- Количество слайдов: 18
Commission for Development Studies at the Oe. AD-Gmb. H I. Development cooperation between Austria and Ethiopia 19. 03. 2018 BOKU Presentation 1
Ethiopia a priority country for Austrian development coop. § Every year a large number of Ph. D and MSc students are graduating § As a result of the institutional partnership, a number of development projects under way in the country § As part of these institutional partnership, a development research on dairy sector has been implemented in Amhara region § The source of budget was the commisssion for the development studies (KEF)= 11352 EURO § Without this It woukld have been very difficult to accomplish BOKU Presentation 2
Partner Organisations ARA Project management team RI Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Werner Zollitsch Dr. Maria Wurzinger Tekeba Eshetie (MSc) BOKU Presentation 3
II. Water source in the Amhara Region § Amhara region is one of the 11 regional state in § § § Ethiopia Population around 19. 1 million The region is known for its huge water resources The major drinking water sources include rivers, streams, hand-dug wells and springs These sources are not protected from flooding, livestock, wildlife and human contamination As a result, water-born diseases become next to malaria health problem The overall clean water supply in the region 52% BOKU Presentation 4
Reasons for lower level clean water supply § Absence of a coherent development policy, § § § strategy and program Low institutional capacity and effectiveness Shortage of finance and huge investment requirements Lack of appropriate technology Low level of infrastructure development Abesence of involvement of the stakeholders Low water use efficiency BOKU Presentation 5
Lake Tana as major water source § It accounts 50% of the total inland water source § It has an area of 3156 km 2 It has a multipurpose values • Home of various fuana and flora • Home of unique endemic species of fish • Home of the historic BOKU Presentation 6
Lake Tana cont. . . § Source of water supply for the number of activities § Used for transportation § Major tourist attraction § Habitate for country‘s unique Fogera cattle BOKU Presentation 7
Challenges related to Lake Tana ecosystem § § § § Siltation Pollution and drainage Over-exploitation of specific fish species Deforestation Overgrazing Population pressure Flooding Conflict of interest regarding the use of the water BOKU Presentation 8
III. Cooperative project Effects of Strategic Dietary Supplementation on Local Fogera and Crossbred Dairy Cows in Northwestern Ethiopia § In the region livestock feed shortage become critical § On the otherhand, huge molasses is produced in the country § Molasses in the form of UMMB has got a positive history § Objective of this project was to evaluate the BOKU Presentation 9
Dry vs wet season grazing situation BOKU Presentation 10
Intro. cont. . . § Research: on-station and on-farm using Fogera & crossbred cows (2 x 2) § Data on milk yield, milk composition, reproductive performance and benefit: cost ratio BOKU Presentation 11
On-station cont… BOKU Presentation 12
Results § UMMB has got a positive effect in milk yield, milk composition, reproductive performance and benefit : cost ratio in both breeds § But the Fogera cows were superior in their milk fat contents whereas § The crossbred were superior in milk yield, reproductive performance, benefit: cost § When the sample result is BOKU Presentation 13
On-station and on-farm performance Traits Fogera % increase Control UMMB Milk yield 1. 50 Crossbred % increase Control UMMB 1. 91 28 3. 92 5. 30 35 Fat content 44 48 9 41 43 5 Repro. per. 1 2. 33 1. 33 3. 67 176 Benefit : cost 1. 5 4. 22 BOKU Presentation 14
Farmers‘ feed back Feedback Respondents (%) Improved repro performance 69 Improved milk yield 98 Improved health status 72 Improved roughage intake 48 Interest to produce UMMB 40 To buy UMMB instead 60 UMMB production unit 74 BOKU Presentation 15
Technology dissemination & experience sharing § Workshop conducted with 49 stakeholders (9 women) § More than 1000 brochures produced and distributed § Training of farmers, enumerators and DAs § Presentation on the contents of the project to federal higher officials and university students BOKU Presentation 16
Future Development and Research Plan § Results will be presented to Research. Extension-Farmers-Advisory-Council & other stakeholders § UMMB production and use manual will be produced § Further training on production and use of the technology § Follow up projects already designed BOKU Presentation 17
Thank you very much for your attention! 19. 03. 2018 BOKU Presentation 18