Скачать презентацию COMPONENTS OF MINING PRODUCTION Increase of mineral Скачать презентацию COMPONENTS OF MINING PRODUCTION Increase of mineral


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Increase of mineral resources demands contributes to development of mining sectors. Mineral resources reflect Increase of mineral resources demands contributes to development of mining sectors. Mineral resources reflect specific form of accumulation in lithosphere of mineral matters that are the sources of energy, materials, chemical elements and compounds, that meet technical possibilities and profitability of the gain, processing and usage. Mineral raw materials is the subject of labour (ore, coal, oil, gas, minerals, stones) for other industry sectors and requires following processing in order to extract useful components located in it. Remnants of mineral matters during processing and enrichment create mining wastes.

Terminology Mining sector – basic source of fuel, raw material for ferrous and non-ferrous Terminology Mining sector – basic source of fuel, raw material for ferrous and non-ferrous industry, chemical industry, fertilizers, building materials for buildings and roads. Mining industry - complex of sectors engaged in prospecting of minerals, their extraction and initial processing – enrichment. Its basic groups are: oil, gas, fuel (coal, peat), ore, non-metallic minerals, local building materials, mining-chemical and hydromineral sectors. Method of mining production - method of minerals extraction with unification of production forces and relationships.

Extraction of minerals – processes of extraction of solid, liquid and gaseous minerals from Extraction of minerals – processes of extraction of solid, liquid and gaseous minerals from Earth’s interior with help of technical means. Mining enterprise – technically and organizationally separated complex of means and resources for minerals extraction, building and exploitation of the objects with use of mining technologies (mines, open-cuts, quarries, processing plants and so on) Mining – branch of science and technique that embraces complex of processes focused on extraction of minerals and their original processing. Mining operations - complex of operations directed to drivage, support and maintenance of the mine workings and extraction of rocks under conditions of natural balance disturbance, possibility of dangerous and harmful factors manifestation.

Methods of minerals extraction Underground, surface and combined technology of solid minerals extraction Geotechnology Methods of minerals extraction Underground, surface and combined technology of solid minerals extraction Geotechnology through boreholes Hydrotechnology Underground, surface and combined technologies of solid minerals extraction Hard, brown coal and schists Ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals Chemical industry Gas hydrates extraction Building materials Mine extraction of heavy oil


dump Pile that is made up of residue from mining operations. maintenance shop Work dump Pile that is made up of residue from mining operations. maintenance shop Work area where machinery is maintained and repaired. maritime transport Means of transport that uses barges to transport coal over water.

hoist room Area that houses the hoist (cylinder) on which the hoisting cables are hoist room Area that houses the hoist (cylinder) on which the hoisting cables are wound; it controls movement of the elevators and skip hoists in the shaft. Rope (or cable) winding tower Building that houses the shaft’s hoisting equipment (including motors and hoisting cables); it provides communication between the surface and the mine galleries.

conveyor Materials-handling device that consists of a conveyor belt (sturdy belt on rollers); it conveyor Materials-handling device that consists of a conveyor belt (sturdy belt on rollers); it is used to carry coal to the treatment plant Place where all processing activities (including crushing and washing) are carried out to prepare the coal for market.

miners’ changing-room Area with sanitary facilities (showers, toilets) where miners can go mainly to miners’ changing-room Area with sanitary facilities (showers, toilets) where miners can go mainly to change their clothes. loading bunker Reservoir where processed coal is stored before being loaded onto freight cars to be transported by rail to the power plant. main fan Device that ensures air exchange in the mine; air is drawn through one shaft and exits through another.

Coal preparation plant A coal preparation plant (CPP) is a facility that washes coal Coal preparation plant A coal preparation plant (CPP) is a facility that washes coal of soil and rock, preparing it for transport to market. A CPP may also be called a "coal handling and preparation plant", "prep plant, " "tipple, " or "wash plant".

USE OF COAL IN THE WORLD Coal has four major markets: electric utilities, industrial/retail USE OF COAL IN THE WORLD Coal has four major markets: electric utilities, industrial/retail users, the steel industry and exports. In an electric power plant, coal, like oil and natural gas, is burned to produce heat. The heat is used to change water into steam. The steam then turns the blades of a turbine, spinning the generator, producing electricity. Before the coal is burned it is crushed and pulverized to the consistency of face powder. Coal's second largest market is industrial and retail users. Among the industries using coal, the largest consumers are chemical manufacturers, users of stone, clay and glass, paper mills, primary metal industries and the food industry. Industry uses coal as a chemical feedstock to make dyes, insecticides, fertilizers, explosives, synthetic fibers, food preservatives, ammonia, synthetic rubber, fingernail polish, medicines, etc. The third largest market is the iron and steel industry, where coal is used to be made into coke. Coke is derived from bituminous coal through heating in airtight ovens. The lack of air prevents the coal from burning and converts some of the solids to gases leaving coke. The fourth market segment is exports. The top five foreign markets are Canada, Japan, Italy, Netherlands and Brazil.

Who can answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is mining industry? Name Who can answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is mining industry? Name methods of mineral extraction? What are the main facilities of a mine? Coal preparation plant – how do you understand it? How does world use coal? Thanks for work with us!!!