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Consent for bequeathing a body to medical teaching at Cardiff University • The right to donate lies expressly with the individual in question. 2006 (HTA) • Consent obtained before 2006: Must be sufficient evidence that the individual in question expressed the wish to donate. • The wish to donate may be expressed in an individuals Will but this must be witnessed and dated
Current Consent Form Please tick as appropriate 1. I do not place any restrictions on the length of time that my body or body parts may be retained (if you tick this box, go straight to option 3, if not proceed to option 2). For option 2, please select either a. or b. then proceed to option 3. 2. My body can be retained for a maximum of 3 years only. Parts of my body may be retained for longer than 3 years. a. Yes OR b. No Option 3 should be answered in all cases. Please select either a. or b. 3. I consent to the use of unidentifiable images of my body or body parts for education, training and research. a. Yes OR b. No
Witness and Date of Consent • Without Witness and Date of signature; current consent is NOT LEGALLY VALID • Witness can be Doctor, Nurse, Solicitor, relation of donor; even a close friend. • The revised Anatomy Act (2004)was amended to reduce risk of foul play. • There is still “grey area” here • Any suspicions contact the Bequeathal officer in Cardiff University or the HTA Anatomy Sector. • Power of Attorney? Not relevant for bequest.
Death and the Bequest • • Yes or No? Is there consent? Yes… contact Cardiff University Bequest Office. Next of Kin? Which doctor is signing the death cert’? Is there going to be a PM? Are there any contraindications? Why do some of the contraindications rule the individual out?
Contraindications • • The following list is of conditions which will result in the donation being turned down: Post mortem examination Transmissible disease: for example, Hepatitis, HIV, Septicaemia, Clostridium, MRSA, Tuberculosis Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease or Parkinson’s Disease (Vascular dementia is acceptable) Jaundice: Of infective origin. Organs donated for transplantation (cornea donation is acceptable) Widespread cancer throughout the bones or abdomen Internal bleeding or severe circulatory problems
• MS (Multiple Sclerosis): Depending on the severity of the condition, cases of MS may or may not be suitable. • Severe bedsores or varicose ulcers: Small sores may be acceptable, but deep sores are not. • Peripheral vascular disease and peripheral oedema. • Recent operations where the wound has not healed. • Amputation of more than one limb. • Arthritic deformity: Severe deformity of joints and spine. • Obesity/Size: Excessive weight or height. • Cancer: Depending on type/severity.
Acceptance of Bequest • Where is the deceased? Mortuary or at home. Must be transported to either a mortuary or to suitable undertakers • Fridge must be between 4 and 10°C • During working hours contact Cardiff University • Out of hours contact: CO-OP Funeral Care Roath Court Cardiff • If accepted, deceased will be collected by Undertakers (if in hospital, only when green disposal certificate is obtained at the registrars office and placed with the deceased.
Funeral • • • Cremation or burial? Cremation advised Woodland burials What about retained parts for teaching? All funerals carried out by CO- OP Funeral care, unless specific request by donor or next of Kin • Cremated remains returned via undertakers only • Thanksgiving Event • Memorial at Cardiff Crematorium
Cardiff University Anatomy Unit • Cardiff School of Biosciences DR/ Bequest Office is unique within Wales. • Over 1500 undergraduate students a year. • Medics, dentals, biomedical, physiotherapists, podiatrists, radiographers, medical engineers, artists and embalmers. • Postgraduate courses MRCS, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Urologists and Trauma Surgeons. • Midwifery and other Nursing disciplines • Open to all medical and allied disciplines.