Скачать презентацию Congress-Legislative Organization of Congress I Great compromise Скачать презентацию Congress-Legislative Organization of Congress I Great compromise


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Congress-Legislative Organization of Congress I Great compromise – 2 houses Bi-Cameral -House of Rep- Congress-Legislative Organization of Congress I Great compromise – 2 houses Bi-Cameral -House of Rep- based on state pop -Senate 2 per state

House of Representatives To be Representative 1. 25 yrs old 2. Citizen 7 yrs House of Representatives To be Representative 1. 25 yrs old 2. Citizen 7 yrs 3. live in state you rep Live in the District Elected to 2 yr term- no limit 435 reps for all states CA-53 reps Wyoming 1 rep Census (count of all people) every 10 yrs – base representation on census

States broken into districts- 1 rep state Leg draw district each district same amount States broken into districts- 1 rep state Leg draw district each district same amount of people Fairfield in 10 th district and our rep John Garamendi(Dem) Gerrymander is strange shaped district. Done to get more votes for one party

Senate To be a senator- 30 yrs old Citizen for 9 yrs Live in Senate To be a senator- 30 yrs old Citizen for 9 yrs Live in the state 6 year terms- no limit California-Diane Feinstein & Barbara Boxer both (demo)

Congressional Leaders Majority Party - more members of that party in congress Minority party Congressional Leaders Majority Party - more members of that party in congress Minority party –less members of party in congress 2 -Floor leaders-Demo/Rep Floor leaders-chief supporters of their parties

Speakers -Speaker of the House-H of R -Member in majority party -In charge of Speakers -Speaker of the House-H of R -Member in majority party -In charge of what goes on in congress-(John Boehner) Leader of Senate -Constitution says VP leader of senate -Cannot make laws -Vote only in a tie -President Pro Tempore-takes VP spot when Pres not there -Elected by senate always member of Majority Party

Benefits Today $174, 000 free mail for job Immunity-legal protections can’t be arrested on Benefits Today $174, 000 free mail for job Immunity-legal protections can’t be arrested on way to work Serious crime can be arrested Crimes can cause expulsion 2/3 vote of their house

Congressional Terms EVERY 2 YEARS New Term 111 THTerm Session is the yearly time Congressional Terms EVERY 2 YEARS New Term 111 THTerm Session is the yearly time congress meets -Meet from Jan 3 rd-Nov -President can call special meeting at any point.

Congress Committees and Powers of Congress II (Bill is a law idea that congress Congress Committees and Powers of Congress II (Bill is a law idea that congress will hear and vote on)

 Congress Committees- 3 types Committee- is a group who focus on problems or Congress Committees- 3 types Committee- is a group who focus on problems or issues -Committee Each house breaks up into committees-smaller groups -Research, discuss, and change bills -Decide if whole house will here and vote on it

1. Standing Committee. Permanent committees in both houses -Have one focus on discussion (Agriculture, 1. Standing Committee. Permanent committees in both houses -Have one focus on discussion (Agriculture, Commerce, environment) -In each committee there subcommittee - deal with detail of larger issues

2. Select Committee- for issues that need special attention -example-intelligence, homeland security, 2. Select Committee- for issues that need special attention -example-intelligence, homeland security,

3. Joint Committee-Senate & House go over specific issues -Members of both parties -EXAMPLE 3. Joint Committee-Senate & House go over specific issues -Members of both parties -EXAMPLE –taxation

Committee membership Leaders of Political parties assign committees -Chairperson is in charge of the Committee membership Leaders of Political parties assign committees -Chairperson is in charge of the committee -Majority party can control committees

Powers OF Congress 2 types -Expressed Powers- written in constitution -Implied Powers- Powers given Powers OF Congress 2 types -Expressed Powers- written in constitution -Implied Powers- Powers given to congress not written

Legislative Powers-making Laws Biggest job pass laws for Nation Power collect taxes Start H Legislative Powers-making Laws Biggest job pass laws for Nation Power collect taxes Start H R goes to Senate Power Control Commerce Control trade between states & countries Foreign Relations Congress votes to declare War Senate approve treaties made by President Military Raise, support control army & Navy

Non Legislative Powers- not voting to make laws Power of Approve or Remove Can Non Legislative Powers- not voting to make laws Power of Approve or Remove Can App or Rem president’s choices for officials Ambassadors- represent US other countries Supreme Court Justices (judges)

Impeach- takes a person out of office (judges, president, senators) HR votes to impeached Impeach- takes a person out of office (judges, president, senators) HR votes to impeached Senate is Jury- make decision 2 Presidents impeached. -Andrew Johnson 1868, . Bill Clinton 1998 both acquitted (Not kicked out) -Richard Nixon would have been impeached- left office.

Investigation powers of countries problems 9/11 c Investigate Terrorism 1930’s committee on Mafia Investigation powers of countries problems 9/11 c Investigate Terrorism 1930’s committee on Mafia

Bills Become Laws III -Congress sees thousands of Bills few become laws -Bills are Bills Become Laws III -Congress sees thousands of Bills few become laws -Bills are proposals-ideas of laws

Introducing a bill A- Bill can be idea of any body B- Member of Introducing a bill A- Bill can be idea of any body B- Member of congress must sponsor a bill -House- Bill is given a # -Senate C- Bill given to standing committee about subject Immigration bill immigration committee

D- Committee’s options Don’t LIKE-Committee can reject a bill Set it aside -pigeon hole D- Committee’s options Don’t LIKE-Committee can reject a bill Set it aside -pigeon hole it Throw out write a new one Like -Keep bill as is if they like it Make changes Subcommittees look at bill closer

E- Full committee passes bill to Senate or House F-Debating a Bill(arguing over the E- Full committee passes bill to Senate or House F-Debating a Bill(arguing over the bill) -On the floor senators and representatives talk in favor or against Bill House-limited time to speak Senate Unlimited time

G- Voting on a Bill Voice Vote- yes-Yea OR no- Nay Standing Vote-Stand if G- Voting on a Bill Voice Vote- yes-Yea OR no- Nay Standing Vote-Stand if in favor Roll Call vote Call name – say vote

Signing a Bill into Law H- -Both houses must pass the bill President reviews Signing a Bill into Law H- -Both houses must pass the bill President reviews it can veto- cancel If President does not sign for 10 days Bill is ended-pocket vote To save the bill congress needs to pass with 2/3 majority each house. If the president signs it is law.