Скачать презентацию COMMUNITY STRATEGIES SHARED LIVING — MA Comprehensive Program Скачать презентацию COMMUNITY STRATEGIES SHARED LIVING — MA Comprehensive Program


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COMMUNITY STRATEGIES: SHARED LIVING - MA Comprehensive Program Review March 27, 2015 COMMUNITY STRATEGIES: SHARED LIVING - MA Comprehensive Program Review March 27, 2015

HIGHLIGHTS • • Groups attended by the SL clients such as the sex abusers HIGHLIGHTS • • Groups attended by the SL clients such as the sex abusers group, SL group, Health and Wellness group, and Woman’s group. New 40 hr position as 30 hours Job Coach and 10 hours Shared Living Assistant. 2

Community trip to Faneuil Hall for the Providers Council to hear the candidates for Community trip to Faneuil Hall for the Providers Council to hear the candidates for Governor speak 3

CHALLENGES Ø Job Coach Turnover: Job Coaches are slotted for 30 hours per week CHALLENGES Ø Job Coach Turnover: Job Coaches are slotted for 30 hours per week /PT and do not receive the same benefits as F/T employees. Job Coaches find it difficult to pay out of pocket for insurance, some are going back to school and need to utilize tuition remission. Ø Managing • Growth: The SL Department has been able to manage growth through the team efforts of Sam, Kellyanne, Kris, Sue and SQA working together to make the Shared Living department successful for the providers and the individuals we serve. 4

STAFFING Staff Turnover Rates Staff Retention Rates Staff Training 5 STAFFING Staff Turnover Rates Staff Retention Rates Staff Training 5

STAFF TURNOVER RATE Ø Last CPR, Shared Living Turnover Rate was 0% compared to STAFF TURNOVER RATE Ø Last CPR, Shared Living Turnover Rate was 0% compared to the 26. 7% rate for CSMA Data obtained from HR Department & HR Personnel Summary 6

STAFF RETENTION RATE Ø Last CPR, Shared Living Retention Rate was 66. 7% compared STAFF RETENTION RATE Ø Last CPR, Shared Living Retention Rate was 66. 7% compared to the 73. 5% rate for CSMA Data obtained from HR Department & HR Personnel Summary 7

STAFF TRAINING HOURS Ø A total of 255. 75 training hours for the job STAFF TRAINING HOURS Ø A total of 255. 75 training hours for the job coaches (this is a 13% decrease from previous CPR); The average training hours per job coach is 4. 6 per month or 27. 6 over six months. ØLast CPR, a total of 290 training hours or 37. 8 hours/per job coach over six months. Data obtained from CS Shared Living and HR E-Learning Report 8

CLIENT RELATED Client Count Site Visits conducted by Staff Clinical Hours Community Volunteer Activities CLIENT RELATED Client Count Site Visits conducted by Staff Clinical Hours Community Volunteer Activities 9

Ø Current average of clients per month is 22. 3 Ø Last CPR, an Ø Current average of clients per month is 22. 3 Ø Last CPR, an average of 20. 3 clients per month. Data obtained from CS Shared Living 10

Ø A total of 131 site visits conducted; this is a 9% decrease from Ø A total of 131 site visits conducted; this is a 9% decrease from previous CPR ØLast CPR, a total of 143 site visits Data obtained from CS Shared Living 11

CLINICAL HOURS Average Per Client Per Month (August 2014 – January 2015) Ø Ø CLINICAL HOURS Average Per Client Per Month (August 2014 – January 2015) Ø Ø Ø A total of 238. 5 clinical hours provided; 82. 5 individual and 156 group clinical hours. (This is a 54% increase from the previous CPR). Average of 0. 6 individual and 1. 2 group clinical hours per client each month; total of 1. 8 clinical hours per client each month or 10. 8 clinical hours over six months (Average of 22. 3 clients per month) Last CPR, a total of 154. 75 hours: 43. 75 individual and 111 group clinical hours. The average clinical hours = 7. 8 per client over six months (Average of 20. 3 clients). Data obtained from CS Shared Living 12

COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES Average number of activities per client per month Total Activities Per COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES Average number of activities per client per month Total Activities Per Month August 2014 – January 2015 Total Activities Per Month August 2013 – January 2014 August: 212 November: 212 August: 120 November: 122 September 212 December: 162 September 124 December: 125 October: 212 January : 162 October: 127 January : 128 Ø Total of 1, 172 community volunteer activities over six months (This is a 57% increase from last CPR) Ø 8. 7 activities per client per month; Average of 22. 3 clients per month Last CPR: A total of 746 community volunteer activities over six months; Ø 6. 1 activities per client per month; Average of 20. 3 clients per month Data obtained from CS Shared Living 13


RESULTS OF SQA MONITORING AUDITS August 2014 - January 2015 Positives Average Scores ◦ RESULTS OF SQA MONITORING AUDITS August 2014 - January 2015 Positives Average Scores ◦ Confidential Files = 96. 4% **Strengths of CS Shared Living Behavioral Skills/Positive Behavioral Support (PBS) plans were up-to-date and staff had received training on plans. The Medication Information in the Emergency Fact Sheet section was consistent with the HCSIS Medication List. The DDS Regional Offices were clearly documented in all files. CS Shared Living and SQA worked together in July to refine and update the SOPs and review the process on a quarterly basis Areas In Need of Improvement ◦ Financial Records = 84% 15

CPR ACTION PLAN Items for discussion/monitoring: One site visit per client/month Do spot checks CPR ACTION PLAN Items for discussion/monitoring: One site visit per client/month Do spot checks of job coaches ( highlight them doing the right things) Interview clients about staff Conduct survey with employers Add Shared Living to the MMRs ◦ draft of CS SL MMR developed and pending final review Training of providers and provider evaluations What have we learned from unsuccessful clients/placements 16

CPR ACTION PLAN (Next 6 months) Proposed Objective Proposed Metric 1. Increasing the number CPR ACTION PLAN (Next 6 months) Proposed Objective Proposed Metric 1. Increasing the number of clients to 28 in FY 16 by utilizing the development office to assist in creating brochures and other tools to market to home providers and potential clients. Sept 2015 2. Developing a training schedule that is conducive for the varying schedules of the providers. Sept 2015 3. To streamline processes in shared living to mirror that of the residential programs, specific to training requirements, forms, record keeping, etc. 4. To incorporate the shared living department into the CS clusters, it should be seen as a 6 th cluster for most purposes Ongoing 17