Consumer roles.pptx
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CONSUMER ROLES Done by: Bolatova B.
WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE CONSUMER IN THE MARKETING? q Though the company is a major catalyst in marketing their products and services, consumers also have a role in the marketing process. In developing the plan, remember that the customer is the center of all decisions related to marketing. Understand the role played by consumers so that you can maximize the effectiveness of your marketing plan.
WHO IS THE CUSTOMER? q Before we examine the role of the consumer in your marketing plan, make sure you understand who the consumer. People sometimes use the two terms interchangeably, but the term "consumer" has a more precise definition than the "client. " The client just buyer and consumer rights, which is buy and use a product or service. Consumer customer, but the customer is not always the consumer in a business transaction. The consumer is also called the end user.
MARKETING RESEARCH q Consumers play an important role in marketing research before the product or service is made public. Once you identify your target customers, you can invite these people to participate in focus groups or surveys to send them to quiz them on the key elements of a marketing plan. Survey them about the right price to charge and what appeals to them the marketing message, as a consumer can help you select the entire plan, in particular, with the release of a new product or service.
PRODUCT FEEDBACK q The consumer also has the role of feedback collection process after the offer of the company hits the market. After the implementation of the marketing plan and producing a product or q. For example, software service, you need to track results and developers get feedback from constantly monitor customers on a regular basis to consumer needs so assist them in the development that you can improve the offer in the future. of new and improved versions.
BRING IN NEW CUSTOMERS q Consumers can also act as agents for the further consequences of your marketing plan. With wordof-mouth marketing, consumers who use your product to consider it both offline and online and can refer other consumers to the product. This marketing is fast and very effective, since people tend to trust the words of people they know, when it comes to trying new products and services.
THREE ECONOMIC ROLE CONSUMER Ø q Purchase of goods and services The main role of the consumer to spend money. How much money is spent mostly on the basis of its income. As she holds it, however, depends on the needs and preferences. For example, if she has $ 100 to spend, it could buy $ 75 worth of food and clothing worth $ 25. Or it could buy $ 50 worth of food and clothing worth $ 50. Her habits affect different sectors differently.
THREE ECONOMIC ROLE CONSUMER Ø q Utility maximization Utility is an economic term for the general welfare of man and his satisfaction. Consumers play a role in the economy by maximizing utility, which means that the allocation of scarce resources, such as limited time or money most effectively. Utility maximization is different for each person. Some buying high-end cars, others find a bargain in the trash products at a discount.
THREE ECONOMIC ROLE CONSUMER Ø q q Make rational decisions Purchases The economic theory of consumption depends on consumers to make rational decisions about the purchase. While this is not always the case - consumers sometimes do irrational buying decisions out of fear or greed - the role is always the same: measure all the results of their choice and use that knowledge to make an informed decision. Economists use theory that consumers make rational decisions about purchasing to predict trends in the market. For example, prices for meat delicacies used to make sandwiches means economists suggest, consumers will move to have something else.
Consumer roles.pptx