- Количество слайдов: 35
Communicate Collaborate Create South Hamilton World Languages Technology-infused curriculum web 2. 0 tools and other goodies Communicate Collaborate Create
1: 1 laptop initiative School Year # schools with 1: 1 2009 -2010 15 2010 -2011 42 2011 -2012 90+
Pros of 1: 1 Level “playing field” - equal learning opportunities eliminate low SES - no more haves/have nots everyone has same learning tools Increased engagement Increased creativity Increased communication, leadership, technology skills. Easier to differentiate activities Extended class - anytime anywhere
Communicate So, I have a computer lab walk into my room everyday, now what? !
Moodle Modular object-oriented dynamic Learning Environment Curriculum management system to house assignments, resources, tutorials, sound and video files, and more!
i. Chat
Collaboration Ning - Each level of Spanish has their own network. Students aged 13+ can join a Ning network the teacher creates. Ning is similar to facebook, but allows the teacher/administrator to approve all site activity. Wiki - http: //spanish 1 collaboration. wikispaces. com/ pbworks - http: //quinceanera. pbworks. com Googledocs for groupings and teacher communication Newell-Fonda, Van Meter, South Hamilton http: //one 2 onecollaboration. pbworks. com
Collab Projects Spanish I fotobabble intros: http: //bit. ly/du. Kt. P 8 Spanish II ser vs estar instructional video Spanish III comparative vacation Spanish IV blogs
II Ser vs Estar
III Comparative vacation
IV blogs
What not to wear Traveling movie. . . NF begin VM/SH friends & family NF make over completed show
Create Web 2. 0 tools (Ning, wikispaces, pbworks, voicethread, wallwisher, cacoo, fotobabble, glogster, voki, twitter, showbeyond, slideshare, blabberize, bookr, puzzlemaker, wordle, shapecollage, and many more) i. Life Suite (i. Tunes, i. Movie, i. Photo, i. Chat, Garage Band, Photo. Booth, Pages, Keynote, Numbers, and others) Preloaded programs (Inspiration, Stickies, Skype, Photoshop, Smart. Board Tools, and more) Web accessible resources (JMC, blog, quizlet, Moodle, quia, yousendit, keepvid, vimeo, and more)
podcasts & Stories Garage Band tongue twisters & license plates 8 th Exploratory stories ministories
quizlet http: //bit. ly/d. Co. C 25
i. Movie + youtube download commercial upload to i. Movie turn off sound voiceover own text, sound effects, and music
Blabberize Read and discuss a story Summarize & retell the story with Blabberize. http: //blabberize. com /view/id/71520
Green. Screen ¿Dónde está Waldo?
Real-Estate Partner with local agent to tour house, create video to help sell house in Spanish.
Twitter Conversation assignment turn in ticket out & onesentence summary PLN/PLC troubleshooting resources
Skype book talks troubleshooting
Contact Information email: kim_huegerich@s-hamilton. k 12. ia. us twitter: @donakimberly skype: senora 625 AIM: senora 625 phone: (515) 827 -5418 ext 250 Moodle link: http: //bit. ly/c. OGTTK username/password: student/student