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Computer Hardware CSCI 101 Doman's Lecture Sections Computer Hardware CSCI 101 Doman's Lecture Sections

Lecture Topics Outside the Hood ◦ Input devices ◦ Output devices Under the Hood Lecture Topics Outside the Hood ◦ Input devices ◦ Output devices Under the Hood ◦ Key components ◦ Data Storage Overview of Processing Methods 2

Computer Hardware: Any part of the computer you can touch Copyright © 2011 Pearson Computer Hardware: Any part of the computer you can touch Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 3

Types of Computers Notebook: Portable computer Desktop: Used at a single location Mainframe/Server: Supports Types of Computers Notebook: Portable computer Desktop: Used at a single location Mainframe/Server: Supports hundreds of users simultaneously Supercomputer: Performs complex calculations rapidly Embedded: Self-contained computer performing dedicated functions Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4

Input Devices used to enter information or instructions into the computer • Game controllers Input Devices used to enter information or instructions into the computer • Game controllers ◦ Keyboard ◦ Mouse/pointing device ◦ Microphone ◦ Scanner ◦ Digital camera ◦ Stylus • Touchscreens • Digital pens Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5

Output Devices Send processed data out of the computer ◦ Monitors ◦ Printers Network Output Devices Send processed data out of the computer ◦ Monitors ◦ Printers Network Plug-in devices Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 6

Computer Ports: Physical (or virtual) connection points Computer Ports: Physical (or virtual) connection points

Types of Ports USB Fire. Wire Serial and parallel Connectivity ◦ Ethernet Audio and Types of Ports USB Fire. Wire Serial and parallel Connectivity ◦ Ethernet Audio and video ◦ Modem Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 8

USB Universal Serial Bus Connects devices to the system USB Universal Serial Bus Connects devices to the system

Adding Ports Expansion cards: ◦ New port standards Expansion hubs: ◦ Enable several devices Adding Ports Expansion cards: ◦ New port standards Expansion hubs: ◦ Enable several devices to be connected to a port Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 10

Future Designer Laptop ROLLTOP ROLL TOP Laptop concept by futuristic laptop designers at Orkin Future Designer Laptop ROLLTOP ROLL TOP Laptop concept by futuristic laptop designers at Orkin Design

Lecture Topics Functions of a computer ◦ Data versus information Outside the Hood ◦ Lecture Topics Functions of a computer ◦ Data versus information Outside the Hood ◦ Input devices ◦ Output devices Under the Hood ◦ Key components ◦ Data Storage Overview of Processing Methods Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 12

Key Components Motherboard holds the CPU and memory Bus the shared communication channel for Key Components Motherboard holds the CPU and memory Bus the shared communication channel for all the components CPU - central processing unit the brains of the system can only perform simple operations like add two numbers, or compare two numbers Main Memory / RAM holds all data and instructions for all the programs you are running Input/Output Processors they talk to the other parts such as the USB ports, the disk drive, etc.

The Motherboard Key circuit board containing all the essential processing parts. System Bus is The Motherboard Key circuit board containing all the essential processing parts. System Bus is often layered on the motherboard Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 14

Motherboard Motherboard

Key Components Motherboard holds the CPU and memory Bus the shared communication channel for Key Components Motherboard holds the CPU and memory Bus the shared communication channel for all the components CPU - central processing unit the brains of the system can only perform simple operations like add two numbers, or compare two numbers Main Memory / RAM holds all data and instructions for all the programs you are running Input/Output Processors they talk to the other parts such as the USB ports, the disk drive, etc.

System Bus Communication link that connects all the different part of the computer hardware System Bus Communication link that connects all the different part of the computer hardware

System Bus System Bus

Key Components Motherboard holds the CPU and memory Bus the shared communication channel for Key Components Motherboard holds the CPU and memory Bus the shared communication channel for all the components CPU - central processing unit the brains of the system can only perform simple operations like add two numbers, or compare two numbers Main Memory / RAM holds all data and instructions for all the programs you are running Input / Output Processors they talk to the other parts such as the USB ports, the disk drive, etc.

Central Processing Unit (CPU) Referred to as the “brains” of the computer Controls all Central Processing Unit (CPU) Referred to as the “brains” of the computer Controls all functions of the computer Processes all commands and instructions Can perform billions of tasks per second Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 20

Central Processing Unit CPU System Bus Central Processing Unit CPU System Bus

Key Components Motherboard holds the CPU and memory Bus the shared communication channel for Key Components Motherboard holds the CPU and memory Bus the shared communication channel for all the components CPU - central processing unit the brains of the system can only perform simple operations like add two numbers, or compare two numbers Main Memory / RAM holds all data and instructions for all the programs you are running Input/Output Processors they talk to the other parts such as the USB ports, the disk drive, etc.

Main Memory = RAM Random Volatile Access Memory RAM Main Memory = RAM Random Volatile Access Memory RAM

Memory CPU RAM / Main Memory System Bus Memory CPU RAM / Main Memory System Bus

ROM Read-only memory (ROM): ◦ Stores start-up instructions ◦ Permanent storage Copyright © 2011 ROM Read-only memory (ROM): ◦ Stores start-up instructions ◦ Permanent storage Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 31

Memory CPU System Bus Memory CPU System Bus

RAM vs. ROM Random access memory (RAM): ◦ Stores instructions and data ◦ Temporary RAM vs. ROM Random access memory (RAM): ◦ Stores instructions and data ◦ Temporary (volatile) storage ◦ Consists of several memory cards or modules Read-only memory (ROM): ◦ Stores start-up instructions ◦ Permanent storage Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 33

Key Components Motherboard holds the CPU and memory Bus the shared communication channel for Key Components Motherboard holds the CPU and memory Bus the shared communication channel for all the components CPU - central processing unit the brains of the system can only perform simple operations like add two numbers, or compare two numbers Main Memory / RAM holds all data and instructions for all the programs you are running Input/Output Processors they talk to the other parts such as the USB ports, the disk drive, etc.

Input / Output Processors All computers must do some I/O to be useful. Some Input / Output Processors All computers must do some I/O to be useful. Some computers rely on the CPU to handle the I/O operations. I/O processors relieve the burden of I/O processing from the CPU. Allowing the CPU to perform other operations while still performing I/O operations

Input/Output Processors CPU RAM / Main Memory System Bus IOP IOP Input/Output Processors CPU RAM / Main Memory System Bus IOP IOP

Lecture Topics Outside the Hood ◦ Input devices ◦ Output devices Under the Hood Lecture Topics Outside the Hood ◦ Input devices ◦ Output devices Under the Hood ◦ Key components ◦ Data Storage Overview of Processing Methods 37

DATA STORAGE AND MEMORY Internal Data Storage User Storage Non-volatile Permanent DATA STORAGE AND MEMORY Internal Data Storage User Storage Non-volatile Permanent

How a Hard Disk Works Composed of coated platters stacked on a spindle Data How a Hard Disk Works Composed of coated platters stacked on a spindle Data saved to the disk: Pattern of magnetized spots Read/write head – Spots = 1 – Spaces = 0 Spots are translated into data Access arms Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

"Permanent" Storage Media Computer Hard Drive Optical Disks ◦ CD ◦ DVD Magnetic Tape ◦ 3. 5" diskette ◦ Tape Drive Flash Drives External Hard Drives

External Storage Flash Drives/Flash Memory Flash drives (jump drives) ◦ Newer storage alternative ◦ External Storage Flash Drives/Flash Memory Flash drives (jump drives) ◦ Newer storage alternative ◦ Plug into USB ports Flash memory cards ◦ Slide into slots in the system Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 41

Holographic storage Holographic discs store data three-dimensionally throughout the depth of the disc. This Holographic storage Holographic discs store data three-dimensionally throughout the depth of the disc. This leads to much greater storage capacities. Looking at it holding up to Terra Bytes of data. It employs a technique known as collinear holography, whereby two green laser beams are collimated in a single beam. Image from http: //static. howstuffworks. com/gif/hvd-ch. jpg Content referened: http: //www. holographic-disc. com/

Storage Amounts Bit = 0 or 1 Byte = 8 bits Kilobyte (KB) = Storage Amounts Bit = 0 or 1 Byte = 8 bits Kilobyte (KB) = 210 bytes = about one thousand bytes Megabyte (MB) = 220 bytes = about one million bytes Gigabyte (GB) = 230 bytes = about one billion bytes Terabyte (TB) = 240 bytes = about one trillion bytes Word: Fixed sized group of bits that represent data ◦ 32 bit moving to 64 bit

How Much Is a Byte? Name Abbreviation Number of Bytes Relative Size Byte B How Much Is a Byte? Name Abbreviation Number of Bytes Relative Size Byte B 1 byte Can hold one character of data. Kilobyte KB 1, 024 bytes (210 bytes) Can hold 1, 024 characters or about half of a double-spaced typewritten page. Megabyte MB 1, 048, 576 bytes (220 bytes) Gigabyte GB 1, 073, 741, 824 bytes (230 bytes) Can hold approximately 768 pages of typed text. Approximately 786, 432 pages of text; 500 sheets of paper is approximately 2 inches, so this represents a stack of paper 262 feet high. Terabyte TB 1, 099, 511, 627, 776 bytes (240 bytes) This represents a stack of typewritten pages almost 51 miles high. Petabyte PB 1, 125, 899, 906, 842, 62 bytes (250 bytes) The stack of pages is now 52, 000 miles high, or approximately one-fourth the distance from the Earth to the moon. Exabyte EB 1, 152, 921, 504, 606, 846, 976 bytes (260 bytes) The stack of pages is now 52 million miles high, or just about twice the distance between the Earth and Venus. Zettabyte ZB 1, 180, 591, 620, 717, 411, 303, 424 bytes (270 bytes) The stack of pages is now 52 billion miles high, some 20 times the distance between the Earth and Pluto. Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 44

What does it mean? 1 GB ≈ 250 songs 1 GB ≈ 250, 000 What does it mean? 1 GB ≈ 250 songs 1 GB ≈ 250, 000 typed pages In 1995, 1 GB cost ~$3, 000 In 2010, 1 GB cost ~ $10 size 15 years ago and Today http: //www. jcmit. com/memoryprice. htm

Computer Memory Review Main Memory RAM CPU ROM Memory Disk Storage Computer Memory Review Main Memory RAM CPU ROM Memory Disk Storage

Look at the hardware Bare bones video British How Video stuff works video Look at the hardware Bare bones video British How Video stuff works video

www. computerhope. com / www. computerhope. com /

Lecture Topics Outside the Hood ◦ Input devices ◦ Output devices Under the Hood Lecture Topics Outside the Hood ◦ Input devices ◦ Output devices Under the Hood ◦ Key components ◦ Data Storage Overview of Processing Methods ◦ Efforts to increase processing power Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 49

Electrical Switches to Binary Language The CPU uses a large number of switches ◦ Electrical Switches to Binary Language The CPU uses a large number of switches ◦ Two states: 1 or 0 (on or off) ◦ These switches are used to process data Binary language consists of two numbers: 1 or 0 Lock ◦ Represent the state of the switches 50 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

The Language of Computers To computers, everything is a number. Since a computer is The Language of Computers To computers, everything is a number. Since a computer is really just millions of tiny switches, all a computer understands is off and on, which we represent with 0 s and 1 s. Bit : Binary digit (0 or 1) Byte : 8 bits

Bits and Bytes: Each letter, number, and character is a string of eight 0 Bits and Bytes: Each letter, number, and character is a string of eight 0 s and 1 s Binary Numbers 000000010 00000011. . . 10000001. . . = 1 = 2 = 3 = 65 1111 = 255 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 52

Character Representations : ASCII • American Standard Code for Information Interchange • Represents each Character Representations : ASCII • American Standard Code for Information Interchange • Represents each letter or character as an 8 -bit (or 1 -byte) binary code. • That gives us 246 characters … ONLY ASCII Code Represents This Symbol 01000001 01000010 01000011 01011010 00100001 0010 A B C Z ! “ 01100001 01100010 01100011 00100100101 a b c # $ % 53 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

Representing Characters Solutions? ◦ Identify language to operating system ◦ More bits!!! UNICODE ◦ Representing Characters Solutions? ◦ Identify language to operating system ◦ More bits!!! UNICODE ◦ Uses 16 bits (2 bytes) ◦ Multilanguage support ◦ Currently assigns more than 96, 000 unique character symbols

Pencils down Pencils down

How do computers add? ate ic G og L Add Two Bits Sum Binary How do computers add? ate ic G og L Add Two Bits Sum Binary Representation of Sum 0+0 0 00 1+ 0 1 01 0 +1 1 01 1+1 2 10

Combining bit strings Logic Gates NOT Bit OR Bit 1 OUTPUT Bit 2 OUTPUT Combining bit strings Logic Gates NOT Bit OR Bit 1 OUTPUT Bit 2 OUTPUT 1 0 0 1 1 1 AND Bit 1 Bit 2 OUTPUT 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 Exclusive OR Bit 1 Bit 2 OUTPUT 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

Add Two Bits Sum Binary Representation of Sum 0+0 0 00 1+ 0 1 Add Two Bits Sum Binary Representation of Sum 0+0 0 00 1+ 0 1 01 0 +1 1 01 1+1 2 10 Exclusive OR AND Bit 1 Bit 2 OUTPUT 00 00 00 11 00 10 00 11 11 01 Diagram from: http: //isweb. redwoods. cc. ca. us/INSTRUCT/Calderwood. D/diglogic/index. htm

Pencils up again Pencils up again

Lecture Topics Outside the Hood ◦ Input devices ◦ Output devices Under the Hood Lecture Topics Outside the Hood ◦ Input devices ◦ Output devices Under the Hood ◦ Key components ◦ Data Storage Overview of Processing Methods ◦ Efforts to increase processing power Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 61

Central Processing Unit (CPU) Referred to as the “brains” of the computer Controls all Central Processing Unit (CPU) Referred to as the “brains” of the computer Controls all functions of the computer Processes all commands and instructions Can perform billions of tasks per second Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 62

CPU Instruction Cycle All CPUs must perform a series of similar steps: ◦ Fetch CPU Instruction Cycle All CPUs must perform a series of similar steps: ◦ Fetch ◦ Decode ◦ Execute ◦ Store 63 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

System Clock Moves CPU from one stage of the machine cycle to the next System Clock Moves CPU from one stage of the machine cycle to the next Acts as a metronome, keeping a steady beat or tick ◦ Ticks, known as the clock cycle, set the pace ◦ Pace, known as clock speed, is measured in hertz (Hz) 64 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

CPU Instruction Cycle CPU Instruction Cycle

Faster System Clock Moves CPU from one stage of the machine cycle to the Faster System Clock Moves CPU from one stage of the machine cycle to the next Acts as a metronome, keeping a steady beat or tick 66 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

Pipelining CPU works on more than one stage or instruction at a time 67 Pipelining CPU works on more than one stage or instruction at a time 67 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

Multiple Processors or CPUs Multiple processors or computers work on a problem simultaneously ◦ Multiple Processors or CPUs Multiple processors or computers work on a problem simultaneously ◦ Dual- or multicore: Multiple processors in one computer ◦ Parallel processing: Multiple computers working on one problem Problem must be able to be divided into a set of independent tasks 68 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

Multi-Processor CPU In ONE computer…. more than one distinct physical processor Are more processors Multi-Processor CPU In ONE computer…. more than one distinct physical processor Are more processors really better? Not necessarily faster Some programs have been optimized for multi-processor operations: ◦ Video editing, 3 D packages

Multi-Core Processor Two processors being effectively mounted on CPU block. Intel i 3, i Multi-Core Processor Two processors being effectively mounted on CPU block. Intel i 3, i 5, i 7 …. .

Differentiating CPUs Processing power ◦ Core: A complete processing section from a CPU embedded Differentiating CPUs Processing power ◦ Core: A complete processing section from a CPU embedded into the same physical chip ◦ Clock speed: How quickly the processor works ◦ Cache: The amount of immediate access memory the CPU has ◦ Front side bus: connects the processor to system memory http: //www. intel. com/products/processor/core 2 duo/specifications. htm Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

Next Class… System Operating Software ◦ Different operating systems ◦ Utilities Next Class… System Operating Software ◦ Different operating systems ◦ Utilities