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Computer Networks & Software Inc. Accelerating CNS NASA Related CNS Test Facilities – Future Computer Networks & Software Inc. Accelerating CNS NASA Related CNS Test Facilities – Future Use for AI Development Presented at Airborne Internet Consortium Meeting March 3, 2004 7405 Alban Station Court, Suite B 215, Springfield, Virginia 22150 -2318 www. CNSw. com (703) 644 -2103

4 th Integrated CNS Conference & Workshop Accelerating CNS Hosted by the Space Communications 4 th Integrated CNS Conference & Workshop Accelerating CNS Hosted by the Space Communications Program, NASA Glenn Research Center April 26 -29, 2004 Hyatt Fair Lakes, Fairfax, Virginia Audience http: //spacecom. grc. nasa. gov/icnsconf • Industry and academic communities performing research and technology development for advanced digital communications systems and associated applications supporting the national and global air transportation systems. Goals • Understand current efforts and recent results in near- and far-term research and technology demonstration. • Identify integrated digital communications, navigation and surveillance research requirements necessary for a safe, high-capacity, advanced air transportation system. • Foster collaboration and coordination among all stakeholders. • Discuss critical issues and develop recommendations to achieve the future integrated CNS vision for the national and global air transportation system. Computer Networks & Software, Inc 2

Outline Accelerating CNS n n n Today’s Purpose: Understand assist in setting directions for Outline Accelerating CNS n n n Today’s Purpose: Understand assist in setting directions for AIC input into the use of existing and planned test facilities at the NASA Glenn Research Center ---- from a contractor’s perspective. Background – overall evolving concept FASTE-CNS Virtual Aircraft & Controller Test System Aeronautical Network Research System Supported by: Computer Networks & Software, Inc 3

N-ACT: The Concept Accelerating CNS N-ACTS = National Aeronautical CNS Test System: A study N-ACT: The Concept Accelerating CNS N-ACTS = National Aeronautical CNS Test System: A study to look at concept of CNS Test Facilities to be considered for the ACAST Project n Develop the national capability to provide a realistic environment that supports the assessment, validation, and the development of future advanced, integrated Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance (CNS) information infrastructure for both national and global airspace systems. Computer Networks & Software, Inc 4

Integrated CNS Laboratory Concept Accelerating CNS On-Site User N-ACT Laboratory Management and Control • Integrated CNS Laboratory Concept Accelerating CNS On-Site User N-ACT Laboratory Management and Control • • Modeling & Simulation Facility Communications Models Navigation Models Surveillance Models Integrated CNS Models • • Off-Site User System Administrator System Manager Experiment Support Software Test and Metrics Software Electronic Development Library Access Control and Security Management Interfaces • • • ATN NADIN PSN WWW • • • VSCS Telco Others Mobile Testbeds Information Exchange Laboratory Testbed • • • Aircraft Comm Systems Ground Comm Systems Scripted Applications “Man-in-the-Loop” App’ls Multi-System Test Communications • • Air/Air Air/Ground/Ground Data Link SATCOM Multi-Spectrum Voice Navigation Surveillance • • Space Centric Aircraft Centric Ground Centric • • Radar/SIF Multilateration Space Based Aircraft Centric Other Ground Centric VDL Computer Networks & Software, Inc 5

N-ACT Laboratory Test bed Concept Accelerating CNS Virtual Aircraft Environment Navigation Environment (System Under N-ACT Laboratory Test bed Concept Accelerating CNS Virtual Aircraft Environment Navigation Environment (System Under Test) Communications Environment (System Under Test) Ground Radio R/T A/G Router SATCOM Ground Station “Man-in-the. Loop” Applications R/T Router Surveillance Environment (System Under Test) Router Air Radio GPS Data Exchange Web Router Interface Scripted Applications System Manager On-Site Experiment Users Computer Networks & Software, Inc Electronic Development Library Off-Site User DB N-ACT Server 6

N-ACT Functional Interactions Accelerating CNS ATM Facilities ATCSCC N-ACT FSS/AFSS C ATCT N R N-ACT Functional Interactions Accelerating CNS ATM Facilities ATCSCC N-ACT FSS/AFSS C ATCT N R & D Facilities Future S Euro. Control TRACON Volpe TC GRC ARTCC System Under Test WJHTC FFRDC Data Exchange La. RC ARC Landing Aids Navigation Surveillance Vendors Avionics Airframe Do. HLS COMM CNS/ATM System Providers RCAG Communications Service Providers Do. D CNS Field Sites AOC Computer Networks & Software, Inc R & D Universities Weather Service Providers 7

Accelerating CNS Future Aeronautical Subnetwork Traffic Emulator – CNS (FASTE-CNS) www. faste-cns. com Computer Accelerating CNS Future Aeronautical Subnetwork Traffic Emulator – CNS (FASTE-CNS) www. faste-cns. com Computer Networks & Software, Inc 8

Background Accelerating CNS n n n Need for effective tools to model and analyze Background Accelerating CNS n n n Need for effective tools to model and analyze existing communications loads, and plan for required communications capacity in future NASA initiated Virtual Airspace Modeling and Simulation (VAMS) project NASA GRC leading the effort to integrate Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS ) tools to be part of the Virtual Airspace Simulation Technologies (VAST) toolbox As part of VAMS and VAST efforts NASA sponsored the development of Future Aeronautical Sub-networks Traffic Evaluator (FASTE) for CNS System – Beta tested in 2003 GRC developed Software Requirements Specifications for CNS models Computer Networks & Software, Inc 9

Generic Loading Analysis Accelerating CNS App. 1 Trans. 1 -n Param. 1 -k . Generic Loading Analysis Accelerating CNS App. 1 Trans. 1 -n Param. 1 -k . . . Aircraft Load Profile • Type of Aircraft - Commercial Trans. 1 -n - Regional Param. 1 -k - Business - General - Military Media 1 • Phase of Flight. . . • Assigned Media App. n Aircraft Density • Location • Type of Aircraft • Media Characteristics Performance • System Loading • Resources Required • What if? Media n FASTE-CNS Process Model Computer Networks & Software, Inc 10

FASTE-CNS Architecture Accelerating CNS Capabilities Industry • • User Management Application Message Sets Media FASTE-CNS Architecture Accelerating CNS Capabilities Industry • • User Management Application Message Sets Media Communications Profile • • Geographic Region Aircraft Density Communication Load # - Frequencies Needed Government Internet IE / Netscape Universities Web and Application Services (IIS Server) Computer Networks & Software, Inc Data Repository Services (SQL Server) 11

FASTE-CNS Project Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 12 FASTE-CNS Project Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 12

Communications Load Display Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 13 Communications Load Display Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 13

Aircraft Density Profiles Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 14 Aircraft Density Profiles Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 14

Load/Frequency Report Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 15 Load/Frequency Report Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 15

Library Models Accelerating CNS n n n Private and public (library) analysis files Models Library Models Accelerating CNS n n n Private and public (library) analysis files Models in library can be copied and modified by user Included Reference Geographic Regions – – – Continental United States (CONUS) East Corridor East Coast West Coast Los Angles Basin Providing the means to foster inter-agency and industry collaboration Computer Networks & Software, Inc 16

CONUS Model Characteristics Accelerating CNS n n n Divided into 153 subregions (200 mi CONUS Model Characteristics Accelerating CNS n n n Divided into 153 subregions (200 mi squares) Almost 8, 000 aircraft, which is a busy hour in 2010 Aircraft types – Commercial carriers (CC) – Regional carriers (RC) – General aviation (GA) n Model data link applications and media – – – ADS-B on 1090 ES (CC & RC) and UAT (GA) TIS-B on 1090 ES (CC & RC) and UAT (GA) FIS-B on VDL-2 Broadcast (All) CPDLC on VDL-2 (CC & RC) LAAS on VHF Datalink (CC & RC) Computer Networks & Software, Inc 17

CONUS Model Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 18 CONUS Model Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 18

CONUS Model Applications & Media Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 19 CONUS Model Applications & Media Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 19

Comm Profile - Single Commercial Aircraft Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 20 Comm Profile - Single Commercial Aircraft Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 20

Comm Requirements for the Region Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 21 Comm Requirements for the Region Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 21

FASTE Enhancements for CNS Accelerating CNS n Enhancements support pre- and post-trial analysis for FASTE Enhancements for CNS Accelerating CNS n Enhancements support pre- and post-trial analysis for Op. Cons – Pre-trial: Communications data input into current FASTE-CNS system – Post-trial: Op. Cons simulation data used to perform analysis n Communications models - Medium fidelity – Model voice, ACARS, and VDL Mode 2 media – Pre-trial results are available using the current version of FASTE-CNS with GUI enhancements – Post-trial analysis will use data collected from the operational simulation conducted in the ACES environment. Enhanced FASTE comm simulation model will provide the impact of comm on the Op. Con. Computer Networks & Software, Inc 22

FASTE Enhancements for CNS Accelerating CNS n Navigation model - Low fidelity – Data FASTE Enhancements for CNS Accelerating CNS n Navigation model - Low fidelity – Data collected from the operational simulation conducted in the ACES environment used to model GPS and VOR/DME reported positions throughout the flight. – Enhanced FASTE simulation model will provide occurrences of separation criteria violations. Computer Networks & Software, Inc 23

FASTE Enhancements for CNS Accelerating CNS n Surveillance model - Medium fidelity – Data FASTE Enhancements for CNS Accelerating CNS n Surveillance model - Medium fidelity – Data collected from the operational simulation conducted in the ACES environment used to model Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) reported positions throughout the flight. – Enhanced FASTE simulation model will provide occurrences of separation criteria violations. Computer Networks & Software, Inc 24

Access & Participation Accelerating CNS n n Ready for use today without CNS Models Access & Participation Accelerating CNS n n Ready for use today without CNS Models Enhancements Consider AIC Working Group to use as an AI Requirements tool Go to WWW. FASTE-COMS. COM to sign up CNS Models available in August 2004 Computer Networks & Software, Inc 25

Accelerating CNS Virtual Aircraft and Controller (VAC) CNS Test System Computer Networks & Software, Accelerating CNS Virtual Aircraft and Controller (VAC) CNS Test System Computer Networks & Software, Inc 26

NASA GRC System Testbed Configuration Accelerating CNS ATN Build A n Developed over 120, NASA GRC System Testbed Configuration Accelerating CNS ATN Build A n Developed over 120, 000 LOC of ATN Compliant Software n Part of Aerosapient Flight Tests n C++ and JAVA n MCDU and Enroute Controller HMIs Computer Networks & Software, Inc 27

VAC the Data Link Testing Tool Accelerating CNS n Purpose: Support realistic message traffic VAC the Data Link Testing Tool Accelerating CNS n Purpose: Support realistic message traffic testing of multiple subnetworks (e. g. , VDL M 2, VDL M 3, SATCOM, etc. ) n How: Distributed data link communications emulator: – – – 160 individual, separately script-driven (autonomous) aircraft with “free-play” responses Script-driven (autonomous) controller with “free-play” responses Human-interactive aircraft (pilot) position Human-interactive controller position System manager: » Single point of control and test data collection and reporting » Online and offline performance reporting n Using: Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) SARPs compliant: – – – Build C using ADS-B and TIS-B Context Management (CM) service messages CPDLC Baseline 1 message set (68 uplink, 36 downlink) Up to 5 Concatenated Message elements per message TP 4/CNLP ISO Protocols Computer Networks & Software, Inc 28

Functional Configuration Accelerating CNS Communications Subnetwork G/A Router Human Interactive Aircraft Receiver / Transmitter Functional Configuration Accelerating CNS Communications Subnetwork G/A Router Human Interactive Aircraft Receiver / Transmitter Autonomous Aircraft A/G Router Human Interactive Controller Autonomous Aircraft Receiver / Transmitter Autonomous Controller Autonomous Aircraft System Manager Computer Networks & Software, Inc 29

Virtual Aircraft & Controller Accelerating CNS Virtual Aircraft Environment (Up to 160 A/C) Virtual Virtual Aircraft & Controller Accelerating CNS Virtual Aircraft Environment (Up to 160 A/C) Virtual Controller Environment Sub-Network Environment (System Under Test) R/T A/G Router R/T Router Ground Radio R/T Router Airborne Radio(s) & A/G Router LAN Virtual Controller PC Human Interactive Controller System Manager Human Interactive Aircraft Virtual Aircraft PCs Laboratory Facility Computer Networks & Software, Inc 30

VAC Build B System Architecture Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 31 VAC Build B System Architecture Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc 31

Aircraft/Controller Functionality Accelerating CNS Human Interactive Aircraft & Controller GUIs Emulates Generic ATC Workstation Aircraft/Controller Functionality Accelerating CNS Human Interactive Aircraft & Controller GUIs Emulates Generic ATC Workstation Emulates Generic MCDU Message Alerting & Display Message Selection & Composition Actions Taken Indicators “Free Play” CPDLC with ATSP Controller Display has Full Data Blocks • • • CPDLC Services CM Services • • • CM Logon CM End CM Abort “Human in the Loop” Testing – User Configuration, Initialization and Experiment – Responses Based on Received Message Monitored by System Manager Communications: – ATN Compliant (TP 4/CLNP) – Between Interactive Controller and Aircraft via ATN Subnetwork – With System Manager Automatically Saves all Configuration and Experiment Data • • • CPDLC Start Request CPDLC Message Service CPDLC End Service Request Autonomous Aircraft & Controller • • CPDLC Messages • • • SARPs Compliant CPDLC – 69 Uplink Messages – 36 Downlink Messages ADLS Baseline 1 Message Set Message Element Concatenation • Up to 160 Aircraft Emulated Script Driven – Timed Aircraft Requests – Timed Controller Instructions – Automated Response to Requests based on Received Message Managed, Controlled and Monitored by System Manager Communications: – ATN Compliant (TP 4/CLNP) – Between Aircraft and Controller via ATN Subnetwork – With System Manager Automatically Saves all Configuration and Experiment data Computer Networks & Software, Inc 32

System Manager Functionality Accelerating CNS System Configuration Experiment Scripting Autonomous Operations Initiated and Controlled System Manager Functionality Accelerating CNS System Configuration Experiment Scripting Autonomous Operations Initiated and Controlled by System Manager Not Affected by Human Interactive Operations • • User Constructs Scenario Scripts Supports Aircraft Departure to Arrival Profile Supports Background Loading with CPDLC Messages ATN SARPs Compliant Messages Script Library Prints Scripts in Human Readable Form • • Select Workstations for Experiment Select Controller Workstations Assign Aircraft for Each Workstation Assign Script to Each Aircraft Assign 24 -bit Address to Each Aircraft Assign Facility Designation to Controller Assign Unique NSAPs to Each Aircraft and Controller Enter Experiment Start and Stop Times System Initialization • Distributes Configuration Data to Workstations Monitor • • • Communications Delay Measurements Communications Status of Each Workstation Error Message Status Reporting Data Transfer • • Online - Real Time Status Offline - Post-Experiment File Transfer of Aircraft and Controller Files for Data Reduction • • Script Monitoring and Display • • Monitor Scenario Progress on System Manager Display Monitor Status of Individual Autonomous Aircraft Script Execution System Control • Data Reduction Start and Stop Experiment • • • User Selectable Reports Display, Save, and Print Reports On-line Reports – End-to-End Delay – Error Messages Off-line Reports – Experiment Summary – Message Transmitted List – Message Received List – Master Message List – End-to-End Delay – Error Messages – Related Events Processes Data for use in Reporting Computer Networks & Software, Inc 33

Human Interactive Message Exchanges Accelerating CNS Features Aircraft Display • Emulates Generic MCDU/Controller • Human Interactive Message Exchanges Accelerating CNS Features Aircraft Display • Emulates Generic MCDU/Controller • SARPs Compliant Baseline 1 CPDLC message set – 105 Messages • Message Element Concatenation – 5 Message Elements • “Free Play” CPDLC between Aircraft & Controller • Message Alerting & Display • Message Selection & Composition Enroute Controller Display ATN TP 4/ CLNP NETWORK * TP 4/ CLNP Manual Message Input and Response * CPDLC over IPv 4 and IPv 6 available Computer Networks & Software, Inc 34

VAC-Build C System Overview Accelerating CNS n n Provides for TIS-B and ADS-B communications VAC-Build C System Overview Accelerating CNS n n Provides for TIS-B and ADS-B communications loading for testing of related subnetworks (conforms to RTCA Standards) Consists of upgrades to Build B major component applications: – – – n n n Human Interactive Aircraft (HIA) Human Interactive Controller (HIC) Autonomous Aircraft (AA) Autonomous Controller (AC) System Manager TIS-B and ADS-B receive capability to be added to AA (max 160), AC, HIA and HIC; ADS-B transmit to be added to HIA and AA (up to 40) Add user capability to display TIS-B traffic on a Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) – Ames Software GFE SM upgraded to provide means to script flight plans for up to 160 aircraft, control experiments, and record data. Computer Networks & Software, Inc 35

VAC- Build C Logical System Architecture Accelerating CNS C-Agent I-Agent CP-ASE DS C-Agent I-Agent VAC- Build C Logical System Architecture Accelerating CNS C-Agent I-Agent CP-ASE DS C-Agent I-Agent Aircraft A-Syscon 1 of N ATN EP TP 4/CNLP (Control and CM/CPDLC) ATN EP A-Syscon CM-ASE AA HIA Local Store CP-ASE CF I/F (TIS-B, ADS-B) UDP EP CDTI* Display TIS-B CDTI Handler ADS-B Handler Scripts Start Stop ASFPG Initializer Monitor Data Reduction Mascon ATN EP C-Syscon CP-ASE Logger ACSE Reporter C Agent TIGER TIS-B CDTI Handler I/F ADS-B Handler ATN EP I-Agent CPDLC COPP AE COSP CF ACSE COPP CM COSP AE UDP EP TIGER TIS-B Handler CDTI* Display ADS-B I/F Handler Computer Networks & Software, Inc x. N C-Agent C-Syscon ACSE I-Agent GUI I-Agent CM-ASE DS DS CF ACSE COPP CM COSP AE CP-ASE CM-ASE DS Database *NASA Provided HIC I-Agent ATN EP M-Agent I-Agent CDTI* Display ATN EP CF TIGER TIS-B Handler CDTI* Display ADS-B I/F Handler C-Agent AC System Manager Configure UDP/IP CF CPDLC COPP AE COSP I-Agent UDP EP COPP CPDLC COSP AE TIGER DS ACSE UDP EP CF ACSE CM COPP AE COSP CM-ASE DS DS UDP EP GUI DS CF CPDLC COPP AE COSP CF ACSE COPP CM COSP AE TIGER TIS-B Handler CDTI* Display ADS-B I/F Handler 36

Leverage Investments for ACAST Accelerating CNS n Aeronautical Network Research System (ANRS) – VAC Leverage Investments for ACAST Accelerating CNS n Aeronautical Network Research System (ANRS) – VAC Build C plus functional messages sets for AOC, FIS – Enhanced Flight Planning Scenario tools – RF simulation of moving platforms equipped with multiple emitters » Employs capabilities developed in the multiyear program of the USAF (Joint Communications Simulator) – Systems Engineering Phase to guide directions and capabilities Computer Networks & Software, Inc 37

Accelerating CNS NASA Eurocontrol IPv 6 Project Computer Networks & Software, Inc 38 Accelerating CNS NASA Eurocontrol IPv 6 Project Computer Networks & Software, Inc 38

Aviation IP Project - Network Interconnection Diagram Accelerating CNS NASA GRC Eurocontrol (Cleveland, OH) Aviation IP Project - Network Interconnection Diagram Accelerating CNS NASA GRC Eurocontrol (Cleveland, OH) (Brussels, Belgium) Mobile IPv 4 DNS CA IPv 6 DNS • ATS Application CA IPv 6 • ATS Application IPv 6 IPv 4 NETWORK IPv 4 IPv 6 NAS Emulator x. 25 Regional Network IPv 4 IPv 6 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. (Springfield, VA) Experimental Centre (Paris, France) IPv 6 • Secure CPDLC DNS CA • ATS Application Computer Networks & Software, Inc 39

NASA – Eurocontrol IPv 6 Test Infrastructure Accelerating CNS 50+ entities Computer Networks & NASA – Eurocontrol IPv 6 Test Infrastructure Accelerating CNS 50+ entities Computer Networks & Software, Inc 40

Next Steps Accelerating CNS n Form a know process to relate our inputs to Next Steps Accelerating CNS n Form a know process to relate our inputs to the NASA GRC Program and Technical Managers Computer Networks & Software, Inc 41

Contacts Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc. 7405 Alban Station Ct. Suite B-215 Contacts Accelerating CNS Computer Networks & Software, Inc. 7405 Alban Station Ct. Suite B-215 Springfield, VA 22150 -2318 703 -644 -2103 http: //www. CNSw. com Chris Wargo 443. 994. 6137 (cell) Chris. Wargo@CNSw. com Computer Networks & Software, Inc 42