- Количество слайдов: 5
Consonant sound [f] by Polushina Irina
[f] feather ['feðə] waffle ['wɔfl] knife [naɪf] phase [feɪz] alphabet ['ælfəbət] photograph ['fəutəgrɑːf] noise consonant Degree of noise Work of the vocal cords *laughter ['lɑːftə] *cough [kɔf] *of [ɔv] voiceless and strong (fortis) Manner of articulation constrictive (fricative) Place of articulation unicentral Position of the active organ of speech against the point of articulation labio-dental
[f] The lower lip makes light contact with the upper teeth. The soft palate is raised. [f] is unvoiced and fortis.
[f] Pronunciation Tip • Do not curl your lip too far under your top teeth to make the sound. This makes it difficult to connect the [ f ] sound to other sounds in a word. E. g. : I have five knives and four forks. • The f sound is voiceless, and the v sound is voiced. E. g. : leaf refuse rifles proof • Substitution: [f] sound and [th] sound leave reviews rivals prove E. g. : fought first for thought thirst thaw • Many speakers prefer to leave the final "f" silent in words such as: fifth [fɪfθ], fifths, fifthly, twelfth [twelfθ] and twelfths.
[f] Tongue Twisters Fifty-five flags freely flutter from the floating frigate. Three fluffy feathers fell from Phoebe's flimsy fan. A fly and a flea in a flue Were imprisoned, so what could they do? Said the fly, "Let us flee!“ "Let us fly!" said the flea. And they flew through the flaw in the flue. Of all the felt I ever felt I never felt a piece of felt That felt the same as that felt.