Скачать презентацию Congratulations WRT on your th anniversary 60 The Скачать презентацию Congratulations WRT on your th anniversary 60 The


  • Количество слайдов: 60

Congratulations WRT on your th anniversary! 60 The Bernstein Family Syd, Max, Beth & Congratulations WRT on your th anniversary! 60 The Bernstein Family Syd, Max, Beth & Danny

Honoring 60 years of WRT and the clergy and community who have made WRT Honoring 60 years of WRT and the clergy and community who have made WRT so spiritual and special. Mazel Tov! From The "One and Only" and his One and Only Family, Peter & Dale Wang and Family

Happy 60 th anniversary WRT! Thank you for all you have meant to us Happy 60 th anniversary WRT! Thank you for all you have meant to us over the years. Marcy Engel & Stuart Cobert Daniel & Emily

Celebrating 60 years of Westchester Reform Temple Michelle & Darren Friedman Celebrating 60 years of Westchester Reform Temple Michelle & Darren Friedman

60 years young. . . and still going strong! CONGRATULATIONS WRT, TONIGHT AND ALWAYS 60 years young. . . and still going strong! CONGRATULATIONS WRT, TONIGHT AND ALWAYS ! The Alperin Family

Here’s to us celebrating 60 years just like WRT! Lisa & Aaron Here’s to us celebrating 60 years just like WRT! Lisa & Aaron

Mazel Tov to WRT for 60 years of creating a vibrant Jewish community. And, Mazel Tov to WRT for 60 years of creating a vibrant Jewish community. And, of course, many thanks to Iris, Audrey and the entire gala committee for bringing us all together to celebrate! Debbie & Chip Glassman

Thank you to all who make WRT a special place! Margie & Morgan Betsy Thank you to all who make WRT a special place! Margie & Morgan Betsy & Stuart Debbie & Bob

Congratulations Westchester Reform Temple for 60 years of creating this vibrant Jewish community! The Congratulations Westchester Reform Temple for 60 years of creating this vibrant Jewish community! The Greene Family Alison, Michael Jordan, Andrew & Dana

What a great match: WRT and the Jewish Community Congratulations on 60 magnificent years! What a great match: WRT and the Jewish Community Congratulations on 60 magnificent years! Steve & Debbie Prince

WRT. . YOU are A BLESSING!!! & we are blessed to be on this WRT. . YOU are A BLESSING!!! & we are blessed to be on this journey with You. Happy 60 th!!!. . Audrey, Ted, Blake & Taylor Weinberg

Happy 60 th WRT! We are looking forward to sharing the next sixty years Happy 60 th WRT! We are looking forward to sharing the next sixty years with our incredible clergy, dedicated staff, and inspiring congregation! The Sontag Family

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WRT HAPPY BIRTHDAY WRT "60 Years Young“… Still Vibrant, Vital and Inspiring! The Sarter Family Kathi, Alvin & Jessica Brynne, Elliot & Hudson Ellis

Happy 60 th Anniversary WESTCHESTER REFORM TEMPLE and congratulations AUDREY & IRIS on this Happy 60 th Anniversary WESTCHESTER REFORM TEMPLE and congratulations AUDREY & IRIS on this far-out evening!! The Karotkin Family

WRT is an awesome community to be a part of. . . Happy 60 WRT is an awesome community to be a part of. . . Happy 60 th! Iris & Fred Green Melissa, Arielle, Victoria

WRT isn’t the only one turning 60 this year! Happy birthday to our old WRT isn’t the only one turning 60 this year! Happy birthday to our old friends! Congratulations IRIS on another successful event! Love, Nancy & Bruce

Congratulations to WRT. . . and to our dear friend Iris on this wonderful Congratulations to WRT. . . and to our dear friend Iris on this wonderful celebration! Leslie & Howard Chatzinoff

Congratulations WRT on your 60 th anniversary! Jennifer & Alan, Spencer, Nathan & Matthew Congratulations WRT on your 60 th anniversary! Jennifer & Alan, Spencer, Nathan & Matthew Goldfarb

Mary, Jim, Annie & Lauren wish to thank the past and present clergy, teachers Mary, Jim, Annie & Lauren wish to thank the past and present clergy, teachers and staff for their leadership, empathy & guidance over the last seventeen years…. . . we are blessed. The Blum Family

Congratulations WRT on sixty years of enriching our community. The Lefkowitz Family Congratulations WRT on sixty years of enriching our community. The Lefkowitz Family

Platinum Name Listing Lisa & Stu Alperin Beth & Danny Bernstein Mary & Jim Platinum Name Listing Lisa & Stu Alperin Beth & Danny Bernstein Mary & Jim Blum Leslie & Howard Chatzinoff Marcy Engel & Stuart Cobert Nancy & Bruce Frank Michelle and Darren Friedman Debbie & Chip Glassman Jennifer & Alan Goldfarb Iris & Fred Green & Family Alison & Michael Greene

Platinum Name Listing Nancy & Steve Karotkin Lisa Messinger & Aaron Panken Nancy & Platinum Name Listing Nancy & Steve Karotkin Lisa Messinger & Aaron Panken Nancy & David Michaels Margie & Morgan Miller Debbie & Steven Prince Kathi & Alvin Sarter & Family Jocelyn & Scott Sontag Dale & Peter Wang & Family Audrey & Ted Weinberg & Family Women of Reform Judaism

Mazel Tov on your 60 th anniversary! William A. Blumstein, CPCU Insuregy Agency, Inc Mazel Tov on your 60 th anniversary! William A. Blumstein, CPCU Insuregy Agency, Inc 2500 Westchester Avenue, Purchase, NY 914 -694 -6000 Insuregy is where Insurance and strategy meet.

Congratulations to WRT on its 60 TH ANNIVERSARY and to our dear friend IRIS Congratulations to WRT on its 60 TH ANNIVERSARY and to our dear friend IRIS Green For her dedication to its causes! With love, Mary Alice & Tom Roberts

In support of Westchester Reform Temple celebrating 60 years, and in honor of Peter In support of Westchester Reform Temple celebrating 60 years, and in honor of Peter Gatof Jane & Dan Och

Membership has its privileges. We are so lucky to be a part of 60 Membership has its privileges. We are so lucky to be a part of 60 years of Peace, Love & Parties at WRT. Jeri & Andrew Casden Jared, Ryan & Michael

We are proud to be part of the WRT family. Congratulations on 60 years! We are proud to be part of the WRT family. Congratulations on 60 years! We look forward to many more years at WRT. The Harris Family Marcy, John, Andrew & Justin

MAZEL TOV!! Ellen & Bill Blumstein MAZEL TOV!! Ellen & Bill Blumstein

Making memories at WRT. . . The Ellman Family Making memories at WRT. . . The Ellman Family

The Plattus family celebrates 50 years and three generations at WRT under the spiritual The Plattus family celebrates 50 years and three generations at WRT under the spiritual guidance of our esteemed clergy. Congratulations on this momentous 60 th Anniversary Linda, Seth, Danielle, Jack & Brian

Thanks to WRT for bringing 60 years of comfort, joy, peace, love & strength Thanks to WRT for bringing 60 years of comfort, joy, peace, love & strength to our community. The Sunness Family

Happy Birthday Westchester Reform! Thank you for 60 years of leadership, guidance, inspiration and Happy Birthday Westchester Reform! Thank you for 60 years of leadership, guidance, inspiration and spirituality. Shelly & Howard Kivell

In honor of our dear friends Helene Gray Congratulations and to WRT on this In honor of our dear friends Helene Gray Congratulations and to WRT on this Lisa Messinger milestone. who enrich our Congratulations to WRT on this milestone. congregation and community. Donna, Steven, Philip & Ross Herman Nina, Ivan, Josh, Tyler & Ethan Ross

WRT… 60 Years of memories. CONGRATULATIONS We are so glad WRT our family has WRT… 60 Years of memories. CONGRATULATIONS We are so glad WRT our family has been FOR YEAR NO. 60 a small part of them Congratulations to WRT on this milestone. With love, Stephie & Bill Miller Wendy, Michael, Lauren & Carolyn Cohen

Congratulations AUDREY and IRIS on co-chairing this wonderful event!! Congratulations to WRT on this Congratulations AUDREY and IRIS on co-chairing this wonderful event!! Congratulations to WRT on this milestone. Love, Debbie, Barry, Brandon & Erin

All you need is love! Rebecca & Marty Eisenberg All you need is love! Rebecca & Marty Eisenberg

L’DOR V’DOR From strength to strength Congratulations on 60 years!! Amy and Craig Lemle L’DOR V’DOR From strength to strength Congratulations on 60 years!! Amy and Craig Lemle & Family The Bunzel Family We are proud to be Happy 60 th part of this wonderful Congratulations to WRT on this milestone. congregation. Anniversary WRT

"Peace" Congratulations to WRT on this milestone. with love, Lisa & Steve Eisenstein Happy Anniversary Westchester Reform Temple! 815 weaver street new rochelle, ny 10804 914. 632. 1850

It’s an honor and privilege to be part of WRT’s meaningful history! Dennis & It’s an honor and privilege to be part of WRT’s meaningful history! Dennis & Nancy Gilbert Love, respect and gratitude to our clergy and the entire WRT community. Laurie Disick & Family Congratulations to WRT on this milestone. Happy 60 th Anniversary WRT! Happy 60 years to Westchester Reform Temple! All our love, Wendy, Howard, Chelsea, Amanda & Emily Berk Thank you for all that you do. Susie & Craig Newman & Family

Congratulations Iris and Audrey and all the committee members who helped create such an Congratulations Iris and Audrey and all the committee members who helped create such an amazing evening! Karen & Barry Wolf Congratulations to WRT on this milestone. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Susie & Jeff Stern Congratulations WRT on 60 great years and Audrey and Iris, and their team on a successful evening. The Dolgin family.

In gratitude and respect to Rabbi Blake, Rabbi Levy, Amy Rossberg and Jill Sommer In gratitude and respect to Rabbi Blake, Rabbi Levy, Amy Rossberg and Jill Sommer for golden memories. Dr. Stanley & Faye Portnow Happy 60 th WRT! The Frydman Family

Name Listing Valerie and Steve Abrahams Beth Ehrich Pamela Frankel-Stein Kristin and Gary Friedman Name Listing Valerie and Steve Abrahams Beth Ehrich Pamela Frankel-Stein Kristin and Gary Friedman Drs. Arlene and Gary Goldsmith Denise Josephs Jill and Howard Melnick Marla and Jonathan Mehlman

Name Listing Ilene and Glenn Miller Fran and Ray Osinoff Caryl Orlando Susan and Name Listing Ilene and Glenn Miller Fran and Ray Osinoff Caryl Orlando Susan and Seth Ross Leila and Bernard Seiler Emily Shepard & Robert Lesser & Family Diane and Stanley Vickers Eugene, Ronee, Ilana, Adam, Jen, Annie, Susi, and Iggy Weissman

Heathcote Gulf Auto Service Al Popora 1473 Weaver Street, Scarsdale 1 Weaver Street – Heathcote Gulf Auto Service Al Popora 1473 Weaver Street, Scarsdale 1 Weaver Street – Scarsdale 914. 723. 1568 914 -723 -2088 www. jadespoonscarsdale. com Leah’s Salon 1124 Wilmot Road Scarsdale 914. 723. 1012 / 914. 723. 1013 Congratulations to WRT on this milestone. Mazel Tov to WRT on 60 years! ALL GOOD THINGS The Golden Horseshoe - Scarsdale Dr. Richard Davidson Chiropractor 550 Mamaroneck Ave – Suite 103 Harrison, New York Tel: 914. 346. 5200 www. westfamchiro SEAN RACHLIN, L. Ac. , LMT Acupuncture & Massage Therapy 221 E. Hartsdale, Ave Hartsdale, NY 10530 914 -574 -3014 seanrachlin@optonline. net Seanrachlin. com Stratton Pharmacy 1467 Weaver Street – Scarsdale 914 -723 -8558

Thank you for making tonight a special evening… Peter Wang…Master of Ceremonies Pete Malinverni…Pianist Thank you for making tonight a special evening… Peter Wang…Master of Ceremonies Pete Malinverni…Pianist Joanne & Barry Citrin…Lighting Michael Graff…Photographer Eturnity Band Altel Sound

Our most generous Vendors… House of Flowers Standing Room Only Vintology Our most generous Vendors… House of Flowers Standing Room Only Vintology

Thank you for our video “Sock it to me 60’s!”… Wendy Berk Sherry Berkowitz Thank you for our video “Sock it to me 60’s!”… Wendy Berk Sherry Berkowitz Lisa Sonkin-Hasson

Our amazing Raffle Donors… DINE AROUND TOWN Chat Metro Deli Cherry Lawn Farms Moscato Our amazing Raffle Donors… DINE AROUND TOWN Chat Metro Deli Cherry Lawn Farms Moscato Fig & Olive Ruffled Feathers Gus’s Savona Lusardi’s Spadaro Madison Kitchen Sushi Mike’s

Our amazing Raffle Donors… DINNER PARTY Meritage Restaurant Colonial Village Florist Our amazing Raffle Donors… DINNER PARTY Meritage Restaurant Colonial Village Florist

Our amazing Raffle Donors… LADIES LUXURY ITEMS Pamela Robbins Kwait Diamonds Jewels by Joanne Our amazing Raffle Donors… LADIES LUXURY ITEMS Pamela Robbins Kwait Diamonds Jewels by Joanne Current Home Le Dentelliere Sort It Out

Our amazing Raffle Donors… EXERCISE & MORE Flywheel & Flybarre SLT Soul. Cycle Be Our amazing Raffle Donors… EXERCISE & MORE Flywheel & Flybarre SLT Soul. Cycle Be True Yoga Loretta Vicker Studio Danielle Corpina Dawn La Monica

Our amazing Raffle Donors… TRAVEL & MORE Milestone Hotel, London Espirit, St. Germain Hotel, Our amazing Raffle Donors… TRAVEL & MORE Milestone Hotel, London Espirit, St. Germain Hotel, Paris Fran Fishman of Protravel International Leslie Chatzinoff of COLOURESSENCE

Our unbelievable Live Auction Donors… Rabbi Jonathan Blake Cantor Jill Abramson Rabbi David Levy Our unbelievable Live Auction Donors… Rabbi Jonathan Blake Cantor Jill Abramson Rabbi David Levy Susan Freedman Michael Arad

Our unbelievable Live Auction Donors… John Alderman Andy Casden Jeff Goldenberg Pete Malinverni Steve Our unbelievable Live Auction Donors… John Alderman Andy Casden Jeff Goldenberg Pete Malinverni Steve Prince Jeff Schwartz David Spiegelman & Relativity Media