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Community Managed Water Supply Scheme (CMWSS) in Madhya Pradesh by Dr P K Nandi Water for Asian Cities Programme
Urbanisation in India l l l Total Population : 1027 million Urban Population : 285 million (28 % Approx. of total, expected to increase to about 40 per cent of total population by the year 2021. ) People living in Un-organised Settlements in Urban Areas : 61. 8 million 2 Water for Asian Cities Programme
Madhya Pradesh • • • Total Population: 60. 4 million (Census 2001) Urban population : 16. 1 million (27% of total). The urban population is likely to exceed 25 million by the year 2021. People living in Un-organised Settlements in Urban Areas : 24% of the urban population( As compared to India 21%) 3 Water for Asian Cities Programme
Overall Analysis of Poverty Pockets in Four Cities in Madhya Pradesh (2006) Particulars Bhopal Total No of Poverty Pockets (PPs) Identified Indore Gwalior Jabalpur Total 380 604 229 324 1, 537 128, 170 176, 545 60, 787 109, 866 475, 368 % of people living in the PPs 30. 1 16. 3 57. 8 42. 0 Number of HHs with access to improved water source 122, 785 166, 065 58, 421 105, 540 452, 811 % HH living in the PPs with access to improved water source (average) 95. 8 94. 06 96. 11 96 95 53, 756 28, 493 19, 152 50, 225 151, 626 42 16 32 46 34 Total Households (HH) Number of defecating in open HHs % HH living in the PPs defecating in open 4 Water for Asian Cities Programme
Access to Basic Services l l Basic services such as potable safe drinking water, proper sanitation, electricity, primary education and health essential for improving the quality of life Despite heavy investments, a large population in the country continues to remain deprived of essential services. Slums rarely connected to city infrastructure Rapid urbanisation is straining existing infrastructure Water for Asian Cities Programme
Costs of not investing in infrastructure for Basic services l 15 lakh children lose their lives to diarrhoea every year in India l 3 crore 77 lakh people are affected by waterborne diseases every year leading to a loss of 7 crore 30 lakh working days each year l Safe water and sanitation can go a long way in minimizing risk by reducing the incidence of diarrhoea and other water borne diseases Water for Asian Cities Programme
Community Managed Water Supply Scheme in M. P. : The Objectives l Demonstrate ways a community can be empowered and enabled to execute and manage adequate safe drinking water as per their needs and affordability, where the Municipal Corporation do not have any plan to provide piped water supply in near future l It is a small network in which Community Water and Sanitation Committees (CWASCs) makes available water supply to the poor immediately and operates the system for a certain time Water for Asian Cities Programme
Objectives l The rapid connection (3 -6 months vs. 3 -6 years) of people to piped water as a means of attaining the Millennium Development Goals l Registration of Community Groups as Legal Entities l Developing a practical tool kit to help replicate efforts and scale up CMWSS with support from City Governments and other partners Water for Asian Cities Programme
Rationale for selection of site in Jabalpur Bagra Dafai, Jabalpur • There was no piped water supply system in this locality • The locality was being supplied water free through public stand posts from three fluoride affected tube wells of the municipal corporation • On account of disputes regarding access to water amongst the residents around 30 to 40 First Information Reports have been filed in the police station in the past Water for Asian Cities Programme
CMWSS, Jabalpur Name of the CMWSS Bagra Dafai Households 1200 Nature of capital works Laying of 4. 6 Km of distribution pipe line Cost of capital works USD 53, 000 Pro-poor connection Charges As against normal connection charges of Rs. 1375 (USD 30), and monthly user charges of Rs. 60 per month. Rs 100 (USD 2. 2) per household per month (a pro-poor approach) is being charged which includes connection charges as well as user charges. Rate of water supply Water is being provided as per norms of 70 lpcd Payback period 36 months Water for Asian Cities Programme
Rationale for selection of site in Gwalior Ramaji Ka Pura, Islam Pura and Subhash Nagar • The area is located in the hill top and water was supplied during 2. 00 AM to 4. 00 AM. • Water only reached areas located at lower elevations while a large number of households located at relatively higher reaches did not get adequate quantity of water • Higher reaches households had to buy water at the rate of Rs 100 per month • The area located in higher reaches has been selected for the project. Water for Asian Cities Programme
Pro-poor Urban Governance CMWSS, Gwalior Storage Reservoir at upper reach Distribution trunk main Construction of Ground Level Tank Water for Asian Cities Programme
CMWSS, Gwalior Name of the CMWSS Ramaji Ka Pura, Islam Pura and Subhash Nagar Households 1200 Nature of capital works Sump well of 50 Kl capacity, ground level service reservoir at Hillock of 420 Kl capacity and laying of 1 Km distribution pipelines. Cost of capital works USD 68, 000 Pro-poor connection Charges As against normal connection charges of Rs. 750 (USD 17), Rs 100 (USD 2. 2) per household per month for 7. 5 months will be collected as connection charges. User Charges Monthly user charges : Rs. 80 (USD 1. 7) as prevailing in the city Rate of water supply Water will be provided as per norms of 70 lpcd Payback period 32 months Water for Asian Cities Programme
Rationale for selection of site in Indore l Shiv Nagar, Shahin Nagar, Pawanputra Nagar, Kamal Nagar and Chowdhary Park Indore • There was no piped water supply system in the locality. • People had to buy water from private tube well owners at the rate of Rs 70 -150 per month. • People also fetched water from the Lakhani factory, located at a distance of 3 kms from the colony. Water for Asian Cities Programme
CMWSS, Indore Over Head Tank constructed under the scheme Divisional Commissioner Indore and officials of UN-HABITAT, DUDA and IMC participating in the public consultation Water for Asian Cities Programme
CMWSS, Indore Name of the CMWSS Shiv Nagar, Shahin Nagar, Pawanputra Nagar, Kamal Nagar and Chowdhary Park Households 1200 Nature of capital works Over Head Service Reservoir of 450 Kl capacity and laying of 6. 1 Km distribution pipelines. Cost of capital works USD 68, 000 Pro-poor Connection Charges As against normal connection charges of Rs. 2, 500 (USD 56), Rs 200 (USD 4. 4) per household per month for 5 months as connection charges User Charges Monthly user charge of Rs. 60 (USD 1. 3) as prevailing in city. Rate of water supply Water will be provided as per norms of 70 lpcd Payback period 46 months Water for Asian Cities Programme
The Means l Community mobilisation l Use of CMWSS l Bridge Financing so people can be connected now l Pay back recovery of distribution/connection costs in 35 years l Pilot…then upscale via Budgetary support, Domestic Bank Loans, other sources Water for Asian Cities Programme
Implementation Steps Identification : l Identification of CMWSS site by UN-HABITAT in consultation with Municipal Corporation / District Urban Development Agency l Sensitising and awareness creation among the community through IEC activities Water for Asian Cities Programme
Implementation Steps Designing of scheme & community mobilisation phase: l l l l Design and estimation of the water scheme as per the ground condition & choice of the technology by the community Capacity building of the community in the planning, designing, implementation, operation, maintenance and management of schemes by MC/ DUDA Presentation before the CWASC in a stake holder's consultation and obtaining approval of CWASC/ community on payback instalments and O&M charges Creation of the Institutional set-up at community levels i. e. the CWASC and its registration as a society Signing of MOU between MC/DUDA and CWASC Signing of cooperation agreement between UN-HABITAT and Municipal Corporation/ District Urban Development Agency Carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment Water for Asian Cities Programme
Implementation Steps Works Execution & Commissioning Phase: l Procurement of materials/ Contracting – CWASC takes the decision with the guidance from the MC/ DUDA l Supervision by MC/DUDA and Executive Committee of CWASC l Completion, commissioning and taking over of completed schemes by the CWASC for the continued O&M and replacement Water for Asian Cities Programme
Implementation Steps Day to day running Phase: l Collection of connection, monthly user charges l Operation and maintenance of the system l Conducting monthly meetings for social audit Water for Asian Cities Programme
CMWSS Business Model UN-HABITAT Cooperation Agreement MC/DUDA Disbursement of Revolving Funds Bulk water charges Repayment to RF in installments Households Community Water & Sanitation Committee Pay Connection and Monthly user charges O & M Charges Service Provider / Supplier Water for Asian Cities Programme
Thank you Water for Asian Cities Programme