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Comparative analysis of approaches to public service motivation reforms in the UK and the Netherlands
Structure of the presentation Policy agenda Policy-making contexts Policies’ outcomes
Policy agenda The UK re-institutionalized the core values of civil service 1 The Netherlands “normalization” private employment is regarded as being the standard 2 [1] Winstone R. Whither the Civil Service? [2] Vandenabeele W. , Horton S. The Evolution of the British Public Service Ethos: A Historical Institutional Approach in explaining Change
Policy-making contexts 1 Variant The UK Citizens’ attitudes Politicians’ purpose The Netherlands low esteem and low trust higher esteem and higher trust distrust of the civil consensual, multiparty service system high ability to realize decision making has any reform desires Bureaucracy purpose been an incremental process are removed from the choice of policy-loop important role as a source of policy advice [1]See Pollitt C. , Bouckaert G. Public management reform: a comparative analysis. Oxford UP. 2004. pp. 57 -293.
Policies’ outcomes prerogative of policy initiator ‘works better and costs less’ conceptual model of public service motivation
‘works better and costs less’ The UK Compensation of government employees (% of 1 nominal GPD) The Netherlands trust in civil service Compensation of government employees (% of 1 nominal GPD) trust in civil service 1990 1998 1990 2000 1997 1990 2000 11. 6 7. 8 44 45. 9 9. 8 7. 8 46 37. 5 [1] Pollitt C. , Bouckaert G. Public management reform: a comparative analysis. Oxford UP. 2004. pp. 119, 271. . See also OECD Public Management Service, 2001. Copyright OECD 2001.
Public service motivation construct developed by J. Perry 1 The UK Dimension The Netherlands Policy making Primacy of politics Loyalty to policians (diminished loyalty to minister) Attraction to politics and policymaking Government of the day Public welfare Public interest National interest Social commitment Civic culture, citizenship Public welfare Compassion Social commitment Self-sacrifice Public interest Public service as a calling Disinterestedness Self-sacrifice Public service as a calling Policy making Primacy of politics Loyalty to policians [1]Perry, J. 'Bringing Society In: Toward a Theory of Public Service Motivation. pp. 47188.
The main points of this comparison û there is no universal vision of civil service motivation; û bureaucracy as one of the sources of policy advice; û a tension between the desire to provide highly motivated workforce and the desire to shed jobs and economize.
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