Conference Session Wrap Up Reform of Minnesota Planning & Zoning Enabling Laws 2010 Upper Midwest Conference APA Minnesota Legislative Committee Andrew Mack, AICP Committee Co-Chair
SUMMARY OF REFORM INITIATIVE n n n 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. APA MN Partnership with MACPZA Statement of Purpose & Need Adopted Outline & Timeline of Key Action Steps Adopted By Board of Each Organization Project Now Underway 3 -5 Year Process
APA Minnesota/MACPZA Joint Initiative on Planning Enabling Law Reform n n n Purpose & Need Action Plan Timeline Process Is Fluid But Controlled Reform Marketing Brochure
Planning and Zoning Statutory Reform Goal Statement (9/17/10 Draft) n Create a single, synthesized planning and zoning statute to better guide future development and land use decision-making in Minnesota.
Reform Objectives (9/17/10 Draft) n n n n Create a single planning and zoning framework that enhances coordination and cooperation in planning decision-making at all levels of government. Integrate comprehensive planning with land use regulation and sound public capital investment. Eliminate inconsistencies and duplication in city, county and township planning statutes. Protect our environment, natural and cultural resources, open space and agricultural lands. Foster healthy communities around the state. Encourage and support citizen involvement in land use decision-making. Provide clear, consistent guidance to local governments on planning and zoning while preserving local control of land use decisions. Increase accountability, consistency and transparency of planning decisions at all levels of government.
Background Work n n n Statewide Case Studies & “White Paper” Review of Other State Efforts (Pros & Cons) Minnesota Conflicts & Concerns Identified Input From Both APA MN & MACPZA Membership & The Planning Community Emerging Topics – Just A Start 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Annexation Issues Variances Enforcement Authority Watershed Improvement Inequities Powers Given to Cities but Not Counties Historic Preservation vs. Neighborhood Improvements?
Stakeholder Outreach n n n Identify Key Organizations & Champions Foster Stakeholder ‘Buy In’ For Initiative Design & Orchestrate Reform Process Draw on APA National Assistance Kick Off Meeting – Planner’s Day at Capitol
Session Wrap Up Where Do We Go From Here? n n n n Assess Membership Input Finalize Marketing Brochure Approval By APA Mn & MACPZA Boards Complete Background Work Initiate Stakeholder Process Develop Legislation To Reform P&Z Laws Work For Passage
THANK YOU FOR YOU ATTENDING APA Mn Legislative Committee Program! n Sign UP If Interested In Getting Involved!!