Congenital defects of female generative organs

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- Автор: Mia Nova
- Количество слайдов: 21
Описание презентации Congenital defects of female generative organs по слайдам
Congenital defects of female generative organs development. Lecturer : Antonova G. A. Assistant of Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecolgy SSMU
Task № 1. A girl of 14 years old was brought авлена to gynecological department with complains on repeated cyclic с pains ся pains, sensation of heaviness in low part of abdomen, sometime problems with urination.
What are Your questions?
Date of anamnesis of disease: From 13, 5 years old she has cyclic, repeated pains in low part of abdomen, sometime nausea, vomiting. No menstruation.
Anamnesis of vitae She was growing in coordination with age. She had in the past chronic tonsillitis. According to mother ‘s telling , she had such problem, as chronic vulvitis and was treated children’s gynecologist. In present time there is no acute stage of disease.
Date of common examination: Height is 158 sm , mass 56 kg. Right way of body bu правильного Built, satisfactory feeding. Breasts are defeloped.
Date of gynecologic examination: Hair growing is on female type. Vulva skin color is pink. There is overloading of hymen. Р. R. There is a large formation in small pelvis, elastic consistence , on the top of it there is a small hard organ.
Methods of additional examination?
Date of laboratory investigation. CBA – HG level is 132 gr \ l , erythrocytes 3 mln 200 thousand. Leucocytes — 6800 Fibrinogen is 4, 5 gr / l л Degree of vagina purity is the II , Blood group is В ( III) third , Rh+( positive ) Normal of urine analysis .
Date of USI: There is Echo- negative formation in small pelvis.
Provisional diagnosis is : Atresia of hymen.
Put a differential diagnosis on the base of pictures.
Treatment is : Dissection of hymen with crest ‘s insision.
What is a an amenorrhea form in this case?
On which week of intrauterine development the internal female organs are formated?
Time of formation is From 6 till 20 weeks. Muller’s ducts on the 6 week. From 7 -8 weeks – growing and making together of ducts . There are 2 uterine- vaginal cavity in the beginning, separated by fibrous septum Process of reduction is performing from . caudal to cranial end.
Risk group of defects From women with professional factors, smoker, drinkers, infection diseases from 8 to 16 weeks, particular virus infections.
Epidemiology Congenital defects take 4% among all types of defects. There is increasing at 10 times quantity of defects During the last 5 years.
1 — атрезия; 2 — аплазия влагалища и матки; 3 — частичная или полная атрезия влагалища; 4 — удвоение влагалища и матки с частичной или полной аплазией одного из влагалищ.
There are such congenital defects , as: 1. Agenesia 2. Aplasia 3. Hypoplasia 4. Hyperplasia 5. Heterotopy 6. Hetroplasia 7. Ectopy 8. Multyplication 9. Atresia 10. Stenosis . Please, give a conception about every .