central, digital fax archiving saves space and time (for searching of old documents). Å agen. Tel 6: your multi-media center! 27

One platform for all applications Å Å Å Voice Mail / Automated Attendant IVR One platform for all applications Å Å Å Voice Mail / Automated Attendant IVR Speech recognition (ASR) Text-to-speech / Speech synthesis (TTS) Special Speech and Voice Applications Voice. XML Fax SMS Conferencing UMS Voice Logging (ACD) Queue 28

IVR 29 IVR 29

IVR Play Recording Language On-hook DTMF input ODBC Timed action Voice Mail Transfer Plug-in IVR Play Recording Language On-hook DTMF input ODBC Timed action Voice Mail Transfer Plug-in modules, for e. g. ASR, TTS, XML, IP, ERP, CRM, … Calculation 30

Unbeaten flexibility! 10 SDKs (Software Development Kits) … ● ● ● ● ● E-Mail Unbeaten flexibility! 10 SDKs (Software Development Kits) … ● ● ● ● ● E-Mail Routing Perl Scripting Axxium Plug. In DLL`s Client SDK TCP/IP-XML Interface Client SDK Com–Interface Client SDK Toolbar-Interface Client SDK HTML-Interface Client-Server TCP/IP-XML-Interf. Server TCP/IP-XML-Routing-Interf. Server-SDK Custom Statistics Server-SDK Custom Wallboards … to integrate agen. Tel / Axxium with your IT/PBX environment: ● ACT! / sage crm solutions ● Adress. Plus / Cobra ● D/3 / d-velop ● Goldmine / Front. Range ● Lotus Notes / IBM ● Navision Attain / MS Dynamics ● Exchange-Outlook / Microsoft ● CRM 3. 0 / MS Dynamics ● Pro. Call Enterprise / Estos ● R/3, my. SAP / SAP ● SPS R 4 / In. Vision ● tt. Call / tribe! Technologies ● any many others. 31

Proven success of agen. Tel! Å Over 300 installations since launch in 2002 Å Proven success of agen. Tel! Å Over 300 installations since launch in 2002 Å agen. Tel improves Customer Service – Transfer calls, faxes and emails immediately to the right person with the right skills (that is available!) Å Cost-efficient, scalable and flexible – Start small to grow big with our linear price model Å Compatible with most PBXs and databases in the market – Integration with the leading manufacturers – Integration with your existing IT infrastructure and CRM system Å Easy to set up and use – With the help of our award-winning GUI you don’t need to be a programmer to create your IVR call flow Å 24/7 handling of all incoming calls and emails – Full IVR platform included: You’ll never miss a call again! 32

Summary Å Voxtron is your 1 st choice because: – Close integration with the Summary Å Voxtron is your 1 st choice because: – Close integration with the customer’s existing IT and PBX infrastructure – Short time to market – Fast deployment – Open architecture – Use of standards – Cost effective – Very reliable after-sales _local_ support 33

Questions? Thank You 34 Questions? Thank You 34