- Количество слайдов: 109
Consumer Behavior: Meeting Changes and Challenges
Consumer Behavior The behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs.
Personal Consumer The individual who buys goods and services for his or her own use, for household use, for the use of a family member, or for a friend. Organizational Consumer: A business, government agency, or other institution (profit or nonprofit) that buys the goods, services, and/or equipment necessary for the organization to function.
The Production Concept
The Product Concept
The Selling Concept
The Marketing Concept
The Marketing Mix
The Consumer Research Process
Concept of Consumer Research
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research
Secondary Data
Designing Primary Research
Validity and Reliability
Attitude Scales
Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Sampling and Data Collection
Market Segmentation and Strategic Targeting
Market Segmentation
Three Phases of Marketing Strategy
Segmentation Studies
Bases for Segmentation
Consumer Motivation
Types of Needs
Goal Conflicts Positive Motivation: A driving force toward some object or condition → Approach Goal (A positive goal toward which behavior is directed) Negative Motivation: A driving force away from some object or condition → Avoidance Goal (negative goal from which behavior is directed away) Conflicts: Approach/Approach/Avoidance/Avoidance
Goal Adjustments
Defense Mechanism
Arousal of Motives
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Figure 4. 10
Table 4. 3 Murray’s List of Psychogenic Needs
A Trio of Needs
Personality and Consumer Behavior
The Nature of Personality
Theories of Personality
Freudian Theory
Neo-Freudian Personality Theory
Trait Theory
Consumer Innovativeness
Optimum Stimulation Level
Variety-Novelty Seeking
Cognitive Personality Factors
Product Personality Issues
Self and Self-Image
Different Self-Images
Extended Self
Virtual Personality
Consumer Perception
Subliminal Perception
Aspects of Perception
Perceptual Selection
Product Positioning
Perceptual Mapping
Positioning of Services
Perceived Quality of Services
Price/Quality Relationship The perception of price as an indicator of product quality (e. g. , the higher the price, the higher the perceived quality of the product. )
Perceived Risk
How Consumers Reduce Risk
Consumer Learning