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Comprehensive Design Studio Lab Arch 565 Instructor: Mark E. Bess, AIA Office: Weston # 677 – Hours by appointment e-mail: mbess@njit. edu
Course Description o o The purpose of this course is to help the student carry their design concept from the schematic design phase into the design development phase. The course is designed to supplement the Comprehensive Design Studio by introducing the student to the various ways architectural design is translated into the second phase of construction documentation
Course Description o o o The class focus is assisting the student towards the development and execution of a Building Component Assembly Technique that relates to the design project. The class consists of seminar sessions along with small group & 1 -on-1 sessions. Case studies are reviewed and the student is introduced to a variety of reference sources
Textbooks o Building Construction Illustrated 3 rd Edition n n o by Francis D. K. Ching Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 471 -35898 -3 ISBN 0 - Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design n n by Edward Allen, Joseph Iano, Joseph Iano Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 0471392359
Relevant Dates o Class will meet in Weston Lecture Hall #2 on the following 5 dates: n n n January 22 January 29 February 5 February 12 February 29
Student Requirements o o Each student is required to create a Project Binder. This Project Binder contains all of the information and documentation of their semester Comprehensive Design Studio Project. Along with the specific project documentation, the Project Binder will contain a “sketch book” of scaled hand sketches and drawings. The required sketches are of various building components and methods of assembly researched by the student and customized for their specific Project. Students should be able to articulate how these details represent the design intent of their project.
Comprehensive Design Studio Lab - Student Project Binder o o o o Each student is required to create a notebook consisting of the following: Illustrations of schematic design process ideas and development leading up to final concept Illustrations of building’s structural system Illustrations of building’s environmental control system(s) show fresh air, exhaust, heating and cooling systems function Illustrations of building’s exterior envelope and section showing construction and assembly Illustration and analysis of building’s sustainable features Photocopies or web prints of various researched building components & materials used in your project Review the bound document for this class on reserve in the library
Course Assessment and Final Grade Determination o Students will be evaluated based on the development of their sketch book, which will be collected and reviewed at random intervals during the semester.
Why an Architect? ? o o What do you think is the Architect’s Purpose? Why not just hire a “builder” for your project?
Answer…. . o o o By the end of this class you should understand what I call the architect’s purpose. You hopefully will begin to understand the importance of the architect’s concept and maintaining it through the design and construction process. This is extremely important for your comprehensive project to be successful.
Your Mission. . o o If we agree that our mission (in this class) is to translate your design concept into a built reality, several things must occur. Practically speaking, in order to give form and materials to your design concept, several important choices must be made.
These choices include the following: o o Optimum structural system Suitable building envelope materials and their component products Environmental controls, mechanical systems, lighting, distribution, etc. Building services systems
Continued… o o These systems must be integrated and located within the building for …. the structural system to support a building envelope and “support” the design intent the building envelope to create spaces and exclude undesirable environmental factors; for this purpose the envelope may contain active devices that operate the envelope environmental control measures to provide the desired environment and to complement the envelope
Design Phases o o Before we can jump directly into these issues we should take a look at a typical office and see how it’s usually organized, so let’s review the Design Phases Schematic Design (SD) Design Development (DD) Construction Documents (CD)
Design Phases o This class addresses Schematic Design and Design Development only
Schematic Design – Expanding Ideas o o o During schematic design we start with programming, attempting to understand the client’s practical requirements along with the site characteristics During schematic design we formulate a “concept” – a “theme” – which turns our written description and diagrams into spatial definition. This “theme” like the topic sentence in a paragraph, directs the design work. We begin to create rough drawings that explore scale, appearance and adjacencies. The form and extent of the project emerges from these studies.
Schematic Design – Expanding Ideas o Schematic design is the most important time we spend interacting with clients. n n o o At this stage, we have frequent meetings in order to keep clients abreast of our work and direction. During these meetings, we present drawings that describe design ideas with respect to the budget. In addition to plans, elevations and sections – drawings used to communicate among design professionals and with contractors, we prepare perspective drawings and models which we find are more useful for visual communication with clients. During schematic design alternate uses of space and various design options are explored In order to ensure a project design that meet the client’s objectives.
Design Development – Editing Ideas o o After reviewing the options completed in schematic design, we work to choose a design direction. We continue to define - through plans, elevations and sections – the size of spaces, materials, and building placement. In addition we begin perspective sketches of details and overall building design During this phase we study the building systems, including specific construction issues which may affect the final project.
Design Development – Editing Ideas o o Just as the intangibles of architecture are important – the way the sun will enter a space I the winter – the tangibles are just as crucial such as what is the most appropriate heating system? What is the best roof for the climate? These questions are answered during this phase.
Class Focus o o o This class will focus on the above phases only. The 1 st step is to examine your schematic design. Schematic design is not drafted, hand drawings are preferred because of their “loose-ness”; drawings must be to scale.
Class Focus o o The 2 nd step is to develop and refine the schematic design concept into the design development drawings. The most critical issue is to be true to your concept!!!! All of your decisions and moves must be accomplished with the concept in mind. THIS IS NOT AS EASY AS IT SOUNDS!!!!
Demonstration / Example o o o Corbs 5 points Citrohan House Villa Stein example of concept in action
Housing (un-built) – Le Corbusier
Casa Citrohan 1920 -1922 Le Corbusier n Named after the mass-produced Citroen car n Corbu’s first design meant to be massproduced and easily serviceable – “a machine for living in” n The Citrohan Project was the first of Corbu’s designs that explored elements of what he would later name the “Five Points of New Architecture”
5 points as a design concept n The 5 points as a whole focus on two design objectives and form a “concept” for future projects n 1. Freeing design options from construction requirements n 2. Engaging the environment n These two issues still are a part of contemporary architecture….
Five Points n 1 Pilotis – Thin columns used to elevate the entire mass off the ground, freeing the space for a garden or car storage n 2 Free Plan – Load-bearing columns were separated from the interior walls n 3 Free Façade – Similar to the Free Plan, but applied in section n 4 Long Windows – Long horizontal windows to effectively bring in the maximum amount of natural light n 5 Roof Garden – Helps replace the space taken by the building footprint
Casa Citrohan 1920 -1922 – Le Corbusier
Villa Stein 1927 – Le Corbusier
n n n 1 2 3 4 5 Pilotis Free Plan Free Façade Long Windows Roof Garden
Questioning / Problem o o o Are spatial relationships shown? What is the concept? Is the concept shown in the work?