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Configuring Web Based SCM Systems for Construction Projects Prof. Hans Bjornsson Prof. Kincho Law Jack Cheng CIFE Center for Integrated Facility Engineering
Agenda n Supply Chain Management ¨ ¨ ¨ n SC Collaborator – Web-based platform for construction supply chain ¨ ¨ n Web Services Interfaces and System Architecture System Demonstration and Discussion ¨ ¨ n Construction Supply Chain Lean Construction Information Sharing GC-Subcontractor-Supplier Collaboration Module Functionalities Summary
Construction Supply Chain Information Flow Procurement Process Information and Material Flow Expediting Process Information and Financial Flow Transaction Process Modified from Min, J. U. (2004) Supply Chain Visualization through Web Services Integration, Ph. D Thesis, Stanford University, USA
Challenges of Construction SC n n n Construction is a multi-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary participant industry Highly fragmented supply chain Large number of stakeholders Conflicting goals and objectives Different locations Short-term, project-based relationship
Room for Improvement in Construction Current Manufacturing Current Construction Value Added 62% Value Added 10% Waste 26% Support Activity 12% Source: FIATECH, 2004 Waste 57% Support Activity 33%
Lean Construction n Based on concepts of lean manufacturing GOAL: Maximize the value delivered to the customer while Minimizing waste (not value-adding) Basic Principles ¨ ¨ ¨ n Identify values in customer’s terms Eliminate inefficient practices (waste) Make the work flow Decentralize decision making Increase communication Let the customers pull Results: improved quality and profit margins
Information Sharing is not Easy… Construction Manager Structural Engineer Civil Engineer Building Owner MEP Engineer HVAC Engineer Cost Estimator Architect
We Need Information Standards Construction Manager Structural Engineer Building Owner Civil Engineer Shared Project Data Model MEP Engineer HVAC Engineer Cost Estimator Architect
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) n n n Most commonly used data model in AEC industry Developed by International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) IAI Mission: To enable software interoperability in AEC/FM industry In STEP format Versions: IFC 1. 0 [1997] IFC 1. 5. 1 IFC 2. 0 IFC 2 x 2 IFC 2 x 3 [June 2007]
From 2 D Model to BIM n 2 D Drafting Individual paper-based 2 D drawings ¨ No consistency check ¨ No project info ¨ n 3 D Modeling ¨ ¨ ¨ n Computer-based 2 D/3 D models Consistency check – geometry No project info Building Information Model (BIM) ¨ ¨ ¨ Computer-based 3 D models Consistency check – geometry Project info, e. g. cost, schedule, lighting and thermal analysis, structural analysis
Alternative Approaches in SCM Approach Principle Applicability in construction Long-term relationships (Buzzell et al. 1995) Develop strong and long-term relationships with supply chain members to improve products, reduce costs, and develop more efficient processes and procedures. It can be applied to negotiated jobs. Difficult in case of competitive bid jobs. Working with fewer suppliers (Davis 1994) Dealing with fewer suppliers and carriers to encourage closer working relationships and allow greater use of supplier and carrier expertise. Construction by itself requires supplier’s expertise Inv. and cycle time management with suppliers (Inger et al. 1995) Working with supply chain members It requires interactive communication and to reduce channel-wide inventory collaboration levels and cycle times, so as to reduce overall costs. Strong commitment (Christopher 1994) Building commitment at all levels of the organization to encourage implementation and continued use of SCM techniques. It depends on managerial decision Internet-based Information sharing Regularly sharing information with supply chain members, allowing quicker response to changes and better short-term and long-term planning. Technology driven approach. It fits well into the requirements of construction SCM. (Lee 2000, Rosenbaum 2001)
Commercial SCM Applications Features IBS i 2 Manhattan Decision support / Event management o o o Inventory management o o o Order management o o o Production scheduling EXE Demand planning / forecasting o o o Distribution planning o IMI Descartes Nx. Trend o HK o o o Supply planning Mchugh o o SAP o o o Transportation management o Warehouse management o o o o
Commercial SCM Applications Features IBS i 2 Manhattan EXE Decision support / Event management Manufacturing o SCM o o applications Inventory management o o o Targeted at large o o o trading partners Order management Production scheduling o o o o IMI Descartes Nx. Trend Characteristics of o AEC Industry HK o o o o o Medium to small firms o o Configuration takes o o o long o Mchugh o Demand planning / forecasting Supply planning SAP Stable supply chains o o o Distribution planning Transportation management o o Warehouse management o o o Quick configuration is o critical in a project Project-based o temporary supply o o chains o o o o
Web Services “Web services are encapsulated, loosely coupled contracted functions offered via standard protocols. ” (Source: Webservices. org) “Web services are a new breed of Web application. They are self-contained, self-describing, modular applications that can be published, located, and invoked across the Web. Once a Web service is deployed, other applications (and other Web services) can discover and invoke the deployed service. ” (Source: IBM)
XML, DTD, Schema U n i ve r s a l D a t a F o r m a t Web Service Standards BPEL Service Aggregation UDDI Publish, Discover Services WSDL Formal Service Descriptions SOAP Service Messaging Internet Ubiquitous Communications
Why Web Services? Benefits: n Process automation n Agility / Modularity n Increased functionality n 7 -day, 24 -hour n Plug-and-play n Dynamic Challenges n Loosely coupled, distributed web services n Trusted and transparent environment is needed n Interoperability issue
Service-Oriented Architecture 3 Types of Web applications: Static Web Site (HTTP/HTML) Dynamic Web Site (Java/J 2 EE) Connected Applications (SOA) SOA: Interconnected web of Web services (business, engineering, etc. )
Integration by Web Portal (i. Google) Tools Portlets News Entertainment Personal Information
Guest Home Page Project Information Local Weather Single Authentication 22 Languages Supported
Timeout Capability (after 1 min…) Warning! Due to inactivity, your session has expired
Liferay Platform n SC Collaborator is built on top of an open source software, Liferay Portal n Compatible to various Servlet containers (e. g. Apache Tomcat, Jetty) Application servers – commercial (e. g. Oracle. AS, IBM Websphere, Weblogic) and open source (e. g. JBoss, JFox) ¨ Databases – commercial (e. g. Oracle, IBM DB 2) and open source (e. g. My. SQL, Postgre. SQL, Inter. Base) ¨ ¨ n Two installation options: ¨ Liferay Portal, Professional Edition n ¨ Liferay Portal, Enterprise Edition n n Bundled with servlet container Used because of lightweight deployment and effciency Bundled with app. server and servlet container N-tier deployment: separate web server, business implementation server, and database server
System Architecture – SC Collaborator Liferay Built-in HTTP HTML WAP Axis Servlet Spring Session EJB Framework Container POJO Implementation (contains all business logic) Hibernate Struts Servlet WML POJO: Plain Old Java Object WML: Wireless Markup Lang. WAP: Wirelsss Application Protocol SOAP, WSDL Web Services Clients Web Server (HTTP and HTTPS) and Servlet Container (e. g. Apache Tomcat, Tomcat Jetty, Resin) Java classes JDBC Other apps or WS Business Tier (connectivity, life-cycle mgt, data access, transaction mgt, remote mgt, etc. ) Servers Relational Database (e. g. My. SQL, My. SQL Oracle)
Why Open Source? n SC Collaborator is built on top of Liferay Portal, Apache Tomcat and My. SQL, all of which are My. SQL open source software n Open Source Success Stories: ¨ Apache Web Server – runs approx. 60% of websites ¨ Mozilla Web Browser – approx. 11% worldwide web browser market share ¨ My. SQL – used by Google, Orbitz, Department of Homeland Security
SC Collaborator n n n Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Integration by web portal platform Open Source no license cost, low maintenance cost Plug-and-use Extensible and scalable User-friendly
Agenda n Supply Chain Management ¨ ¨ ¨ n SC Collaborator – Web-based platform for construction supply chain ¨ ¨ n Web Services Interfaces and System Architecture System Demonstration and Discussion ¨ ¨ n Construction Supply Chain Lean Construction Information Sharing GC-Subcontractor-Supplier Collaboration Module Functionalities Summary
Project Floor Plan
Project Schedule
Project Organization Chart General Contractor Jack Cheng [GC] Scott. Co. [Foundation] Carmel MEP [Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing] Suma Concrete [Concrete Walls] Sasco Electrics [Electrical] Minton Door [Mechanical] Subcontractors
Initial Procurement Online catalog Deployed Suppliers Web Services Suppliers Web Service Gateway Procurement Office Architectural Design Managers Order & Invoice Inventory Management Material Summary Further Process
Delay in Material Delivery Send notification Reviewing the details of Purchase Order
GC and Subcontractor Notified
Subcontractor Reviewing Schedule
Availability Check for Alternatives New column with choices of suppliers SC Collaborator for Expediting Getting Quotes from other suppliers
Request for Schedule Delay
Message Notification to Subcontractors
Project Transparency Dates changed
Separated into Modules Current module Selected module Alternative modules
Project Module – Content Management
Project Module – Supporting Tools
Support Module – Module Configuration Manage child page Build page hierarchy Manage page order
Support Module – Portal Properties
Support Module – User Management
Agenda n Supply Chain Management ¨ ¨ ¨ n SC Collaborator – Web-based platform for construction supply chain ¨ ¨ n Web Services Interfaces and System Architecture System Demonstration and Discussion ¨ ¨ n Construction Supply Chain Lean Construction Information Sharing GC-Subcontractor-Supplier Collaboration Module Functionalities Summary
Summary n Construction SC is multi-participant, multi-disciplinary Coordination and Transparency n Lean construction – max. value and min. waste n Information sharing – IFC and BIM n Integration of web contents by web services, SOA and web portal n Open source software for construction management
Summary (cont’d) n SC Collaborator (web portal system) n Features: ¨ n Functionalities: ¨ n SOA, open source, integration of web applications by web portal, plug-and-use, extensible and scalable, user-friendly Module and portlet configuration, system mgt, user mgt, content mgt, project mgt GC-Subcontractor-Supplier scenario