Conservative Party.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 7
Conservative Party of Great Britain (English Th e Conservative Party; informal his torical name "Tories", Eng. Tory) - one of the two major British political parties, d ates back to late 1670's, the oldest of the existing and enjoying the traditional au thority of a moderately right political organization in the world.
Currently, the party leader - Prime Minister David Cameron(December 2005). Before him, in the XXI century the party led by. Michael Howard (2003 -2005), Iain Duncan Smith (2001 -2003)and William Hague (1997 -2001), is also the official leaders of the opposition (the last Conservative government existed before May 1997)
Party official colors - blue and green. Currently, t he official anthem of the party is absent, but more often in this song performe d as a. Land of Hope and Glory (music by E. Elgar, words by A. Benson)
Relies mainly on landowners, large farmers, entrepreneurs, representatives of the middle class and represents the interests of big business. Constant of the official program and the charterdoes not. On the eve of general elections, the party published the election manifesto, which contains the main direction of futurepolicy which the Conservative government intends to pursue in the event of coming to power.
The party has a hierarchical structure. Organizatio nally, it consists of three elements - an association of electoral districts, united in the "National Union of Conservative and union associations", the parliamentary faction and the Central Council. Party membershiphas not been formally drawn up, and party contributions ar e not paid. The latest figures (2001) Party members consider themselves to be 318 thousand people. The decrease in the number of parties affected by the aging of its ranks. Currently, the average of party members - 65 years.
advisory and not bindingauthority. The main power is concentrated in the hands of the parliamentary faction and the party leader, who is elected by allparty members of the two candidates on the proposal of the parliamentary faction. The party leader controls the central council of the party that selects the party chairman and party functionaries. The party leader since 2003 - Michael Howard. Co-chairmen -Liam Fox and Maurice Saatchi. Publishes a monthly journal"Conservative News" magazine and "Politiks tudey. " § » .
CPV is a member of the International Democratic Union (an international association of Conservative and Christian Democratic parties) and the European People's Party. § КПВ является членом Международного демократического союза (международное объединение консервативных и христианско-демократических партий) и Европейской народной партии.
Conservative Party.pptx