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Comprehensive Program Review November 16, 2012
ØIncreased Contract agencies: April 2012 MA Parole Board utilized beds October 2012 Norfolk Sheriff’s Office utilized beds ØSteadily increasing bed utilization by developing relationships with key staff at the contracting agencies ØImplemented Command Structure, stabilized staffing, restructured staff schedules, updated video camera monitors, established resident room decorum standards and updated resident handbooks. ØImproved Case Management: APD conducts individual bi-weekly meetings with Case Managers. On alternating weeks APD meets with Case Managers, Intake/Release Coordinator and Program Monitor Supervisor.
Ø Improving Community Networking Resources Boston Public Health Commission- Men’s Health & Recovery Whittier Street Health Center, Structured Outpatient Addition Program, Mental Health Counseling, Family Services, Health Services, Dental & Pharmacy Services, Housing. Also… STRIVE SPAN Step. Rox Father Friendly Gavin Foundation AA & NA St. Cecelia’s Monday Night Meeting Financial Mtg w/ Sovereign Road to Redemption
Ø Increased resident programming both -house and in the community. Transitional Skills (2 x week) Life Skills focused on employment preparation Job Opportunities & placement (SCSD) in
Hosted a delegation from China, Prof. WU Zongxian, College for Criminal Law Science of Beijing Normal University, Director – Research Center of Community Corrections
ØResident Room Painting to improve the “Quality Living Space” ØNew metal bunk beds
ØOutside landscaping, angel & fence repair ØThe Fenway Advisory Board was very happy with CRJ
ØInterior Cleaning & Painting
ØNew Dayroom & Furniture to enhance the “Quality Living Space”
ØCapital Project to renovate bathroom/showers ØAbatement Company to remove the covering on the pipe in the basement hallway
Ø Update the Policy & Procedure Manual (2009) Ø Develop a Tool Crib Accountability Plan (11/12) Ø Develop a Key Control system Ø Develop Security Post Orders Ø Implement weekly, monthly, quarterly operational paperwork Ø Begin to develop ACA accreditation files for May 2013 audit. Ø Have CRJ Fiscal supply operational contracts Ø Hire an Employment Specialist to improve employment opportunities for the residents Ø Improve staff training opportunities
STAFFING Staff Turnover Rates • Performance Evaluations • Staff Training •
Ø Last CPR (July-December 2012), the turnover rate for Brooke House was 36. 7% Data obtained from MMRs
Month FT PT April 3 0 May 6 0 June 6 0 July 2 0 August 5 0 September 0 0 3. 67 0 Average Ø Last CPR (July-December 2012), average of 2. 83 overdue FT performance evaluations Data obtained from HR Department & HR Personnel Summary
Data obtained from MMRs
PROGRAMMING • Utilization • Successful Completions • Completion with: - Employment - Permanent housing
ØUtilization rate for the above six months was 62. 82% ØThis CPR, Brooke House averaged 40. 83 clients for April-September 2012 ØLast CPR, Brooke House averaged 40. 12 clients for April-September 2012 Data obtained from MMRs
ØAverage of 40. 89% of clients completed with employment. Last CPR 25% completed with employment. ØAverage of 91. 41% of clients completed with housing. Last CPR 99% completed with housing. ØAverage of 18. 92% of clients were terminated before completing the program. ØAverage of 81. 82% of clients successfully completed the program. Last CPR, 73% successfully completed the program. Data obtained from MMRs
CLIENT RELATED • Clinical Hours • Walk-Aways • Medication
800 728 719 700 576 600 485 500 400 598 589 586 474 452 348 341 300 213 200 144 135 152 130 134 124 100 0 March Data obtained from MMRs April May Total Hours ØTotal Hours: 3464 ØTotal Life Skills Hours: 2645 ØTotal Cognitive-Behavioral Hours: 819 Data obtained from MMRs Life Skills June Behavioral July August ØAverage Total Hours per client/month: 14. 14 ØAverage Life Skills Hours per client/month: 10. 8; last CPR was 4 hours. ØAverage Cognitive-Behavioral Hours per client/month: 3. 34; last CPR was 4. 5 hours.
Month Brooke SCSD Brooke DOC Brooke Parole March 0 0 0 April 0 0 0 May 0 0 0 June 0 0 0 July 0 1 0 August 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 1 0 Data obtained from MMRs
Medication Incidents & Occurrences Per Month 1. 2 1 No medication incidents for the above time frame 0. 8 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0 0 0 March April Data obtained from MMRs 0 May 0 June 0 July 0 August Ø Last CPR, 0 medication incidents over that time period (April. September 2012).
Quality Assurance Key MMR Results • Satisfaction Surveys •
KEY MMR RESULTS (April-September 2012) ØAverage of 81. 82% of clients successfully completed the program ØAverage of 91. 41% of clients completed with housing Ø 100% of clients completed the program with ID ØAverage of 96. 88% of clients completed the program with a full discharge plan ØNo medication incidents for the above time frame Ø 99. 97% negative drug tests Ø 462 community service hours ØNo written deficiencies
Client Satisfaction Survey Results June 2012 Program Staff 12 10 Never 8 Sometimes Most Times 6 Always No Answer/ Not Applicable 4 2 0 The staff were Staff used Staff were fair The way staff Staff were very clear about friendly and respectful and consistent treated me responsive to available when I program rules easy to talk to language and to me encouraged me any problems I needed them and what was conducted to improve my brought to them expected of me themselves behavior professionally Data obtained from Adult Satisfaction Surveys June 2012 Staff applied sanctions for rule violations fairly and consistently
Client Satisfaction Survey Results June 2012 18 Case Management 16 14 12 10 Never Sometimes 8 6 4 Most Times Always No Answer/ Not Applicable 2 0 My case manager When I met with my My case manager involved me in let me know how I my case manager at gave me useful took time to listen talked to me in a referred me to decisions was doing in the manager, I had least bi-weekly suggestions, to me respectful manner appropriate regarding my program enough time to advice, and services and activities meet guidance to help programs me succeed Data obtained from Adult Satisfaction Surveys June 2012
Client Satisfaction Survey Results June 2012 Client Information 16 14 12 Never 10 Sometimes Most Times 8 Always 6 No Answer/ Not Applicable 4 2 0 I feel safe in the program I feel prepared to move My relationship with my I am better prepared to back into the community family has improved handle responsibility Data obtained from Adult Satisfaction Surveys June 2012 I am benefitting from being in the program
Client Satisfaction Survey Results June 2012 Program Information 18 16 14 Never 12 Sometimes 10 Most Times 8 Always 6 No Answer/ Not Applicable 4 2 0 Overall, the Everything I receive The food is I receive I know what Staff I know what The program I know what program is in my room medical care good emergency to do if there observe me to do if I rules are items are clean is working when I need financial was a fire when I give wanted to clear to me considered properly it assistance if a urine make a contraband I need it sample complaint Data obtained from Adult Satisfaction Surveys June 2012
• See Handout