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  • Количество слайдов: 39

Commitment to Excellence in Medical Education Series: Current Topics for Physicians as Educators Presented Commitment to Excellence in Medical Education Series: Current Topics for Physicians as Educators Presented by the Office of Medical Education No speaker in this series has any financial interest or other relationship with any manufacturer of commercial product or service to disclose. No planning committee member for this series has any financial interest or other relationship with any manufacturer of commercial product or service to disclose.

e: Learning Configuration: Using technology to enhance instruction and evaluation in courses, clerkships and e: Learning Configuration: Using technology to enhance instruction and evaluation in courses, clerkships and residency programs August 3, 2006 Presented by: Karen Rhoda, Ph. D. Director Mark Fink, M. Ed. Assistant Director of Course Development Distance and e. Learning

Presentation: • Some facts and figures about Distance & e. Learning • Teaching using Presentation: • Some facts and figures about Distance & e. Learning • Teaching using Web. CT • Web. CT Courses

Definition: Distance learning (DL) Course: In a distance learning course the student and instructor Definition: Distance learning (DL) Course: In a distance learning course the student and instructor are separated by distance and connected via technology (web, CD-ROM, ISDN lines, IP Video) for at least 70% of the course content and course interaction.

Definition: Web assisted (WA) Course: A web assisted course is taught in the traditional Definition: Web assisted (WA) Course: A web assisted course is taught in the traditional (face to face) classroom setting and utilizes the web to enhance delivery of the course content.

A Centralized Operation: Coordinates and facilitates distance Learning (DL) and web assisted (WA) courses A Centralized Operation: Coordinates and facilitates distance Learning (DL) and web assisted (WA) courses Facts and Figures • The largest DL operation among Ohio’s universities • Accreditation: NCA’s Higher Learning Commission to offer electronically delivered certificate and degree programs • Designated by Ohio Learning Network (OLN) as adhering to Best Practices for Student Services

A Centralized Operation: Supporting 51, 000 course enrollments Distance Learning: Web Assisted: • Number A Centralized Operation: Supporting 51, 000 course enrollments Distance Learning: Web Assisted: • Number of courses: 784 • Number of courses: 1, 486 (593 undergraduate, 191 • Number of students enrolled graduate) in WA: 19, 239 • Number of students enrolled • Number of course in DL: 11, 360 enrollments: 34, 547 • Number of course enrollments: 16, 894 • Number of certificate programs: 7 undergraduate, 2 graduate • Number of degree programs: 7 associate, 4 undergraduate, 4 graduate

Not Only the Largest DL Operation • Other institutions look to UT as the Not Only the Largest DL Operation • Other institutions look to UT as the standard for an elearning operation Services • Comprehensive technical support and training for faculty • Comprehensive student services • Network and information technology support

Teaching and Technology President Lawrence Summers at Harvard’s 2005 commencement encouraged institutions to “think Teaching and Technology President Lawrence Summers at Harvard’s 2005 commencement encouraged institutions to “think creatively and boldly about how [to] extend the reach of excellence [in teaching] through technology in the years ahead. ” Source: Rosevear, P. (2006). “The Ivy League Explores Online Learning” http: //encarta. msn. com/encnet/Departments/e. Learning/? article=Ivy. League. Online> 1=7873

Usage of Technology • It’s a tool • It does not diminish but neither Usage of Technology • It’s a tool • It does not diminish but neither does it guarantee quality delivery of content As in face to face courses, the quality of the course content is determined by you, the faculty.

Web. CT (Web Course Tools) A Suite of Educational Tools For: • Creation of Web. CT (Web Course Tools) A Suite of Educational Tools For: • Creation of a web-based interaction learning environment • Delivery of classroom materials over the web • Facilitation of learning, communication, collaboration and evaluation of learning • Management of student and course content • Offering a course fully online or selected course materials • Enhancing the quality of learning outcomes It’s usage is up to faculty

Web. CT: A Course Management System (CMS) • Provides flexibility for faculty and students Web. CT: A Course Management System (CMS) • Provides flexibility for faculty and students • Offers compliance with the TEACH Act – By providing a secure site for course content – Password protected - only registered students have access • • • Synchronous and asynchronous communication Group discussion; chat rooms Virtual office hours CCI tools can be used in a Web. CT course Use of videotapes, CDs, video streaming, audio w/Power. Point

Dr. Karen Rhoda CI 5980/7980 Special Topics in Curriculum & Instruction: Administration of Distance Dr. Karen Rhoda CI 5980/7980 Special Topics in Curriculum & Instruction: Administration of Distance Learning in Higher Education: A graduate course in the College of Education

Dr. Timothy Jordan HEAL 6600/8600 Health Behavior: A graduate course in the College of Dr. Timothy Jordan HEAL 6600/8600 Health Behavior: A graduate course in the College of Health and Human Services

HEAL 6600 Online Course instructor audio introduction HEAL 6600 Online Course instructor audio introduction

Dr. David Meabon HED 6700/8700 Finance of Higher Education: Graduate course in the College Dr. David Meabon HED 6700/8700 Finance of Higher Education: Graduate course in the College of Education

HED 6700/8700 Online Course video presentation HED 6700/8700 Online Course video presentation

Dr. Ernest Du. Brul Online Biology and Master of Liberal Studies courses: Undergraduate and Dr. Ernest Du. Brul Online Biology and Master of Liberal Studies courses: Undergraduate and graduate courses in the College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Ernest Du. Brul professor of biology Dr. Ernest Du. Brul professor of biology

Faculty select course tools to fit context & pedagogy Faculty select course tools to fit context & pedagogy

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Questions and Discussion Your questions and comments are welcome. Karen Rhoda, Ph. D. Director Questions and Discussion Your questions and comments are welcome. Karen Rhoda, Ph. D. Director karen. rhoda@utoledo. edu 419. 321. 5130