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Consumer Survey Datasets What are they? How do you interpret the data? A brief Consumer Survey Datasets What are they? How do you interpret the data? A brief look at Mediamark Reporter Online …

What are they? They are the tabulated, numeric results of huge surveys of many What are they? They are the tabulated, numeric results of huge surveys of many consumers. The major producers are: • Simmons Market Research Bureau (SMRB) • Mediamark Research Inc. (MRI) Simmons

Types of Data Collected: • • • Demographics (lots of them!) Product usage Brand Types of Data Collected: • • • Demographics (lots of them!) Product usage Brand preferences Media usage Media preferences Lifestyle (psychographics, mostly in Simmons)

Methodology: • Twice-a-year in-depth surveys of 20 -30 thousand adult consumers. Includes: – ~10 Methodology: • Twice-a-year in-depth surveys of 20 -30 thousand adult consumers. Includes: – ~10 days of keeping a ‘diary’ of all activities, purchases, consumption, media, etc. – In-person fieldworker interview of household • Data from surveys is ‘projected’ onto annual Census Bureau Population Estimates

Limitations: • Separate studies for minors. • Best for consumer products, not so much Limitations: • Separate studies for minors. • Best for consumer products, not so much for B 2 B products. • Academic libraries are only allowed to buy outof-date data (1 -year-old for Mediamark, 2 -years -old for Simmons) • Mediamark is online, but only provides preformatted, ‘canned’ crosstab reports • Simmons is cd-rom data (no online access), but has a powerful interface that allows lots of customization

Typical questions: • Demographically, who are the best buyers or customers of product x Typical questions: • Demographically, who are the best buyers or customers of product x or brand y? • Demographically, who should the manufacturer target in order to increase market share? • How do I find psychographics for this target group? (Simmons only)

Example questions: • Who are the best customers for Nike athletic shoes? • What Example questions: • Who are the best customers for Nike athletic shoes? • What demographic group could we target with an ad campaign, in order to try to increase Nike’s market share?

Let’s briefly look at how to retrieve a crosstab in Mediamark Reporter, which is Let’s briefly look at how to retrieve a crosstab in Mediamark Reporter, which is the easiest to use. Starting from the Libraries’ homepage, here’s how to get to it …

Advertising – data … Advertising – data …

Mediamark Reporter (Online version) Mediamark Reporter (Online version)

Registration: Use your Marquette email account to register for an account. Both email address Registration: Use your Marquette email account to register for an account. Both email address and the password you create are case sensitive!! After registering, you’ll receive an email message with an activation link from New User? Mediamark. Register for a FREE Account This account is free to you: the Libraries pay for the subscription to the database … By the way, the database works best with Internet Explorer.

Mediamark registration • Use your Marquette email address & create a password – Do Mediamark registration • Use your Marquette email address & create a password – Do NOT abbreviate ‘@marquette. edu’ – Password does NOT need to be your e. Marq password • Use the MU Libraries’ address & phone number: 1355 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53233 414. 288. 7556

Click on this button to start … A new browser window will be launched, Click on this button to start … A new browser window will be launched, so be sure that your browser allows pop-ups. Mediamark Reporter

Volume Types: Spring 2006 Product: profiles who uses different product types, brands, etc. Also Volume Types: Spring 2006 Product: profiles who uses different product types, brands, etc. Also includes profiles of behaviors (e. g. leisure activities / hobbies, sports participation, voting, lottery, etc. ) Media: profiles the media used by different demographic groups (e. g. by age, occupational group, educational level, etc. ). Includes the media quintiles. Magazine Qualitative: provides a qualitative measure of how a magazine is used by readers (e. g. where do they read it, with how much attention and thoroughness, do they take any action after reading it). Magazine Cumulative: provides 4 -issue reach Volume selection for each title. and frequency data box to Click in the Report choose a report. This will trigger the appearance of another selection box …

Scroll through the report selections to choose a product type, media user type (demographic Scroll through the report selections to choose a product type, media user type (demographic group), etc. You can also search for a keyword. But beware! ► Keyword searching works best with brand names and other distinctive words. Until you are familiar with the database’s terminology, it can be less useful.

The Search Results and Crosstab display… The left half of this screen shows the The Search Results and Crosstab display… The left half of this screen shows the search results, and the right half automatically shows a Crosstab for the first result listed. The Crosstab on the right always reflects the variables highlighted on the left.

“Beware the Asterisk, er, the Jabberwock, my son!” Whenever you see an asterisk (*), “Beware the Asterisk, er, the Jabberwock, my son!” Whenever you see an asterisk (*), be aware that the sample size for this question in the survey was too small for statistical reliability. Use these data with extreme caution. Adults 65+ Educ: did not graduate HS * 35, 108 * 34, 233

When you change the selection in the Category box, the variables in the Target When you change the selection in the Category box, the variables in the Target box will also change … And so will the crosstab. Athletic Shoes – Brands Bought

Here you see a new Crosstab, reflecting the selections on the left. So now Here you see a new Crosstab, reflecting the selections on the left. So now the question is: how do you interpret these numbers? !

Athletic Shoes – Brands Bought: Nike in last 12 months Total Proj Percent ‘ Athletic Shoes – Brands Bought: Nike in last 12 months Total Proj Percent ‘ 000 Across Down Total 216, 971 32, 761 15. 1 100. 0 Age 18 -24 28, 021 6, 083 21. 7 18. 6 Age 25 -34 Then we 39, 430 9, 332 23. 7 have three calculated 28. 5 Age 35 -44 variables 43, 656 7, 967 18. 2 24. 3 … Age 45 -54 41, 680 5, 734 13. 8 17. 5 Age 55 -64 29, 077 2, 456 8. 4 7. 5 Age 65+ 35, 108 1, 190 3. 4 3. 6 Men 18 -34 33, 836 8, 462 25. 0 25. 8 21. 2 42. 9 Men 18 -49 66, 218 14, 062 19. 1 35. 8 Men 25 -54 61, 584 11, 736 20. 7 21. 2 Women 18 -34 33, 615 6, 953 18. 7 38. 2 Women 18 -49 67, 007 12, 529 17. 9 34. 5 Women 25 -54 63, 181 These data are 11, 296 These data are from the Census Bureau’s Annual Population projected, or extrapolated, from the Index 100 144 157 121 91 56 22 166 141 126 137 124 118

Athletic Shoes – Brands Bought: Nike in last 12 What is the Index? months Athletic Shoes – Brands Bought: Nike in last 12 What is the Index? months The Index is a measure of the probability of Total Proj Percent finding a user in a specific small, group ‘ 000 relative to the probability ‘ 000 Across Down of finding a user in Total 216, 971 32, 761 15. 1 100. 0 the larger, general population. Also called Age 18 -24 28, 021 6, 083 21. 7 18. 6 the ‘propensity to use’ … Age 25 -34 39, 430 9, 332 23. 7 28. 5 Age 35 -44 43, 656 7, 967 18. 2 24. 3 Age 45 -54 41, 680 5, 734 13. 8 17. 5 Age 55 -64 29, 077 2, 456 8. 4 7. 5 Age 65+ 35, 108 1, 190 3. 4 3. 6 Men 18 -34 33, 836 8, 462 25. 0 25. 8 English ‘translation’: 42. 9 21. 2 Men 18 -49 66, 218 14, 062 19. 1 35. 8 Men 25 -54 61, 584 11, 736 People who 33, 615 Nike athletic shoes in bought 6, 953 20. 7 21. 2 Women 18 -34 18. 7 38. 2 Women 18 -49 past 12 months are 57% more likely 67, 007 12, 529 the 17. 9 34. 5 Women 25 -54 63, 181 11, 296 to be in the 25– 34 age range than the general population. Index 100 144 157 121 91 56 22 166 141 126 137 124 118

Athletic Shoes – Brands Bought: Nike in last 12 How do you get that Athletic Shoes – Brands Bought: Nike in last 12 How do you get that English months ‘translation’? Proj You subtract. Total from the. Percent 100 value. If ‘ 000 Across Down the answer is positive, you 15. 1 100. 0 say Total 216, 971 32, 761 ‘more likely’. Age 18 -24 28, 021 6, 083 21. 7 18. 6 Age 25 -34 39, 430 9, 332 23. 7 28. 5 Age 35 -44 43, 656 7, 967 18. 2 24. 3 Age 45 -54 41, 680 5, 734 13. 8 17. 5 Age 55 -64 29, 077 2, 456 8. 4 7. 5 Age 65+ 35, 108 1, 190 3. 4 3. 6 Men 18 -34 33, 836 8, 462 25. 0 25. 8 English ‘translation’: 42. 9 21. 2 Men 18 -49 66, 218 14, 062 19. 1 35. 8 Men 25 -54 61, 584 11, 736 People who 33, 615 Nike athletic shoes in bought 6, 953 20. 7 21. 2 Women 18 -34 18. 7 38. 2 Women 18 -49 past 12 months are 57% more likely 67, 007 12, 529 the 17. 9 34. 5 Women 25 -54 63, 181 11, 296 157 – 100 = + 57% to be in the 25– 34 age range than the general population. Index 100 144 157 121 91 56 22 166 141 126 137 124 118

Athletic Shoes – Brands Bought: Nike in last 12 months Total Proj Percent ‘ Athletic Shoes – Brands Bought: Nike in last 12 months Total Proj Percent ‘ 000 Across But if the answer is negative. . . Down Total 216, 971 32, 761 15. 1 100. 0 Age 18 -24 28, 021 6, 083 21. 7 18. 6 Age 25 -34 39, 430 9, 332 23. 7 28. 5 Age 35 -44 43, 656 7, 967 18. 2 24. 3 Age 45 -54 41, 680 5, 734 13. 8 17. 5 Age 55 -64 29, 077 2, 456 8. 4 7. 5 Age 65+ 35, 108 1, 190 3. 4 3. 6 Men 18 -34 33, 836 8, 462 25. 0 25. 8 English ‘translation’: 21. 2 42. 9 Men 18 -49 66, 218 14, 062 19. 1 35. 8 Men 25 -54 61, 584 11, 736 People athletic 21. 2 Women 18 -34 who have bought Nike 20. 7 33, 615 6, 953 18. 7 Women 18 -49 in the past 12 months are 43% 38. 2 67, 007 12, 529 shoes 17. 9 34. 5 Women 25 -54 63, 181 11, 296 57 – 100 = – 43% less likely to be in the 55– 64 age range than the general population. Index 100 144 157 121 91 56 22 166 141 126 137 124 118

Index numbers • Index value 100 = dead average for total general population • Index numbers • Index value 100 = dead average for total general population • However, there is really an average ‘range’: 90 – 110, or 85 – 115 • Therefore: index values ≥ 110 are significant index values ≤ 90 are significant

The average range for index values: Index = 100 Index = 90 Index = The average range for index values: Index = 100 Index = 90 Index = 110 On this bell curve, all the average probability people fall between the 90 and 110 index lines. The people with greater and lesser probability, statistically speaking, are in the outside triangular areas.

Use high and low index #’s to determine: • Demographics of ‘best’ or core Use high and low index #’s to determine: • Demographics of ‘best’ or core customers • Demographics of low-use customers • Demographics of group to which you might aim an ad campaign.

Index numbers are NOT enough! Index numbers are always and only comparative, NOT quantitative: Index numbers are NOT enough! Index numbers are always and only comparative, NOT quantitative: they compare data for a small demographic group to the same data for the general population. Classic example: Asian-Americans have high index values (180 -200) for the purchase of imported Japanese cars. However, they only constitute ~4. 3% of the total population of the US (in 2005). Therefore, they cannot constitute a significant portion of the total number of the buyers of imported Japanese cars.

Vertical % or % down numbers are quantitative! Use % down/vertical % to see Vertical % or % down numbers are quantitative! Use % down/vertical % to see how many of your target group (column variable) also fall into a specific, smaller demographic (row variable). Mediamark uses the label ‘% down’, and Simmons uses the label ‘vertical %’ – different names for the exact same value.

Athletic Shoes – Brands Bought: Nike in last 12 months Total Proj Percent ‘ Athletic Shoes – Brands Bought: Nike in last 12 months Total Proj Percent ‘ 000 Across Down Index Down Total 216, 971 32, 761 100 15. 1 100. 0 Age 18 -24 28, 021 6, 083 144 21. 7 18. 6 Good 39, 430 9, 332 23. 7 28. 5 English ‘translations’: Age 25 -34 157 Among buyers of Nike athletic shoes in the Age 35 -44 43, 656 7, 967 121 18. 2 24. 3 Age 45 -54 12 months, 42. 9% were men aged 18– 49. 41, 680 5, 734 91 13. 8 17. 5 last Age 55 -64 29, 077 2, 456 56 8. 4 Men aged 18– 49 constitute 42. 9% of all 7. 5 Age 65+ 35, 108 1, 190 22 3. 4 3. 6 buyers of Nike athletic 8, 462 in 25. 0 past 12 shoes the Men 18 -34 33, 836 166 25. 8 months. 21. 2 Men 18 -49 66, 218 14, 062 141 42. 9 19. 1 35. 8 Men 25 -54 61, 584 11, 736 126 20. 7 21. 2 Women 18 -34 33, 615 6, 953 137 18. 7 38. 2 Women 18 -49 67, 007 12, 529 124 17. 9 34. 5 Women 25 -54 63, 181 11, 296 118

Index values + vertical %’s = • A good, reliable profile of best customers Index values + vertical %’s = • A good, reliable profile of best customers • A good profile of customer groups to target with an ad campaign The following screen will show a selection of rows that have both a higher index value (two exceptions with a low index value), and higher %’s down.

Total ‘ 000 Men age 18 -49 66, 218 Proj % ‘ 000 Across Total ‘ 000 Men age 18 -49 66, 218 Proj % ‘ 000 Across 14, 062 % Index Down 21. 2 42. 9 141 6, 953 20. 7 rows, you can Child in HH: any easily 89, 253 17, 604 Nike conclude that 19. 7 Marital status: never 53, 847 10, 976 20. 4 buyers … 21. 2 137 53. 7 131 33. 5 135 18. 8 20 125 • are middle-income HHI $75 -149 K 53, 536 9, 388 17. 5 28. 7 116 24. 5 18. 5 162 17. 9 16. 3 119 13. 2 19. 5 88 17. 1 86 19. 2 28. 1 127 Women age 18 -34 33, 615 From these Occupation: 34, 842 6, 558 • are younger sales/office • have children 6, 075 Race: Black/Afr. Am. 24, 815 • are more likely to be Spanish speaking HH 29, 810 5, 339 minorities Census Region: West 48, 244 6, 378 • are not the heaviest TV TV (total) Quintile I 43, 364 5, 599 12. 9 watchers 9, 218 • use Yahoo. com watchers Comedy Central 48, 028 ESPN 60, 764 11, 405 18. 8 34. 8 124 Football, Pro – 46, 675 9, 686 20. 8 29. 6 137

Total ‘ 000 Proj % % Index ‘ 000 Across Down What you 18 Total ‘ 000 Proj % % Index ‘ 000 Across Down What you 18 -49 to figure out are the reasons for Men age have 66, 218 14, 062 21. 2 42. 9 141 the data. Women age 18 -34 33, 615 6, 953 20. 7 21. 2 137 Child in HH: any 89, 253 17, 604 19. 7 53. 7 For example, Nike buyers are less likely (index=88; 131 Marital status: never live in the West, than in 20. 4 South 10, 976 33. 5 %down=19. 5) to 53, 847 the 135 (index=107; %down=38. 6). When you check the 20 Occupation: 34, 842 6, 558 18. 8 125 sales/office crosstabs for competitor brands, you find that in the West, Puma, Vans and other shoe brands are also very 116 HHI $75 -149 K 53, 536 9, 388 17. 5 28. 7 popular. . . Race: Black/Afr. Am. 24, 815 6, 075 24. 5 18. 5 162 Spanish speaking HH look 29, 810 TV quintile I data (index=86, 5, 339 17. 9 16. 3 And if you only at the 119 Census Region: Westyou’d think that 6, 378 buyers aren’t heavy 48, 244 13. 2 19. 5 %down=17. 1), Nike 88 you TVTV watchers. However, when 5, 599 look at the numbers (total) Quintile I 43, 364 12. 9 17. 1 86 for ESPN (index=124; %down=34. 8), pro-football 28. 1 Comedy Central 48, 028 9, 218 19. 2 127 (index=137; %down=29. 6) and Comedy Central 34. 8 ESPN 60, 764 11, 405 18. 8 124 (index=127; %down=28. 1), you see that instead they’re Football, Pro – 46, 675 9, 686 20. 8 29. 6 137 just selective in what they watch.

% across / horizontal % • Horizontal %’s are also quantitative • Use them % across / horizontal % • Horizontal %’s are also quantitative • Use them to see how many of your row group also fall into your target (column) group. • This value is used mostly in media planning (e. g. when buying ads, you’ll need to know what percentage of a magazine’s readership fits into a particular demographic category. ) • Know how to read this value, if only so that you can readily distinguish it from the % down / vertical %

Athletic Shoes – Brands Bought: Nike in last 12 months Total Proj Percent ‘ Athletic Shoes – Brands Bought: Nike in last 12 months Total Proj Percent ‘ 000 Across Down Index Total 216, 971 32, 761 100 15. 1 100. 0 Good 28, 021 ‘translations’: 18. 6 English 6, 083 21. 7 Age 18 -24 144 Age 25 -34 39, 430 9, 332 157 23. 7 28. 5 Among all men aged 18– 49, 21. 2% bought Age 35 -44 athletic shoes in the past 12 months. 43, 656 7, 967 121 18. 2 24. 3 Nike Age 45 -54 41, 680 5, 734 91 13. 8 17. 5 Buyers of Nike 29, 077 shoes in the past 7. 5 athletic 2, 456 12 Age 55 -64 56 8. 4 months constitute 21. 2% of all men aged 18– Age 65+ 35, 108 1, 190 22 3. 4 3. 6 Men 18 -34 33, 836 8, 462 166 25. 0 25. 8 49. 21. 2 42. 9 Men 18 -49 141 66, 218 14, 062 19. 1 35. 8 Men 25 -54 61, 584 11, 736 126 20. 7 21. 2 Women 18 -34 33, 615 6, 953 137 18. 7 38. 2 Women 18 -49 14, 062 67, 007 12, 529 124 X 100 = 17. 9 Women 25 -54 63, 181 11, 296 21. 2% 34. 5 118 66, 218

The % down and % across values tell you about the relationship (or proportions) The % down and % across values tell you about the relationship (or proportions) between three groups of people: those in the row variable, those in the column variable, and those in both. Let’s try looking at these two calculated variables, % down and % across, another way.

Column: Bought Nike’s in last 12 mos. (32, 761) X: (14, 06 2) Row: Column: Bought Nike’s in last 12 mos. (32, 761) X: (14, 06 2) Row: Men aged 18– 49 (66, 218) Above is an ordinary Venn diagram representing two of the variables, and their cross-section (X). (Apologies: the circles are only approximately proportional …) Now let’s look at how % down and % across are calculated for these variables.

Column: Bought Nike’s in last 12 mos. (32, 761) X: (14, 06 2) Here Column: Bought Nike’s in last 12 mos. (32, 761) X: (14, 06 2) Here you see that the cross% Down: section of the two variables (X) represents 43% of the total for 14, 062 X 100 = 42. 9 % the column variable (people 32, 761 who bought Nike’s in the last 12 months).

X: (14, 06 2) Here you see that the crosssection of the two variables X: (14, 06 2) Here you see that the crosssection of the two variables (X) represents 21% of the total for the row variable (men aged 18– 49). Row: Men aged 18– 49 (66, 218) % Across: 14, 062 X 100 = 21. 2 % 66, 218

Spreadsheet You can easily download a crosstab as a spreadsheet … Spreadsheet You can easily download a crosstab as a spreadsheet …

And that’s our introduction to consumer survey datasets! What they are, and how to And that’s our introduction to consumer survey datasets! What they are, and how to interpret the numbers … For more help with using consumer survey datasets (Mediamark or Simmons), please contact us at the Information Desk. 414. 288. 7556 Or, fill out the research consultation request form at: http: //www. marquette. edu/library/training/consult ations. html