Скачать презентацию Computer Networks Chapter 8 Transport layer Holger Karl Скачать презентацию Computer Networks Chapter 8 Transport layer Holger Karl


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Computer Networks Chapter 8: Transport layer Holger Karl Computer Networks Group Universität Paderborn Computer Networks Chapter 8: Transport layer Holger Karl Computer Networks Group Universität Paderborn

Goal of this chapter · We will discuss the mechanisms in addition to congestion Goal of this chapter · We will discuss the mechanisms in addition to congestion control that are required to build a reliable, connectionoriented, end-to-end transport protocol · With TCP as the evident case study, intermixed with the presentation · We will draw heavily on the material from the link layer, as there many similar problems are solved in similar fashion – e. g. , sliding window for error control · A brief discussion of other transport protocols complements the chapter · Namely, UDP and RPC WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 2

Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Timer and timeouts TCP summary UDP & RPC Performance issues WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 3

Transport protocols – Services to upper layer · Connection-less and connection-oriented transport service · Transport protocols – Services to upper layer · Connection-less and connection-oriented transport service · Connection management necessary as auxiliary service – setup and teardown · Reliable or unreliable transport · In-order, all packets · Be a good citizen in the network – perform congestion control · Allow several transport endpoints in a single host · Demultiplexing · Support different interaction models · Byte stream, messages, remote procedure invocation WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 4

Addressing · Provide multiple service access points to multiplex several applications · SAPs can Addressing · Provide multiple service access points to multiplex several applications · SAPs can identify connections or data flows · E. g. , “port numbers” · Dynamically allocated · Predefined for “wellknown services” – port 80 for Web server WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 5

Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Timer and timeouts TCP summary UDP & RPC Performance issues WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 6

Connection establishment · How to establish a joint context, a connection, between sender and Connection establishment · How to establish a joint context, a connection, between sender and receiver? · Note: only relevant in end-system, network layer assumed to be connection-less · Naïve solution: · Sender sends a CONNECTION REQUEST · Receiver answers by a CONNECTION ACCEPTED · Sender proceeds once that message is received CON NEC REQ TION UES T N CON ED T CEP AC DAT A WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 7

Failure of naïve solution · Naïve solution fails in realistic networks Transfer money · Failure of naïve solution · Naïve solution fails in realistic networks Transfer money · Where packets can be lost, stored/reorder, and duplicated N CON ED T CEP AC TRA NSF ER · Example failure scenario · All packets are duplicated and delayed · Due to congestion, errors, . . . and re-routing, e. g. · In a banking application, e. g. · Result: two independent transactions performed, where only one was intended · Problem are delayed duplicates WS 05/06, v 1. 1 CON NEC REQ TION UES T OK OK ? ? ? DROP N CON ED T CEP AC ? ? ? Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer DROP OK OK 8

Adding an additional handshake · First idea: the sender has to re-confirm to the Adding an additional handshake · First idea: the sender has to re-confirm to the receiver that it actually wants to set up this connection ! Add a third message to the connection setup phase · Three-way handshake · This third message can already carry data WS 05/06, v 1. 1 CON NE REQ CTION UES T N CON ED PT CCE A CON N CON FIRM ED Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 9

Is three-way handshake sufficient? · No, it does not protect against delayed duplicates! · Is three-way handshake sufficient? · No, it does not protect against delayed duplicates! · Problem: If both the connection request and the connection confirmation are duplicated and delayed, receiver again has no way to ascertain whether this is fresh or an old copy · Solution: Have the sender answer a question that the receiver asks! · Actually: Put sequence numbers into · connection request · connection acknowledgement, · and connection confirmation · Have to be copied by the receiving party to the other side · Connection only established if the correct number is provided WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 10

Three-way handshake + sequence numbers · Two examples for critical cases (which are handled Three-way handshake + sequence numbers · Two examples for critical cases (which are handled correctly): · Connection request appears as an old duplicate: WS 05/06, v 1. 1 · Connection request & confirmation appear as old duplicates: Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 11

Connection setup – further issues · Further problems due to crashing nodes, need some Connection setup – further issues · Further problems due to crashing nodes, need some memory · Sequence numbers negotiated here also used for the following data packets · Terminology for TCP · Connection setup – SYN (synchronize) packet · Connection accepted – SYN/ACK packet (because both the previous sequence number is acknowledged and a new sequence number from the receiver is proposed) · Connection confirmation – ACK packet (combined with DATA, as a rule) · Problem: SYN attack – flooding with nonsense SYN packets WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 12

Connection identification in TCP · A TCP connection is setup · Between a single Connection identification in TCP · A TCP connection is setup · Between a single sender and a single receiver · More precisely, between application processes running on these systems · TCP can multiplex several such connections over the network layer, using the port numbers as Transport SAP identifiers · A TCP connection is thus identified by a four tuple: (Source Port, Source IP Address, Destination Port, Destination IP Address) WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 13

Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Timer and timeouts TCP summary UDP & RPC Performance issues WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 14

Connection release · Once connection context between two peers is established, releasing a connection Connection release · Once connection context between two peers is established, releasing a connection should be easy · Goal: Only release connection when both peers have agreed that they have received all data and have nothing more to say · I. e. , both sides must have invoked a “Close”-like service primitive · It fact, it is impossible · Problem: How to be sure that the other peer knows that you know that it knows that you know … that all data have been transmitted and that the connection can now safely be terminated? · Analogy: Two army problem WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 15

Two army problem · Coordinated attack · Two armies form up for an attack Two army problem · Coordinated attack · Two armies form up for an attack against each other · One army is split into two parts that have to attack together – alone they will lose · Commanders of the parts communicate via messengers who can be captured · Which rules shall the commanders use to agree on an attack date? · Provably unsolvable if the network can loose messages How to coordinate? WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 16

Connection release in practice · Two army problem equivalent to connection release · But: Connection release in practice · Two army problem equivalent to connection release · But: when releasing a connection, bigger risks can be taken · Usual approach: Three-way handshake again · Send disconnect request (DR), set timer, wait for DR from peer, acknowledge it WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 17

Problem cases for connection release with 3 WHS · Lost ACK solved by (optimistic) Problem cases for connection release with 3 WHS · Lost ACK solved by (optimistic) timer in Host 2 WS 05/06, v 1. 1 · Lost second DR solved by retransmission of first DR · Timer solves (optimistically) case when 2 nd DR and ACK are lost Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 18

State diagram of a TCP connection · TCP uses three-way handshake for connection setup State diagram of a TCP connection · TCP uses three-way handshake for connection setup and release · FIN, FIN/ACK for release · Complicated by ability to have asymmetric, have-open connections and data in transit while close is in progress · (Partial) state diagram · Expresses both “server” and “client” aspects · Each has a separate copy · Legend: event/action, segments all caps, local events normal capitalization WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 19

Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Timer and timeouts TCP summary UDP & RPC Performance issues WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 20

Flow control · Recall: Flow control = prevent a fast sender from overrunning a Flow control · Recall: Flow control = prevent a fast sender from overrunning a slow receiver · Similar issue in link and transport layer · In transport layer more complicated · Many connections, need to adapt the amount of buffer per connection dynamically (instead of just simply allocating a fixed amount of buffer space per outgoing link) · Transport layer PDUs can differ widely in size, unlike link layer frames · Network’s packet buffering capability clouds the picture WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 21

Flow control – buffer allocation · In order to support outstanding packets, the sender Flow control – buffer allocation · In order to support outstanding packets, the sender either · Has to rely on the receiver to process packets as they come in (packets must not be reordered) – unrealistic, or · Has to assume that the receiver has sufficient buffer space available · The more buffer, the more outstanding packets · Necessary to obtain highly efficient transmission, recall bandwidthdelay product! · How does sender have buffer assurance? · Sender can request buffer space · Receiver can tell sender: “I have X buffers available at the moment” · For sliding window protocols: Influence size of sender’s send window WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 22

Example of flow control with ACK/permit separation · Arrows show direction of transmission, “…” Example of flow control with ACK/permit separation · Arrows show direction of transmission, “…” indicates lost packet · Potential deadlock in step 16 when control PDU is lost and not retransmitted WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 23

Flow control – permits and acknowledgements · Distinguish · Permits (“Receiver has buffer space, Flow control – permits and acknowledgements · Distinguish · Permits (“Receiver has buffer space, go ahead and send more data”) · Acknowledgements (“Receiver has received certain packets”) · Should be separated in real-world protocols! · Can be combined with dynamically changing buffer space at the received · Due to, e. g. , different speed with which the application actually retrieves received data from the transport layer · Example: TCP WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 24

Send and receive buffers in TCP · TCP maintains buffer at · Sender, to Send and receive buffers in TCP · TCP maintains buffer at · Sender, to assist in error control · Receiver, to store packets not yet retrieved by application or received out of order · Old TCP implementations used Go. Back-N, discarded out-of-order packets Sender Sending application Last. Byte. Written Last. Byte. Acked WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Receiving application TCP Last. Byte. Sent Last. Byte. Read Next. Byte. Expected Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer Receiver TCP Last. Byte. Rcvd 25

TCP flow control: Advertised window · In TCP, receiver can advertise size of its TCP flow control: Advertised window · In TCP, receiver can advertise size of its receiving buffer · Buffer space occupied: (Next. Byte. Expected-1) – Last. Byte. Read · Maximum buffer space available: Max. Rcvd. Buffer · Advertised buffer space (Advertised window): Max. Rcvd. Buffer – ((Next. Byte. Expected-1) – Last. Byte. Read) · Recall: Advertised window limits the amount of data that a sender will inject into the network · TCP sender ensures that Last. Byte. Sent – Last. Byte. Acked · Advertised. Window · Equvialently: Effective. Window = Advertised. Window – (Last. Byte. Sent – Last. Byte. Acked) WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 26

Nagle’s algorithm – self-clocking and windows · Recall TCP self-clocking: Arrival of an ACK Nagle’s algorithm – self-clocking and windows · Recall TCP self-clocking: Arrival of an ACK is an indication that new data can be injected into the network · What happens when an ACK for only small amount of data (e. g. , 1 byte arrives)? · Send immediately? Network will be burdened by small packets (“silly window syndrome”) · Nagle’s algorithm describes how much data TCP is allowed to send · When application produces data to send if both available data and advertised window · MSS send a full segment else if there is unacked data in flight, buffer new data until MSS is full else send all the new data now WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 27

Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Timer and timeouts TCP summary UDP & RPC Performance issues WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 28

Timeout computations · Timeouts necessary to protect against lost packets · Timeouts should reflect Timeout computations · Timeouts necessary to protect against lost packets · Timeouts should reflect round-trip time between sender and receiver · Problem: RTTs can be highly variable, range over several orders of magnitude · Has to be adapted dynamically · Simple approach: Keep a running average of RTTs · Computed by an autoregressive model: Estimated. RTTn = Estimated. RTTn-1 + (1 - ) RTTSamplen · Timeout = 2 Estimated. RTT as a conservative choice · Parameter smoothes estimation ( = 0. 8 … 0. 9, typically) WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 29

Problem: ACKs do not refer to a transmission! · Simple algorithm described above cannot Problem: ACKs do not refer to a transmission! · Simple algorithm described above cannot obtain correct RTT samples if packets have been retransmitted · ACKs refer to data/sequence numbers, not to individual packets! · Two examples: Sender Receiver Sample. R TT inal Retr trans ansm miss issio ACK Receiver Orig n ion inal trans miss Sample. R TT Orig Sender ACK Retr ansm ion issio n · Solution: Do not take RTT samples for retransmitted packets (Karn/Partridge algorithm) WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 30

Problem: Variance not considered · Previous estimation does not consider variance of RTTs · Problem: Variance not considered · Previous estimation does not consider variance of RTTs · If low, estimate is good; no need to set timeout = 2 * RTT · If high, be more careful when computing timeout from RTTs; estimate is likely to be of low quality · Jacobsen/Karels algorithm for new estimation: · · Differencen = Sample. RTTn – Estimated. RTTn-1 Estimated. RTTn = Estimated. RTTn-1 + ( Differencen) Deviationn = Deviationn-1 + (|Difference|n – Deviationn-1) Timeoutn = Estimated. RTTn + Deviationn · 2 (0, 1) a constant, typically = 1, = 4 (in TCP) · Deviation is an upper bound of standard deviation, but easier to compute WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 31

Timer and packet loss · What happens after a packet loss? · Recall Ethernet Timer and packet loss · What happens after a packet loss? · Recall Ethernet behavior: Become more and more careful, back off · Same idea here: After packet loss detected by timeout, use successively larger timeout values · Exponential backoff: Double timeout value for each additional retransmission · The estimation of RTT and “basic” timeout value is performed as described on previous slide · The multiplicative factor for exponential backoff is reset upon ACK arrival WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 32

Timeouts & timer granularity · Timeout calculation can suffer from coarse-grained timer resolution in Timeouts & timer granularity · Timeout calculation can suffer from coarse-grained timer resolution in the operating system · Example: some Unixes only have 500 ms resolution · Also: firing a timer heavily depends on relatively precise timer interrupts to be available · Sometimes, timeouts can happen only seconds after a packet has been transmitted – far too sluggish WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 33

Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Timer and timeouts TCP summary UDP & RPC Performance issues WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 34

TCP – Summary • max. TCP Band. Width • Max. Segment Size • Round TCP – Summary • max. TCP Band. Width • Max. Segment Size • Round Trip Time • loss probability · TCP consists of · Reliable byte stream – error control via Go. Back-N or Selective Repeat (depending on version) · Congestion control – window-based, AIMD, slow start, congestion threshold · Flow control – advertised receiver window · Connection management – three-way handshake for setup and teardown · TCP is perhaps the single most complicated and subtle protocol in the internet · Many little details and extensions are not discussed here · Interaction of TCP with other layers is more complicated than it looks (e. g. , wireless) because of hidden, implicit assumptions WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 35

TCP fairness & TCP friendliness · TCP attempts to · Adjust dynamically to the TCP fairness & TCP friendliness · TCP attempts to · Adjust dynamically to the available bandwidth · Fairly share this bandwidth among all connections · I. e. : If n connections share a given bottleneck link, each connection obtains 1/n of its bandwidth · Interaction with other protocols · Bottleneck bandwidth depends on load of other protocols as well, e. g. , UDP – which is NOT congestion-controlled · I. e. , UDP traffic can “push aside” TCP traffic · Consequence: Transport protocols should be TCP friendly · They should not consume more bandwidth than a TCP connection in a comparable situation WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 36

TCP header WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport TCP header WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 37

Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Timer and timeouts TCP summary UDP & RPC Performance issues WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 38

A simple demultiplexer transport protocol – UDP · An example for an unreliable, datagram A simple demultiplexer transport protocol – UDP · An example for an unreliable, datagram protocol: User Datagram Protocol (UDP) · Only real function: (de)multiplex several data flows onto the IP layer and back to the applications · In addition: ensures packet’s correctness · Checksum out of UDP header + data + “pseudoheader” (pivotal IP header fields) UDP header WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 39

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) · UDP and TCP have essentially simple semantics: Transport data Remote Procedure Call (RPC) · UDP and TCP have essentially simple semantics: Transport data from A to B · A bit like “goto” in sequential languages: no structure in data flow · More complex interactions can be directly captured in communication primitives · Example: Invocation of a procedure as a primitive, as opposed to two separate gotos ! Remote procedure call · Remote object invocation is really the same thing from a communication perspective WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 40

Remote procedure call – Structure Caller (client) Callee (server) Return value Arguments Server stub Remote procedure call – Structure Caller (client) Callee (server) Return value Arguments Server stub Client stub Request Return value Reply Request Reply RPC protocol Network · Important goal: transparency to caller/callee · Achieved (partially) by stubs WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 41

Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Overview · · · · Services & addressing Connection setup Connection release Flow control Timer and timeouts TCP summary UDP & RPC Performance issues WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 42

A few words on performance · Performance is still important … · Measuring performance A few words on performance · Performance is still important … · Measuring performance · · · · · Measure relevant metrics Make sure that the sample size is big enough Make sure that samples are representative Be careful when using a coarse-grained clock Be sure that nothing unexpected is going on during your tests Caching can wreak havoc with measurements Understand what your are measuring and what is going on Be careful about extrapolating results Use a proper experimental design to finish in one human lifetime WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 43

System design for better performance · CPU speed is more important than network speed System design for better performance · CPU speed is more important than network speed · Or interfaces like NIC $ CPU · · · · Reduce packet count to reduce software overhead Minimize context switches Minimize copying You can buy more bandwidth but not lower delay Avoiding congestion is better than recovering from it Avoid timeouts Optimize for the common case Depending on network: design for speed, not utilization · Think about the right performance metric, it can be, e. g. , energy efficiency rather than throughput or delay WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 44

Conclusion · Transport protocols can be anything from trivial to highly complex, depending on Conclusion · Transport protocols can be anything from trivial to highly complex, depending on the purpose they serve · They determine to a large degree the dynamics of a network and – in particular – its stability · It is trivial to build “faster” than TCP protocols, but they are unstable · The interdependencies of various mechanisms in a transport protocols can be very subtle with big consequences · E. g. , fairness, coexistence of different TCP versions WS 05/06, v 1. 1 Computer Networks - Ch. 8 - Transport layer 45