Скачать презентацию Conditional Grant Province of KZN Recapitalisation of Community Скачать презентацию Conditional Grant Province of KZN Recapitalisation of Community


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Conditional Grant Province of KZN Recapitalisation of Community Libraries Conditional Grant Province of KZN Recapitalisation of Community Libraries

KZN Grant Projects • Internet@yourlibrary project. Public access to free internet at 72 libraries. KZN Grant Projects • Internet@yourlibrary project. Public access to free internet at 72 libraries. • Employment of cyber cadets at each site for training and up-skilling. • Textbooks supporting tertiary education distance learners. Prescribed texts. • Specialised permanent collections of material supporting school curriculum. Working with the Do. E. • Migration to a new automated library management system for all libraries. Increased access to 3 million resources.

Projects continued. • A new library and Regional Library Depot in Mbazwana. • A Projects continued. • A new library and Regional Library Depot in Mbazwana. • A new library with museum at Qhudeni. • 2 Pre-fab libraries in rural areas. • 4 Mobile Library trucks to promote a reading culture • Mobile Trolley collections in 19 sites with employment of volunteers with stipends. • Family Literacy Project support – 8 staff.

Projects • Partnership with e. Thekwini Metro and Carnegie Corporation in the building of Projects • Partnership with e. Thekwini Metro and Carnegie Corporation in the building of a new City Library for Durban.

Internet@your library project 72 libraries installed with computers and free internet connectivity in “cyber Internet@your library project 72 libraries installed with computers and free internet connectivity in “cyber cafes”. Appointment of skilled computer training assistants, “cybercadets”, in each library to train the public in ICT skills. .

Keyboard skills, email access, job seeking, typing of assignments, preparing CV’s, project information, e-government Keyboard skills, email access, job seeking, typing of assignments, preparing CV’s, project information, e-government access.

Attracting youth – Supplying relevant information – Empowerment through skills development. Attracting youth – Supplying relevant information – Empowerment through skills development.

Some Key Outcomes • Increased usage of libraries. Quantatative data from head counting system Some Key Outcomes • Increased usage of libraries. Quantatative data from head counting system installed in 50 libraries where usage higher than membership and circulation. • Increased usage of libraries in the mornings by adult students. • Computer skills enhanced in communities. • Increased access to services.

Data on trends in allocations, transfers and actual expenditure. Data on trends in allocations, transfers and actual expenditure.

 • 2007/2008: 100% expenditure. • 2008/2009: 94% expenditure. Rollover of R 1, 442 • 2007/2008: 100% expenditure. • 2008/2009: 94% expenditure. Rollover of R 1, 442 approved for infrastructure: Mbazwana Library/Depot. • 2009/2010: 86% expenditure. Rollover of R 4, 992 approved for under expenditure on Mbazwana Library/Depot

2010/2011 Allocation of R 38, 282 m Plus rollover of R 4, 992 from 2010/2011 Allocation of R 38, 282 m Plus rollover of R 4, 992 from previous year for under expenditure on infrastructure. Total allocation: R 43, 274 m. Actual received: R 37, 692 m. Fourth tranche of R 5, 582 withheld.

2010/2011 Expenditure • Actual expenditure = R 41, 262. • R 3, 569 m 2010/2011 Expenditure • Actual expenditure = R 41, 262. • R 3, 569 m more than actual funds received. • If the 4 th tranche had been received the total the expenditure would be 95. 4% with an under expenditure of R 2, 013 m.

Sole Reason for Under Spending • The Mbazwana Library/Depot is a R 31 m Sole Reason for Under Spending • The Mbazwana Library/Depot is a R 31 m project. Very remote, rural area. • The contractor was finally dismissed mid 2010 for consistent poor performance and a new tender to finalise arranged. This caused delays compounded by legal wrangling. • Furniture and equipment expenditure affected. Now almost at completion.

Assessment of monitoring capacity: 2010/11 Assessment of monitoring capacity: 2010/11

Monitoring • Monthly financial data submitted to National Department of Arts and Culture and Monitoring • Monthly financial data submitted to National Department of Arts and Culture and Provincial Treasury. • Quarterly report and review meetings with the National Department of Arts and Culture. • Oversight by the Arts & Culture Portfolio Committee – reporting • Internal audit on conditional grant expenditure. • Regular monthly monitoring by provincial coordinator.

Monitoring • National Treasury meeting on DORA. • Monthly reporting to DAC • Monthly Monitoring • National Treasury meeting on DORA. • Monthly reporting to DAC • Monthly expenditure reporting by municipalities. • Evaluation Committee meetings.

Monthly reporting by local municipalities. Monthly reporting by local municipalities.

 • All transfer payments made by the department are supported by signed Memorandum • All transfer payments made by the department are supported by signed Memorandum of Agreements. • Monthly reporting templates have been sent to all municipalities. A staff member has been assigned to regular follow-ups. Compliance improving and annual transfers only approved with proof of expenditure of previously transferred funds.

Road shows – to Clarify requirements of MOA’s • Individual visits to all local Road shows – to Clarify requirements of MOA’s • Individual visits to all local municipalities being conducted between April-June this year before new municipal financial year. • Conditional Grant transfer funding combined with funding received for addressing Schedule 5 A of the Constitution relating to public libraries. {“unfunded mandate”}

Conclusion • The conditional grant has allowed for great strides to be taken in Conclusion • The conditional grant has allowed for great strides to be taken in the transformation of community libraries, as proposed in the Library Transformation Charter. • It is our belief that community libraries have a significant role to play in the development of human capital, alleviation of poverty and upliftment of society.

Siyabonga Thank you Siyabonga Thank you