Communique • An official communication released to the press or public by a public agency. • Introduction involves the information about the organization or authorities who publish the communique, the purpose of the communique and the time — it generally introduces the communique. • Main body has free content. • Signature is is placed at the end of communique and is done for the authority who should keep the signatures to maintain legality and formality of the communique.
Communique specific features • may be unilateral or bilateral (is published at the same time in both countries) • expressively emotional wording • ceremonial and magnificent phrases • diplomatic language clichés • use of pronoun "we" and prepositions of aim Examples ü Our summit in The Hague builds on the Washington and Seoul Summits, and we note with satisfaction that most of the commitments that participants made during previous summits have already been fulfilled. ü We welcome the considerable progress made in strengthening nuclear security, while recognising that continuous efforts are needed to achieve that goal. ü We reaffirm the essential responsibility and the central role of the IAEA in the international nu- clear security architecture.