
  • Количество слайдов: 25

COMPLETION OF ANNEXURE 7 FOR SCHEDULE 3 A & 3 B ENTITIES Presenter: Chris COMPLETION OF ANNEXURE 7 FOR SCHEDULE 3 A & 3 B ENTITIES Presenter: Chris Krüger | Public Entities Governance Unit, Budget Office, National Treasury | March 2017

Annexure 7 2 Annexure 7 2

Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description / explanation B 7 Surname Use format e. g. "Mnisi" or "Theron"; and arrange member names alphabetically. E 7 Is member an employee of government or its entities / agencies? "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) ONLY IN RESPECT OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY - Indicate whether the board member is an employee of national, provincial or local government or their entities / agencies by indicating a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). F 7 Date of first appointment even when more than one consecutive terms of office have been served. I 9 – O 9 Number of meetings held Indication of number of meetings held for that specific committee during the year. All amount cells R'000 Complete rounded off Rand thousand amounts in the relevant cells. A 10 A. Non-Executive Management / If non-executive management / members of the Accounting Authority are not Members of the Accounting remunerated or payment made to the relevant employer, a note to that extend must Authority / Committees be made below the table. A 11 – A 51 Position (on board) Provision has been made for 41 entries. Keep new and old boards together. Names of board members serving on committees should not be repeated. Attendance of board/committee meetings should be indicated under the relevant column (I to O). Column V Share Options Share option strike price and period to be provided in columns Z and AA. A 55 – A 58 Chief Executive Officer Provision has been made for 4 entries. All permanent and acting CEOs' information should be recorded. A 60 – A 62 Chief Financial Officer Provision has been made for 3 entries. All permanent and acting CFOs' information should be recorded. A 64 – A 77 Other / senior executive management Specify senior management position in the entity. Provision has been made for 14 entries. 3

Note 1 – cell B 7 (and others) B 7 Surname Use format e. Note 1 – cell B 7 (and others) B 7 Surname Use format e. g. "Mnisi" or "Theron"; and arrange member names alphabetically. Bad examples Prof J Tshabalala – acting Chairperson Jones, John Mr Good example Position Chairperson Surname Tshabalala Initials J Title Prof 4

Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description / explanation B 7 Surname Use format e. g. "Mnisi" or "Theron"; and arrange member names alphabetically. E 7 Is member an employee of government or its entities / agencies? "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) ONLY IN RESPECT OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY - Indicate whether the board member is an employee of national, provincial or local government or their entities / agencies by indicating a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). F 7 Date of first appointment even when more than one consecutive terms of office have been served. I 9 – O 9 Number of meetings held Indication of number of meetings held for that specific committee during the year. All amount cells R'000 Complete rounded off Rand thousand amounts in the relevant cells. A 10 A. Non-Executive Management / If non-executive management / members of the Accounting Authority are not Members of the Accounting remunerated or payment made to the relevant employer, a note to that extend must Authority / Committees be made below the table. A 11 – A 51 Position (on board) Provision has been made for 41 entries. Keep new and old boards together. Names of board members serving on committees should not be repeated. Attendance of board/committee meetings should be indicated under the relevant column (I to O). Column V Share Options Share option strike price and period to be provided in columns Z and AA. A 55 – A 58 Chief Executive Officer Provision has been made for 4 entries. All permanent and acting CEOs' information should be recorded. A 60 – A 62 Chief Financial Officer Provision has been made for 3 entries. All permanent and acting CFOs' information should be recorded. A 64 – A 77 Other / senior executive management Specify senior management position in the entity. Provision has been made for 14 entries. 5

Note 2 – cell E 7 ONLY IN RESPECT OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY Indicate whether Note 2 – cell E 7 ONLY IN RESPECT OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY Indicate whether the board member is an employee of national, provincial or local government or their entities / agencies by indicating a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). 6

Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description / explanation B 7 Surname Use format e. g. "Mnisi" or "Theron"; and arrange member names alphabetically. E 7 Is member an employee of government or its entities / agencies? "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) ONLY IN RESPECT OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY - Indicate whether the board member is an employee of national, provincial or local government or their entities / agencies by indicating a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). F 7 Date of first appointment even when more than one consecutive terms of office have been served. I 9 – O 9 Number of meetings held Indication of number of meetings held for that specific committee during the year. All amount cells R'000 Complete rounded off Rand thousand amounts in the relevant cells. A 10 A. Non-Executive Management / If non-executive management / members of the Accounting Authority are not Members of the Accounting remunerated or payment made to the relevant employer, a note to that extend must Authority / Committees be made below the table. A 11 – A 51 Position (on board) Provision has been made for 41 entries. Keep new and old boards together. Names of board members serving on committees should not be repeated. Attendance of board/committee meetings should be indicated under the relevant column (I to O). Column V Share Options Share option strike price and period to be provided in columns Z and AA. A 55 – A 58 Chief Executive Officer Provision has been made for 4 entries. All permanent and acting CEOs' information should be recorded. A 60 – A 62 Chief Financial Officer Provision has been made for 3 entries. All permanent and acting CFOs' information should be recorded. A 64 – A 77 Other / senior executive management Specify senior management position in the entity. Provision has been made for 14 entries. 7

Note 3 – cell F 7 Date of first appointment even when more than Note 3 – cell F 7 Date of first appointment even when more than one consecutive terms of office have been served. 8

Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description / explanation B 7 Surname Use format e. g. "Mnisi" or "Theron"; and arrange member names alphabetically. E 7 Is member an employee of government or its entities / agencies? "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) ONLY IN RESPECT OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY - Indicate whether the board member is an employee of national, provincial or local government or their entities / agencies by indicating a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). F 7 Date of first appointment even when more than one consecutive terms of office have been served. I 9 – O 9 Number of meetings held Indication of number of meetings held for that specific committee during the year. All amount cells R'000 Complete rounded off Rand thousand amounts in the relevant cells. A 10 A. Non-Executive Management / If non-executive management / members of the Accounting Authority are not Members of the Accounting remunerated or payment made to the relevant employer, a note to that extend must Authority / Committees be made below the table. A 11 – A 51 Position (on board) Provision has been made for 41 entries. Keep new and old boards together. Names of board members serving on committees should not be repeated. Attendance of board/committee meetings should be indicated under the relevant column (I to O). Column V Share Options Share option strike price and period to be provided in columns Z and AA. A 55 – A 58 Chief Executive Officer Provision has been made for 4 entries. All permanent and acting CEOs' information should be recorded. A 60 – A 62 Chief Financial Officer Provision has been made for 3 entries. All permanent and acting CFOs' information should be recorded. A 64 – A 77 Other / senior executive management Specify senior management position in the entity. Provision has been made for 14 entries. 9

Note 4 – cell I 9 to O 9 Indication of number of meetings Note 4 – cell I 9 to O 9 Indication of number of meetings held for that specific committee during the year. Number of Board/Committee meetings attended during 2016/17 Board Audit Ethics HR Rem-Co Strat/ Tender Other 6 4 4 6 6 4 8 5 -- 3 -- 5 -- 6 10

Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description / explanation B 7 Surname Use format e. g. "Mnisi" or "Theron"; and arrange member names alphabetically. E 7 Is member an employee of government or its entities / agencies? "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) ONLY IN RESPECT OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY - Indicate whether the board member is an employee of national, provincial or local government or their entities / agencies by indicating a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). F 7 Date of first appointment even when more than one consecutive terms of office have been served. I 9 – O 9 Number of meetings held Indication of number of meetings held for that specific committee during the year. All amount cells R'000 Complete rounded off Rand thousand amounts in the relevant cells. A 10 A. Non-Executive Management / If non-executive management / members of the Accounting Authority are not Members of the Accounting remunerated or payment made to the relevant employer, a note to that extend must Authority / Committees be made below the table. A 11 – A 51 Position (on board) Provision has been made for 41 entries. Keep new and old boards together. Names of board members serving on committees should not be repeated. Attendance of board/committee meetings should be indicated under the relevant column (I to O). Column V Share Options Share option strike price and period to be provided in columns Z and AA. A 55 – A 58 Chief Executive Officer Provision has been made for 4 entries. All permanent and acting CEOs' information should be recorded. A 60 – A 62 Chief Financial Officer Provision has been made for 3 entries. All permanent and acting CFOs' information should be recorded. A 64 – A 77 Other / senior executive management Specify senior management position in the entity. Provision has been made for 14 entries. 11

Note 5 – All amount cells Complete rounded off Rand thousand amounts in the Note 5 – All amount cells Complete rounded off Rand thousand amounts in the relevant cells. Bad example Good example Actual amount Annexure 7 R 'R'000 R R'000 1 256 783. 59 1 256 783 1 256. 78359 1 256 783. 59 1 257 12

Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description / explanation B 7 Surname Use format e. g. "Mnisi" or "Theron"; and arrange member names alphabetically. E 7 Is member an employee of government or its entities / agencies? "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) ONLY IN RESPECT OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY - Indicate whether the board member is an employee of national, provincial or local government or their entities / agencies by indicating a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). F 7 Date of first appointment even when more than one consecutive terms of office have been served. I 9 – O 9 Number of meetings held Indication of number of meetings held for that specific committee during the year. All amount cells R'000 Complete rounded off Rand thousand amounts in the relevant cells. A 10 A. Non-Executive Management / If non-executive management / members of the Accounting Authority are not Members of the Accounting remunerated or payment made to the relevant employer, a note to that extend must Authority / Committees be made below the table. A 11 – A 51 Position (on board) Provision has been made for 41 entries. Keep new and old boards together. Names of board members serving on committees should not be repeated. Attendance of board/committee meetings should be indicated under the relevant column (I to O). Column V Share Options Share option strike price and period to be provided in columns Z and AA. A 55 – A 58 Chief Executive Officer Provision has been made for 4 entries. All permanent and acting CEOs' information should be recorded. A 60 – A 62 Chief Financial Officer Provision has been made for 3 entries. All permanent and acting CFOs' information should be recorded. A 64 – A 77 Other / senior executive management Specify senior management position in the entity. Provision has been made for 14 entries. 13

Note 6 – cell A 10 If non-executive management / members of the Accounting Note 6 – cell A 10 If non-executive management / members of the Accounting Authority are not remunerated or payment made to the relevant employer, a note to that extend must be made below the table. 14

Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description / explanation B 7 Surname Use format e. g. "Mnisi" or "Theron"; and arrange member names alphabetically. E 7 Is member an employee of government or its entities / agencies? "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) ONLY IN RESPECT OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY - Indicate whether the board member is an employee of national, provincial or local government or their entities / agencies by indicating a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). F 7 Date of first appointment even when more than one consecutive terms of office have been served. I 9 – O 9 Number of meetings held Indication of number of meetings held for that specific committee during the year. All amount cells R'000 Complete rounded off Rand thousand amounts in the relevant cells. A 10 A. Non-Executive Management / If non-executive management / members of the Accounting Authority are not Members of the Accounting remunerated or payment made to the relevant employer, a note to that extend must Authority / Committees be made below the table. A 11 – A 51 Position (on board) Provision has been made for 41 entries. Keep new and old boards together. Names of board members serving on committees should not be repeated. Attendance of board/committee meetings should be indicated under the relevant column (I to O). Column V Share Options Share option strike price and period to be provided in columns Z and AA. A 55 – A 58 Chief Executive Officer Provision has been made for 4 entries. All permanent and acting CEOs' information should be recorded. A 60 – A 62 Chief Financial Officer Provision has been made for 3 entries. All permanent and acting CFOs' information should be recorded. A 64 – A 77 Other / senior executive management Specify senior management position in the entity. Provision has been made for 14 entries. 15

Note 7 – cells A 11 – A 51 Provision has been made for Note 7 – cells A 11 – A 51 Provision has been made for 41 entries. Keep new and old boards together. Names of board members serving on committees should not be repeated. Attendance of board/committee meetings should be indicated under the relevant column (I to O). 16

Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description / explanation B 7 Surname Use format e. g. "Mnisi" or "Theron"; and arrange member names alphabetically. E 7 Is member an employee of government or its entities / agencies? "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) ONLY IN RESPECT OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY - Indicate whether the board member is an employee of national, provincial or local government or their entities / agencies by indicating a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). F 7 Date of first appointment even when more than one consecutive terms of office have been served. I 9 – O 9 Number of meetings held Indication of number of meetings held for that specific committee during the year. All amount cells R'000 Complete rounded off Rand thousand amounts in the relevant cells. A 10 A. Non-Executive Management / If non-executive management / members of the Accounting Authority are not Members of the Accounting remunerated or payment made to the relevant employer, a note to that extend must Authority / Committees be made below the table. A 11 – A 51 Position (on board) Provision has been made for 41 entries. Keep new and old boards together. Names of board members serving on committees should not be repeated. Attendance of board/committee meetings should be indicated under the relevant column (I to O). Column V Share Options Share option strike price and period to be provided in columns Z and AA. A 55 – A 58 Chief Executive Officer Provision has been made for 4 entries. All permanent and acting CEOs' information should be recorded. A 60 – A 62 Chief Financial Officer Provision has been made for 3 entries. All permanent and acting CFOs' information should be recorded. A 64 – A 77 Other / senior executive management Specify senior management position in the entity. Provision has been made for 14 entries. 17

Note 8 – column V Share option strike price and period to be provided Note 8 – column V Share option strike price and period to be provided in columns Z and AA. 18

Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description / explanation B 7 Surname Use format e. g. "Mnisi" or "Theron"; and arrange member names alphabetically. E 7 Is member an employee of government or its entities / agencies? "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) ONLY IN RESPECT OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY - Indicate whether the board member is an employee of national, provincial or local government or their entities / agencies by indicating a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). F 7 Date of first appointment even when more than one consecutive terms of office have been served. I 9 – O 9 Number of meetings held Indication of number of meetings held for that specific committee during the year. All amount cells R'000 Complete rounded off Rand thousand amounts in the relevant cells. A 10 A. Non-Executive Management / If non-executive management / members of the Accounting Authority are not Members of the Accounting remunerated or payment made to the relevant employer, a note to that extend must Authority / Committees be made below the table. A 11 – A 51 Position (on board) Provision has been made for 41 entries. Keep new and old boards together. Names of board members serving on committees should not be repeated. Attendance of board/committee meetings should be indicated under the relevant column (I to O). Column V Share Options Share option strike price and period to be provided in columns Z and AA. A 55 – A 58 Chief Executive Officer Provision has been made for 4 entries. All permanent and acting CEOs' information should be recorded. A 60 – A 62 Chief Financial Officer Provision has been made for 3 entries. All permanent and acting CFOs' information should be recorded. A 64 – A 77 Other / senior executive management Specify senior management position in the entity. Provision has been made for 14 entries. 19

Note 9 – cells A 55 – A 58 Provision has been made for Note 9 – cells A 55 – A 58 Provision has been made for 4 entries. All permanent and acting CEOs' information should be recorded. 20

Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description / explanation B 7 Surname Use format e. g. "Mnisi" or "Theron"; and arrange member names alphabetically. E 7 Is member an employee of government or its entities / agencies? "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) ONLY IN RESPECT OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY - Indicate whether the board member is an employee of national, provincial or local government or their entities / agencies by indicating a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). F 7 Date of first appointment even when more than one consecutive terms of office have been served. I 9 – O 9 Number of meetings held Indication of number of meetings held for that specific committee during the year. All amount cells R'000 Complete rounded off Rand thousand amounts in the relevant cells. A 10 A. Non-Executive Management / If non-executive management / members of the Accounting Authority are not Members of the Accounting remunerated or payment made to the relevant employer, a note to that extend must Authority / Committees be made below the table. A 11 – A 51 Position (on board) Provision has been made for 41 entries. Keep new and old boards together. Names of board members serving on committees should not be repeated. Attendance of board/committee meetings should be indicated under the relevant column (I to O). Column V Share Options Share option strike price and period to be provided in columns Z and AA. A 55 – A 58 Chief Executive Officer Provision has been made for 4 entries. All permanent and acting CEOs' information should be recorded. A 60 – A 62 Chief Financial Officer Provision has been made for 3 entries. All permanent and acting CFOs' information should be recorded. A 64 – A 77 Other / senior executive management Specify senior management position in the entity. Provision has been made for 14 entries. 21

Note 10 – cells A 60 – A 62 Provision has been made for Note 10 – cells A 60 – A 62 Provision has been made for 3 entries. All permanent and acting CFOs' information should be recorded. 22

Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description Notes to the completion of Annexure 7 Cell no. Cell description Notes / description / explanation B 7 Surname Use format e. g. "Mnisi" or "Theron"; and arrange member names alphabetically. E 7 Is member an employee of government or its entities / agencies? "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) ONLY IN RESPECT OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY - Indicate whether the board member is an employee of national, provincial or local government or their entities / agencies by indicating a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). F 7 Date of first appointment even when more than one consecutive terms of office have been served. I 9 – O 9 Number of meetings held Indication of number of meetings held for that specific committee during the year. All amount cells R'000 Complete rounded off Rand thousand amounts in the relevant cells. A 10 A. Non-Executive Management / If non-executive management / members of the Accounting Authority are not Members of the Accounting remunerated or payment made to the relevant employer, a note to that extend must Authority / Committees be made below the table. A 11 – A 51 Position (on board) Provision has been made for 41 entries. Keep new and old boards together. Names of board members serving on committees should not be repeated. Attendance of board/committee meetings should be indicated under the relevant column (I to O). Column V Share Options Share option strike price and period to be provided in columns Z and AA. A 55 – A 58 Chief Executive Officer Provision has been made for 4 entries. All permanent and acting CEOs' information should be recorded. A 60 – A 62 Chief Financial Officer Provision has been made for 3 entries. All permanent and acting CFOs' information should be recorded. A 64 – A 77 Other / senior executive management Specify senior management position in the entity. Provision has been made for 14 entries. 23

Note 11 – cells A 64 – A 77 Specify senior management position in Note 11 – cells A 64 – A 77 Specify senior management position in the entity. Provision has been made for 14 entries. 24

Further questions? THANK YOU 25 Further questions? THANK YOU 25