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Community Learning Mental Health Research Project Manchester Webinar 20 TH OCTOBER 2016
Tackling Symptoms of Mental Ill Health through Adult Community Learning
Who are we? ØBack on Track ØManchester Adult Education Service ØCLMHR Phase 1 - Heads Up Ø 5 Ways to Wellbeing ØConnect; Take Notice; Be Active; Give; Keep Learning
Structure of Webinar ØPrevious Research ØAdapting Heads Up for Phase 2 ØOur methodology for linking Mental Health symptoms with an established ACL activity ØWe will focus on the Connect Pathway ØHow this can be adapted to the rest of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing and other ACL courses
Why the 5 Ways to Wellbeing? How do general ACL courses improve wellbeing?
Previous Research ØTitle: Examining the Effect of a Community-based Adult Learning Program on Well-being ØCompleted by an external Masters student on Back on Track and MAES Adult Community Learning provision ØInterviewed Back on Track Learners ØProduced Case Studies
Learner Quotes about their Mental Health
I came back to Manchester at the end of February, and I was depressed. My mental state was just not there. I was trying out different things and I got told about this place… My problem is depression and anxiety: that’s what my illness was. I don’t want to go out and talk to people. Our families don’t understand because they are not feeling it… Having a hidden illness is worse than having an illness you can see, so it’s easy to push people away, because you feel by pushing them away you are saving them from seeing the real you. I have mental health problems but coming here gets me out of the house.
Learner Quotes about Connection at MAES and Back on Track
You get to be with people who are in the same situation as you – there’s no fear of being different It’s like being in a small community where we are equal, like a family. I feel safe here. They offer you friendship and it makes you feel safe. My depression goes up and down, but I can deal with it better now. I can go out instead of isolating myself.
Our methodology for linking Mental Health symptoms with Connect
ØHow can the Connect pathway address common symptoms of anxiety and depression? ØWhat causes people to lose connection? ØWhen people lose connection, how might it make them feel? ØHow can we support people to reconnect?
What are the symptoms of mild–moderate mental health problems? Ø NHS guidelines for symptoms of depression and anxiety ØMental Health Self Assessments
… and how do these symptoms link to the Connect Pathway?
lack of connection Challenging circumstances Life transitions Past experiences No obvious reason
lack of connection Feeling low Feeling anxious Challenging circumstances Feeling self-conscious Feeling pre-occupied Feeling bad about yourself Losing interest in things Feeling numb Life transitions Past experiences No obvious reason
lack of connection Feeling low Feeling anxious Challenging circumstances Feeling self-conscious Feeling pre-occupied Feeling bad about yourself Losing interest in things Feeling numb Life transitions Past experiences No obvious reason Withdrawing from familiar people Losing confidence about connecting with new people Disconnecting from own feelings Feeling out of touch with society Getting out of the habit of connecting
lack of connection Challenging circumstances Life transitions Past experiences No obvious reason Withdrawing from familiar people Losing confidence about connecting with new people Disconnecting from own feelings Feeling out of touch with society Getting out of the habit of connecting
lack of connection Feeling low Feeling anxious Challenging circumstances Feeling self-conscious Feeling pre-occupied Feeling bad about yourself Losing interest in things Feeling numb Life transitions Past experiences No obvious reason Withdrawing from familiar people Losing confidence about connecting with new people Disconnecting from own feelings Feeling out of touch with society Getting out of the habit of connecting
lack of connection Feeling low Feeling anxious Challenging circumstances Feeling self-conscious Feeling pre-occupied Feeling bad about yourself Losing interest in things Feeling numb Life transitions Past experiences No obvious reason Withdrawing from familiar people Losing confidence about connecting with new people Disconnecting from own feelings Feeling out of touch with society Getting out of the habit of connecting
How to tackle lack of connection in a learning environment?
lack of connection Withdrawing from familiar people Provide a framework for connection and encourage reconnecting through structured activities Losing confidence about connecting with new people Teach and practise skills to help with communication Disconnecting from own feelings Teach activities to be able to connect with oneself Feeling out of touch with society Encourage learners to discover and share with others their own ideas and strategies for connecting Getting out of the habit of connecting Encourage learners to practise outside of the classroom, setting their own goals for connection
How can our course help with lack of connection? ØFrom the previous research we know that general ACL helped ØMore focus on self-managing symptoms can help learners develop their own strategies outside of the classroom ØWe can raise learner awareness about what it is that is helping and why and increase motivation to self-manage ØIn this way, we hope to provide even better results for improved mental health because learners can take their learning beyond the classroom
Heads Up For the other 4 pathways we will follow this methodology of: ØLook at the symptoms that link with the pathway when it is absent or goes wrong ØConsider why a person may ‘lose’ the ability to complete this pathway ØExplore how re-engaging with the pathway can provide self-management strategies for a learner
Tackling symptoms of ill health through Adult Community Learning ØExpand this methodology to any subject ØArt ØDrama ØMusic ØCommunication ØFocus on how what symptoms link with the activity, and how by re-engaging with an activity can provide self-management techniques for learners with mild-moderate mental health problems.
Any Questions?