level 2 theme 2 Concept Development.ppt
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CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT © 2011 by The Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved.
Common Concepts 2 v v v Systems Models Constancy Patterns of change Evolution Scale
Outcomes 3 Participants will be able to: v Apply the process of concept development to their concept of choice for further development v Create a basic curriculum framework for conceptbased lessons.
Concepts found in the Syntopicon 4 Aristocracy Couse Democracy Emotion Fate Immortality Knowledge Love Nature Reasoning Science Soul Time Will Beauty Chance Desire Eternity Form Infinity labor Matter Oligarchy Religion Sense State Tyranny Wisdom Being Courage Duty Family Honesty Justice Law Mind Progress Rhetoric Sin Theology Weather World
Change Generalizations and Outcomes 5 Generalizations Outcomes Change is linked to time Illustrate the variety of change based on time Change is everywhere Understand that change permeates our life and our universe Change may be positive or negative Interpret change in selected works as progressive or regressive Change may be perceived as orderly or random Categorize types of change, given several examples. Demonstrate the change process of work in a piece of literature. Change may happen naturally or be caused by people Analyze social and individual change in a given piece of literature
Cluster “Change” 6
Activity : Application of Change Generalizations and Outcomes 7 v v v v How does change work as a concept in : Mathematics Science Technology Social Studies The Arts Philosophy Second Languages
8 Choose a generalization and write an essay on how it is relevant to your life.
9 Literature “Shells” The Green Book Poem “The Ugly Duckling” ‘Brining the rain to Kapitl Pelion” Your own story Changes in characters Changes in setting Changes in relationships Change in you as a result of reading
Models of Concept Development 10 Concept Development(e. g. Systems and Change) Social Studies Economic, legal, government, political system. Structure, function, patterns of social systems History as the study of change over time Language Arts Change in literary elements (e/g character, plot, setting) Writing process Language study Grammar as a system Mathematics Pattern recognition and pattern making Number systems Changes in geometric form (tessellations) Communication and connections Science Living and earth/space systems Cycles and patterns Interactions within and across systems Change processes in biology, chemistry, physics, and geology
Curriculum Framework : Goals and Outcomes 11 To understand the concept of models, students will be able to: v Use and analyze several physical, conceptual and mathematical models v Explain the utility of models v Test models v Refine models
Systems 12 A system is a collection of items or process that interact with each other to constitute a meaningful whole All systems have v Elements v Boundaries v Infractions among elements to generate system behavior v Many systems receive input and produce output
Аanalyzing a System 13 Elements Output Влн. Input Interactions
Activity: System Application 14 Create a system of school that include events, interactions, boundaries, inputs and outputs.
Concept Development Model 15 Concept Outcome Statements Generalizations Concept Applications to Other Disciplines Application to Content Topics
Developing Interdisciplinary Curriculum A Broad Concept Approach 16 Selecting a concept v Broad –based and overarching v Valid connections within a subject area v Ease of application to several subject areas
Developing Interdisciplinary Curriculum A Broad Concept Approach (cont) 17 v v v Pattern fundamental to the subject matters under study Fundamental similarities and differences within and across disciplines Depth of subject matter, inspiring curiosity and interest
Generalizations 18 v v Are important understandings about the concept Explore adequately the scope and concept under study. Are valid for the discipline under study Apply to other disciplines in a coherent way
Concept Teaching 19 v v Stresses depths over breadth Teaches important ideas in a discipline, not only facts Promotes interdisciplinary Endures
Applications 20 v v v Enrich understanding of the concept and the discipline under study Establish the connectedness of ideas across subjects Provide a rich variety of experiences
level 2 theme 2 Concept Development.ppt